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Great Fox:The Long Hyperspace Trip

Guest Eclipsed Phoenix

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Tie: Cloke Mirace and use the push sheild to blast the enemys out...

Sientes: Yes sir.

*The Era pressed a butten and the massive ship vanished, in the hall way a large sheild apperad and pushed the intruders out of Miracle and in to outer space*


Lilacs: I don't think so Jasho, you may shadow walk but how are you so sure we arn't hollow grams.

Jasho: Becaus-

Lilacs: Up, Era hollow gram tech is very well done in facted *over radio* Now is a good time guys....

*All of the Era fighters and tanks disappered*

Lilacs: By the look on you face you must wonder how the V-wings and other ships were shot down, Nano bots my friend very powerful.

Katara: Yo Lilacs, we go company Four fur faces are approching.

Lilacs: You, and the others take care of them, *Looks behind him* Come on B.O.B we got a pointy eared fool to crush.

B.O.B: Bad guy!

*turns back around, and wispers*

Lilacs: You are an enemy to my race thats trying to rebiuld from a great lost, you will be destroyed!

*Dives at Jasho and roars*

OoC: Okay don't down Katara ,Sam, Cut, Ner, M-2, and Lilacs in one post its already hard enough trying to fight against two armys and reseraked my main charactors every post, so please don't kill everyone in one blow!

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Incoming Message from The Mobius:

"Phoenix, the ship has been repaired and is ready to go. We recieved a distress call from the Centauri Moons. Are you coming?"

Yes, I am on my way. Radio Bekuraia and tell him to return to the ship.

"Yes Sir!"

Sorry guys, I have to go. I've got some business to take care of.

*Phoenix exits into the atmosphere and re-engages to the booster ring and departs for The Mobius.*

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*ducks the oncoming Lilacs and slashes through*

"...More holograms.  Because you can't come out and face me like you have balls, is it?"

*forms a shell around him*

"Your planet was destroyed by the Clarks, right?  I know exactly how that feels.  Anger, hatred, revenge, all that.  They had no right to take it all away from you; yet you feel you have that right?"

*casts True Sight and steps out of the shell as Lilacs charges again*  "I have nothing against your people.  But why Corneria?  Your people are better suited for Aquas or Zoness, and you'd face a lot less resistance.  Invading the most populous planet instead of #2?  That's just stupid."

*stands unblinking as the hologram passes through him*

"You wanna rebuild your civilization?  Fine, but know this."

*draws vibro-katana, looks past the flickering holograms and charges straight at the real Lilacs*  "I swore to protect Corneria.  Rebuild what you want, but stay the hell off my planet!"


The push shield made a dent in the Horde, but an EMP cannon quickly solved that minor issue, and the swarm continued towards the bridge.  Zul, one of the Hunter commanders, had already led his troops to the power core of the Miracle along with several Scorpion units.  He grinned wide as his men slaughtered the fleshbags working in the room.

I don't want this vessel left flying, he barked at his men.  Jettison the core.


The gate in the hangar bay widened.  One after another, Scourge Banshees flew from the gate, blasted a hole in the sealed bay door, and emerged into the Cornerian sky.

(OoC:  Instead of calling cheese on all the holograms, I'm going with True Sight.  For the record, I really, REALLY dislike the "You killed my hologram!" card.  Oh yeah, and I still haven't decided if I want to RP Star Fox.  For now, assume that they're there, doing what they do best.)

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

OOC: I could try and do it...

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OoC: Sorry Kal but the Hallow gram card is all that I really have left.


*Before Jasho could slash Lilacs the wepon was tooken from him*


*M-2 gives the wepon to the little arm and the droid dismantils it to a bunch of small parts, even the thread around the handle was broken down to it's smallest form*

*Lands his ship on the snow*

Lilacs: You wish for a real fight then here I am no wepons on sadow walk.

Jasho: Just one queston.

Lilacs: what? is it about invading Corneria? and you think it was stupid...Hehe no let me start it from the beganing so even your little brain can figer it out. We found the lilat seyestm when we set scouts searching the area, I and my friends are that very scout patrol. when we found Great fox we tried to set up lissening post so we could study your languig. The only way I am seaking to you now is because of the Translator in my gills. After that and B.O.B's little mishap with a welding tool we found you and revin, then the clarks made an un exspeted attack..like thats new, In fact these other planits Zz..zoneess and..and Awas most liky already belong to Clark by now.

Jasho: But why attack?

Lilacs: We didn't attack, you tried to blow use up in that transport, and then when you and your stupid slimy friend were grabed by M-2 you tried to destroy him, If you don't know all ready his job is to protect me.


