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Have you ever been in an adament argument with someone, and then halfway through a sentence, you realize that either you are completely and utterly wrong, or you don't give a sh*t about what your fighting about? What do you do in that situation?

I know that, since I love playing devil's advocate so much, i keep on arguing for the sake of the argument.

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Depends on the situation and who is the person I'm arguing with. If it's not a very important argument, I'll often do the same as you, keep going. A good argument can be quite nice after all. :)

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Guest Scorpion03

i will tend to argue for arguments sake even if im not overly bothered about it, guess i just cant help it, nothing wrong afterall with a nice argument

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Have you ever been in an adament argument with someone, and then halfway through a sentence, you realize that either you are completely and utterly wrong, or you don't give a sh*t about what your fighting about? What do you do in that situation?

Occasionally, but that only occurs when I'm dealing with people who are considerably more intelligent than myself about a subject.  When that happens I do the right thing and admit I'm wrong, to do otherwise would make me look stupid.

I know that, since I love playing devil's advocate so much, i keep on arguing for the sake of the argument.

I sometimes play devil's advocate just to playfully piss someone off in a conversation.  For me, it's usually in politics and republicans vs democrats debates.  Lots of fun :P

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Occasionally, but that only occurs when I'm dealing with people who are considerably more intelligent than myself about a subject.  When that happens I do the right thing and admit I'm wrong, to do otherwise would make me look stupid.

usually i only experience this when fighting with my older brother. And one good, tho some would argue not, about my ability to argue is that i can bullsh*t my way through an argument without actually knowing what im talking about. That's why i made such a great lawyer this semester XD

I sometimes play devil's advocate just to playfully piss someone off in a conversation.  For me, it's usually in politics and republicans vs democrats debates.  Lots of fun :P

Devil's advocate on a touchy subject = hours of fun XD

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When I'm wrong? Admit defeat, because "wrong" only applies to hard facts anyway.

When I don't give a shit? I -always- give a shit  :trollface:

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When I'm wrong? Admit defeat, because "wrong" only applies to hard facts anyway.

Even if its someone you seriously dislike, and to admit defeat to them would bruise your ego for the rest of your days? (or for however long an ego-bruise lasts)

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Even if its someone you seriously dislike, and to admit defeat to them would bruise your ego for the rest of your days? (or for however long an ego-bruise lasts)

I don't know, man, those ego-bruises suck like none other...

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see if this tells you any thing

my dad says that i could be a lawyer.

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Even if its someone you seriously dislike, and to admit defeat to them would bruise your ego for the rest of your days? (or for however long an ego-bruise lasts)

Debating to make yourself look smart isn't a very good motive for it. If I'm wrong I'll say so.

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After finally reading the first post of this thread, I'll say that I always keep going with the argument, still trying to convince them that they're wrong and I'm right...even if I know it's the complete opposite.  I don't know, I must have a sensitive ego or something XD

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Debating to make yourself look smart isn't a very good motive for it. If I'm wrong I'll say so.

Debating to stroke your own ego is dumb, but debating bc its fun, i dont see the harm in that. Although i end it if its becoming a flame war.

see if this tells you any thing

my dad says that i could be a lawyer.

lol same here, im actually thinking of law school XD defence lawyer FTW XD

After finally reading the first post of this thread, I'll say that I always keep going with the argument, still trying to convince them that they're wrong and I'm right...even if I know it's the complete opposite.  I don't know, I must have a sensitive ego or something XD

Some times i keep the debate going even if i know im wrong bc its the only way to see the idea from that persons perpective. Sadly, im so agressive about it that people usually withdraw after not too long  :(

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I argue/debate to defend my points or beliefs, not to improve my status among my peers.  However, as I mentioned in my previous post, if I realize halfway through that I'm factually wrong I usually don't back down.  Most of the time it becomes a case of pride.  When the debate is based on beliefs rather than facts, however, I don't think it's possible for me to be wrong.  If they make a good point, I let them know.  Debates on beliefs tend to go more smoothly for me.

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Even if its someone you seriously dislike, and to admit defeat to them would bruise your ego for the rest of your days? (or for however long an ego-bruise lasts)

To be wrong to the face of fact is not shameful. Facts do not belong to my enemy, and with defeat I learn for future encounters.

To get butthurt in such a situation is stupid.

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I usually find out the correct facts first and I only get to an argument is someone doesn't know the fact.

But if I just entered a random argument, I'll continue arguing.


no one is always right

            ...... Er, right?

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if an argument has gone dry, but we are both in the mood....i find something else to argue about

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