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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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and got a lot of crap generic items but thats ok

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Yeah, that game was awesome. So.. many.. surplus vouchers. >:D

I played some more later and had a lot of fun too. No vouchers that time though.

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Well, today I got over 300 ping and got spikes of over 1000. Obviously unplayable. I tried going engi but it would not even build where i wanted.. Also I have officially crapped out my shitty gpu. Hopefully I'll get a new one soon but i get around 40 fps now on lowest settings even using a special low res script. Aaaaand yes, I will be one who is going to complain about stacking. But I am also going to contribute a way to fix it. A scramble every game maybe? Every round? A random team every time you join the server like it used to be? Bring back the old rivalry of ZDMC vs SFO? I don't know. But I might not be playing on SFO too much anymore if it will continue to be this one sided... just dont get how steamrolling every game or getting steamrolled could be fun.

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Dunno what you mean. A scramble once per round? A scramble once per game night? What?

I mean a scramble once per round. Like a team wins or loses, then a scramble occurs. No matter how balanced the teams are.

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I'm not bringing back ZDMC period. Not now, not ever. If you want a clan to fight SF-O, you are free to make one.

Anyway I sucked, I was bored, I did good, I had fun. In that order. Nothing else to say.

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Tonight was awesome. :D

...Mainly the second half of the night, but the first half wasn't bad...just annoying to me.

Rob and I were Medic-Pyro on koth Badlands... I had 5 dominations. :3

And we did well on Junction too. I love Medicing Rob or being his pocket. IS GOOD.

Got a lot of good reflects tonight too, so that was fun.

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I had a lot of fun tonight! Some minor stacking on Badwater that evened itself out, and on Mountain Lab I almost lead the pubbies to victory with some great coordinated teamwork, but the other team was just too entrenched on defense, to say nothing of the 3 sentry guns at spawn on offense.

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I had a lot of fun tonight! Some minor stacking on Badwater that evened itself out, and on Mountain Lab I almost lead the pubbies to victory with some great coordinated teamwork, but the other team was just too entrenched on defense, to say nothing of the 3 sentry guns at spawn on offense.

There were only 3 pubbers on that team.
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Didn't do as well as I would have liked, it was fun even though I've had some RL issue that got me all pissed off today.

And I seem to have moved into first place on the server.

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There were only 3 pubbers on that team.


also hush let me preteeeeeend </3

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And I seem to have moved into first place on the server.

Only on account that I couldn't make it. I was laid up in the hospital all day. I'll get into the details of that for anyone who asks on steam. Right now at the time of this post, I'm tired, still have morphine in my system, and I'm heading to bed.
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I left early due to one-sided games. Wasn't fun.

I'm thinking about doing a force join random team plugin, except this time one that doesn't lock team switching later. No Heroes does this on their payload servers and it seems to be somewhat effective.

Of course, a big factor is the quality of pub players. Some nights, we get some decent ones, occasionally we'll get some genuinely skilled ones, but we also get a lot of n00bs. And said n00bs always end up on the same team, making for one-sided games as our regulars stomp the shit out of them.

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I'm thinking about doing a force join random team plugin, except this time one that doesn't lock team switching later. No Heroes does this on their payload servers and it seems to be somewhat effective.

"This is good plan."

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One sided DZ? While your team always beat mine, we did give you a good run for your money, and a few times we lost because we were total dumbasses (lol abandoning CP3 with no Engineers rebuilt).

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Well, it was shorter than usual. It was pretty entertaining though. I did tons of mistakes and really stupid things, but I didn't do too bad.

Anyways, I recorded most of the night, it turned out much better than last week. However, I'm wondering if anybody actually watch those. It takes lots of time to reccord, convert, upload, and I'm wondering if its actually worth it ? Like I spent most of my saturday converting and uploading these.

Also I found something that works tons better than Vdub to compress videos. Its called avidemux ( http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/ ). Unlike Vdub, changing quality presets actually works !

(I'll add the links as the movies are uploaded)

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I watch it. :3

Keep doing it Psy. It'll be interesting to see gamenight from multiple viewpoints rather than just mine. Like if even just two or three of us record, and at least one of each of us is on a different team, we get a chance to see both sides, rather than just one.

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Aw I missed last night! Looked like fun as always; I'll be on tonight! I swear it!

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Yeah, I never watch the whole game night when Gene or anyone records them, but I do skip through it and watch a few minutes here and there at the interesting parts.

So keep doing it if you guys want.

Good you got last night recorded since Gene wasn't around. ;)

I would record from my point of view too but I'm afraid my fps is already <45 typically on completely low settings, so it probably would not work for me, sadly....

I will be there tonight of course, by the way.

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Game sucked. Unfriended a number of SF-O players that I don't see or talk to outside of the server, or are otherwise inactive. Pulling out of SF-O and abandoning this sinking ship.

Don't bother inviting me until the random team plugin is implemented, if that ever does happen. I haven't enjoyed myself on this damned server since March, and all the time I spend here would be better spent on the servers where I actually do have fun.

If I encounter this same team stacking bullshit next time it'll be my last.

If you feel that I'm being too extreme, ban me. I honestly find it hard to care less at this point.


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Firebug isn't being too extreme. Tonight was meh for a lot of people. Just no fun for me so I left early... thinking about going back in for a bit since a lot of people have left. Might be a bit more enjoyable.

Teams were crazy, games were pretty annoying and I was just not playing well at all, mainly. So eh, not a good night for me. Next week will be better..

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I think you're overreacting a bit, Firebug. Aside from Fureox and Mopbuckets going Heavy-Medic, teams were hardly stacked tonight. That said, dunno what's happened since March to drain the fun out, but whatever.

Addenum: I've been doing fucking horrible for several months as well, but I haven't been letting it get to me. I go engineer, and I'll get trashed by pyros, ubercharges, and everything in beween, I'll try combat engie and I can't do anything without a flaregun in my face or User blowing me away, and playing Heavy is near impossible because my FPS chokes so hard I can't aim at anything. Despite all of this, I still have fun when I can. I get stomped, beaten, burnt, but it doesn't get to me. I think we should all chill out.

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I love how Mop and I have caused so much butthurt.


With 2 people?

out of 16 players???

Give me a break. Take your lumps like a man, private twinkle-toes.

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