Lilacs: You brought this on your self and the Corneria's!

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"Right, and I suppose I brought this on Fichina, too.  And the orbital gate, even.  Yeah, uhuh, all my fault.  I was trying to turn Corneria into a frozen wasteland.  Yyyup.  And I almost got away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"

"Seriously, that's utter bull**** and you know it.  You boarded the Great Fox in the middle of an attack.  You would've done the exact same thing and you know it.  And all the deception, leaving the ship, the attacks in Corneria City?  That was a misunderstanding too, I suppose?"

"The Clarks don't even know this system exists.  One of the Star Fox team your crew's facing came directly from Aquas.  We ran into them far enough away that they couldn't have seen Corneria on sensors.  In fact, if anything, they probably followed your battleships here!"

"You know what I see?  I see a slimy lizard who betrayed the people who saved his life.  Who tried to invade a planet he had no business on.  One that doesn't even suit him.  Standing in front of him is a man trying to fulfill a vow to his lord, to protect Corneria from scum that betrayed him."

*grabs Lilacs' arm and shadowalks with him*

*on top of a building in Corneria*  "You want me to trust you?  Prove it; call for a cease fire, and I'll put aside the vendetta.  The toads only occupy half of Aquas; your people can settle there.  I can help you fight the Scourge and the Clark."

*leaps to opposite side of the roof*  "But if it's a fight you want, you got it.  No weapons, no holograms, no guns, no giant robots.  Just you and me.  Last one standing wins.  And I'll even give you the first move."

*assumes defensive position*  "Your choice.  Make it."

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Lilacs: You didn't let me finish... Fichina is an outpose with one on it and if you new one thing Era's are cool-blooded and we thrive for warmth. Do you think Clarked and his army which mostly Eras would take over a frosen wast land? Look if you are so sure that the clarks haven't taken over Awas and Zuness then look at this, M-2 play the transsmistion.

M-2: Begaing Clark fed transsmition.....Loading...

Rink: Yes sir many planits many slaves to our will.

Clark: Yes *lets forked tunge pasted lips* this Lilat seystem looks very...how you say... Tastful

Clark fed soldier 1: My master the Miracle scum has already found the syste-

Clark: This is only a scout troop send in the mother ship and take controll of the two aquadic planits...NOW

Rink: As you wish....


M-2: Transsmition finished

Jasho: Still -

Lilacs: Not finished!, M-2 play part two.

M-2: Playing transsmission after Clark battle with great fox...


Rink: We mett up with the creaters of these worlds.

Clark: And?

Rink: There very primative...

Clark: Good...


Lilacs: M-2 get to the good part

M-2: Affermative!


Rink: The The aquadic planits are ours sir!

Clark: Very good Rink, show me one of the locals...

*Rink grabs a Toad*

Clark: Tell me, are there an other planits that contan life?

Rink: Speak, you fool *hits toad*



M-2: End of transmition.

Lilacs: Does this change your mind, Jasho?

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"Which definitely explains why Slippy and Amanda are perfectly fine.  As well as why the Clarks aren't already here yet.  And why you tried to kill everyone on Corneria by freezing them solid.  Yyeah, that works."

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Lilacs: If you still do't belive me then I can tell my general to shut off the Ice age wepon and make every theing lush again, But then you will find out the hard way, not to trust a demon.

Jasho: The clark federation is not here!

*Laser hits roof top knoking LIlacs and Jasho of there feet*

*points at the sky*

Lilacs: Now do you belive me!

*Truns around*


*The frosn sky was full of red and black Clark federation fighter and Battle ships*

Lilacs: And becuse the planit is a winter wonder land that shuold only stick around of a shourt time

Jasho: They all ready know we are here.

Lilacs: No Clarks menos are pritty sure of them selfs but it would be a good Idea to hide.


OoC: Why does vacation go by so quickly? well don't exspect me to post untill later because the rest of my day will be spent driving home.

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*sigh*  (I can NOT believe I'm doing this...)

"Fine.  C'mon, let's go."  *grabs Lilacs' arm and darts into the shadow as more lasers tear into the building*

Clark pilot:  "Targets have disappeared from radar.  They couldn't have gone far, find them!"


"I believe that's the second time I saved your life from the Clarks.  You got a comm link to the Miracle?"

Yes, but they're under attack right now.

"Yeah, Phoenix planted a gate beacon in your hangar.  I know that; I told him to do it."

"The plan was to have the Scourge wipe you out, then point them in the direction of the Clarks.  If we're not too late, we can get them to fight with your troops against the Clarks.  But...You'll have to play along.  Cause if they don't believe us...we're all ****'d.  Got it?  Good.  Call up your captain.  Tell him exactly what I'm about to tell you."

*explains the plan*

How are you so sure they won't kill us after the Clarks?

"Because they're not specifically going for the Clarks.  Sarq's been trying to hunt down Raj ever since he took over and kill anyone standing in their way.  If they believe the Clarks are hiding him, they won't stop until they find him in their hands.  If you're fighting the Clarks, the Scourge have no reason to kill you, savvy?"

"Think about it:  Your biggest enemies wiped out before you.  Your people have their planet back.  The Scourge get their traitor and leave.  What do you have to lose?"

(OoC:  Yeah, vacations are too short.  Hope you had fun.)

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Ooc: Thanks, yeah it was a blast, the in door and out door gokarts was the best of it all!


LIlacs: I'll play along, But this isn't all of Clarks wepons this isn't even a 1/8ths. And even if this Scourge could destroy the Clark federation,...I still wouln't have my home planet back.

Jasho: What do you mean?

Lilacs: My home planet Fana is nothing but flating rocks in space now...


Lilacs: Miracle is all that is left of my people and there ways, well what are you waiting for redirect the Scourge!

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"...Give me the comm."


Why is this ship still flying?  Miserable litt-

Sir!  We're getting a transmission from the surface.

The hell?

Fleshbag, identifying himself as Jashobeam-

What?!  Put him through!

"This is Jashobeam Valnek.  I need to speak to the-"

Koulthan scum!  What are you doing on this rock?

"...Zul?  Uh...small world, ain't it?"  *sweatdrop*

I swear, I'll hunt you down after what-

"Can it, rustbutt, I got something you want."

You're going to reg-

"I found Raj."

...Care to repeat that?

"Mirage Viper.  Raj.  Scourge-king.  Traitor.  Mr. Snozzynoggin.  Whatever you wanna call him, I found him."

Yes, we traced his beacon, that's what why we're here.

"I sent the beacon.  Raj ain't stupid enough to try and scurry home after Sarq took over."

How did you know about that?

"Revin told me-" You dumbass!

Revin is with you?!

Think fast... "Yeah, he was, but then-"

I killed him.

*mouths "Thank you" to Lilacs*  "Yeah, I set him up, and the Eras killed him.  His body's probably rusting at the bottom of the ocean by now."

They have our gratitude.  Doesn't save them from the sword.

"You're right, that doesn't.  Know what does?  They're fighting some punkasses called the Clarks.  And I have a very, very reliable source telling me that Raj is on the Clark homeworld.  Tried to pull the strings, got his hand caught in the cookie jar.  He's missing two arms and a support pylon, easy pickins rottin' in jail."

Name your source.

"What could possibly be more reliable than Raj's own weapon?  That's right, the Silver Demon told me after it ditched his sorry ass with the Clarks.  It told me where he was, I borrowed one of the gate beacons Kal had lying around, and...well, y'know."

On an alien vessel that is clearly not a Clark ship.

"Well, I was actually hoping the Miracle would've left orbit by now.  Slight miscalculation.  Here's the scoop:  Clarks wiped out the Eras' planet, hoping to wipe them out.  That ship...that's all that's left.  They need your help to save their race.  In return, they lead you straight to Raj.  Sarq gets his traitor hung, the Eras get their lives back, and you get to wipe out a civilization no one wants anyways.  Deal?"

...And you are positive that Raj is with the Clarks.

"Wouldn't've sent for y'all if I wasn't."

Unless you were losing.

"Eh, maybe."

...Very well.  The Scourge will help you crush the scum protecting Raj.  We will need use of the orbital gate to transport more ships.

"Ooh, bringin' out the Barracudas?"


*low whistle*  "Glad to hear it.  Oh yeah, and one more thing."


"Can I get one of those Banshees?  They're so much fun!:nervous:"


That was easy.

"Just gotta know the right leverage."

And what's to stop them from turning on us?

"Cause I know the Scourge.  They were sent to Koulthos because it was just beyond the boundaries of known civilized space.  We're on the other side of the galaxy from the Scourge planet."

And if they reach the Clark world and find this...Raj person isn't there?

"...It's not a perfect plan, I'll admit.  Still haven't figured out how that's gonna work.  Still, at least for now you'll have their support."

*radioes Phoenix*  "Hey, listen, I need you to do me a favor...Yeah, I need to contact Kal immediately.  Where is he?  Err...Koulthos.  And he doesn't have a long-distance comm.  Trust me, if it wasn't important, I wouldn't ask you."

"Tell Kal I need to know what he did with Raj's body.  I've got a pretty good idea what happened to his mind, and I wish I didn't.  Mephaust is a stubborn bastard.  Hm, what?  Oh, nothing."

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Radio Kal?

I've got reports that the call from the Centauri Moons was a fake.

Those F**ckers!!! I say we bring this ship to Corneria and help them out any means nessicarry.

Not with that Scourge Ship around. We don't want them thinking we're going to attack.

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*Far from the battle on Corneria on the planet Titania*

Rink: Here is were we must look my master.

Clark: Very wel, began digingl

*Rink and a soldier began to dig in the hot sand, soon they reached a piece of metal*

Clark: Move over let me se this!

*Gets on his hands and knees *

Clark: Yes, YEs this is what I need.

*Grabs the piece of metal and pulls it out of the sand*

Rink: What is it?

Clark: Have you ever heard of Andross?

Rink: No

Clark: He was a great mad sientist with a army so vasst.

Rink: What does He have to do with this rusty piece of metal?

Clark: This is his DNA.

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(OoC:  ZOMG plot twist!  =O)

"Actually...scratch that, Phoenix.  The Scourge are our allies for now.  Return to Corneria, we're gonna need that ship of yours."

Does the "great Jasho" have a plan?

"I could deal with less lip from you, thank you kindly.  We don't need Raj's body.  It'd be more natural for the Clarks to have killed him, right?  Well, it'd be even more natural for Raj to download himself into their mainframe before they "killed" him."

*shakes head*  The antivirus scans would pick him up immediately.  He wouldn't last an hour in their system.

"Right, but the point is that there would at least be a record of him being there, savvy?"

I...suppose.  Slight problem, stupid:  you don't have Raj's programming.

"First, it's his consciousness; if you're gonna insult me, at least get the reasoning right.  Second, I don't have it...but I know who does and where to get it."

So what are you waiting for?  Go get it!

"Well...there's a problem.  I can't get it.  Someone else has to.  This is gonna take some explaining, so..." [cue dramatic MI-style briefing flashback]


Y'see, most places have death for capital punishment.  One of the few things Kal borrowed from the Scourge is their own version.  See, there's this one Scourge, Mephaust.  They call him the Tormenter, and with a damn good reason.  The mind planted in his body is that of the sickest, most twisted psychopath to roam their world, they say.  Raj made him ruler of his own dimension, his "lab," where everything bends to his will, even the laws of physics.  Anyone guilty of the most heinous crimes pay him a little visit.  And he kills them in the most painful ways you can imagine.  Lava bath, quartering, wood chipper, disemboweling, you name it, he's done worse.  And they wake up the next day and go through it again and again until their sentence is up.

*the scars on Jasho's back start to throb from the memory of the Grinder tearing into his flesh.  He stops, winces, and continues*

You don't actually get sent to the Lab; your mind gets transferred like a phone call from one of these suckers.  *pulls out a dormant Cerebral Borer*  Last time Raj was out here, Kal put a spider on his head and took the body back to Koulthos with him.  No one's seen him since.  Given how much Kal hated him, I'd say he got a life sentence to the Lab.  The longest I've ever seen before that was two months, and let me tell you, that guy was broken.  Couldn't talk normally, shook all the time, eyes wide open, kept having visions of what happened in the Lab...Killed himself half a week after he got out, couldn't live with it.


"Here's the deal:  Someone goes into the Lab.  Bargain with Mephaust, get him to release Raj's consciousness, we save it to a disk, Phoenix gets him into the Clark mainframe, bingo.  We have our evidence that the Clarks were working with Raj."

Hmph.  Sounds good on paper.  So do it.

"Actually...I can't.  I was one of the first on Mephaust's table when the Scourge were on Koulthos.  He...wasn't terribly happy I managed to escape.  No way in hell'd he deal with me.  And whatever happens, you'll have to do it on Phoenix's ship.  If the Scourge find out we're trying to plant Raj in the Clark homeworld, we're through."

Wait, me?!

"Unless you got someone else in mind.  The fact is, it has to be done before the Miracle reaches the Clark homeworld.  I repeat, the Scourge will slaughter your people if they find out they've been had.  Y'all're safe from conquering, not eradication."

"So...got anyone else in mind?  Cause it looks like you're it."

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

We'll see what we can do. No promises though.

*Phoenix radio's the bridge*

Set course for Corneria. Full speed ahead.

*The Mobius shudders to life and starts moving towards Corneria.

Crud. The Hyperdrive is out. We'll have to go like this until engineering gets it back online.

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All right then.

*Gets up and walks to fighter and takes off*


*Jasho turns around and looks a the large robot standing in front of him*

Jasho: Okay...

*The two stand there, Jasho waiting for M-2 to reply, M-2 standing perfectly still staring at the small former target*

Jasho: Uuuu?-


Jasho: Oh so do I control you now?


_______________________________BACK ON TITANIA______________________________________________________________________

Rink: Yes we have the DNA, but the army what makes you think DNA will bring you an army?

*Punches the red Era over on to the hot desert sand*

Clark: Don't question me, or you will share the same fate I have in store for the Eras!

*without getting up*

Rink: Iam very sorry my master!

Clark: Get up you bag of scales, we must make it to Venom, NOW!

*gets up quickly*

Rink: Yes, master!

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"Hey!  Wait!  You're-gah, horse****!"


"Err...yeah, whatever.  Just hold still, will ya?"


This is Lilacs.  I'm heading back to-What the-?

*knocks on the windshield*  "Hey, where you think you're goin'?  Not leaving me on this rock, are ya?"

The thought had crossed my mind.  Where's M-2?

"Eh, you know him.  He'll probably be along in a second.  Anyways, I ain't just gonna leave you guys with the Scourge.  The deal goes bad, you're gonna want me up there with ya.  Or, rather...

*eyes glow blue*  You are going to want me with you.  The Scourge are wise to be afraid of me.

*ngh*  "The Demon's enough to keep them from betraying us.  So...that a two-seater, or am I gonna have to hang on the whole time?"

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Lilacs: Fine do that shadow thingy and get in here

Jasho: Don't mind if I do

*Shadow walks in to the Cockpit*

Lilacs: Jasho do you mind moving your leg I kind of need to drive this thing.

Jasho: Not my fault its a one person,...B.O.B move over.

B.O.B: Jasho guess what....We are in a space ship!11!!1!

Lilacs: *Thoughts* Great now Iam having to share my ship with two retards.

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"...Well, it could be worse."

Really?  What could be worse than trying to cram a retarded robot and a scruffy-looking idiot into a single-seat cockpit with you?!

"I am not scruffy-lookin'!  Besides, at least-"

BOB:  Are we there yet?

"...Well, that's one way."

He touched me!

"And that's the other.  If you ignore him long enough, does he shut up?"

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LIlacs: *Starts laguging* *stops*...no

B.O.B: The big space ship engines pistons go up and down up and down...

_______________________After leaving the Ausfear___________________

Jasho: Were are you going?, the Scourgeis in the other drection.

Lilacs: We are going to need preperations and there is no way in Hell Iam going to share a single pilot ship with two males!

Jasho: So were are we going then?

Lilacs: To Miracle!

_____________________As they approuch the Astroid belt___________________

LIlacs: This is Co land C1 Lilacs asking for prumission to land.

Command: Opening hangers!

Jasho: What there is nothing there, just a bunch of rocks.

*LIlacs didn't pay any attinchon to Jasho and slowly move ofwerd, as the ship moved a large beam covered it. When jasho opened his eyes he was in a giant hanger with ship every were*

*As the landed Jasho hops out*

Lilacs: Get the Heavy fighter next to my ship it looks ready to go.

Jasho: Oka-

*Exsplotion, and the door in frount of the falls open, revilling Era soldiers fighting against Scourge units*

Lilacs: Quickly we don't have much time!

*Jasho climed into the Fighter, when the large glass cover sealed him in a small robot like B.O.B woke up in the back (OoC: Jasho doesn't know B.O.B 337 is back there and don't worry B.O.B 337 isn't stupid). As soon as Jasho grabed th controls the vessl loached its self out of the hanger*

*Flying behind him*

Lilacs: Jasho thats a heavy Fighter your flying incresd wepons and armar, its a good step up from the light fighter.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Engineering: The Hyperdrive is back online.

Jump into hyperspace, head for Corneria.

*The Mobius enters hyperspace.*

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

We have reached Corneria's Orbit.

*The Mobius exits hyperspace and drifts in Orbit.*

Now we wait for Instructions. Don't worry about that other ship, they claim to be friendly, though I wouldn't keep my guard down.

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Female pink Era: Sir, a large vessle has just exit hyperspace.

Tie: This must be the The Mobius.

Male Red Era: Sir they are trying to reach us by com.

Tie: Bring up the main screen.

Male orange Era: Main screen turning on.

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