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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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I've taken all of your good times and added them to my own. So yeah my game rocked tonight.

Oh by the way my name is Zero-Two. Yeah, we're doing this again >B]

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So seeing what a lot of people are saying, I will assume that is why the server was empty by midnight? On good nights, people are sometimes on pretty late, but it didn't seem so. Let's try better for tomorrow I guess. I'll be there if I can. I decided tonight to play some retro games instead, but I'm also "under the line of fire" right now and I'm not sure If I will get around to anything.

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One day gone and the place is ravaged by pubbers.

I might show up Sunday, but that hinges on me getting a couple non-SF-O friends onto the server for gamenight.

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I don't think tonight will be as bad pubbers-wise. Last night was abnormally bad.

I'm not normally one to complain about pubbers, but after that round on Harvest where every single member of BLU had at least 2 dominations at one point, and not one domination on RED, I was feeling the rage inside.

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I don't think tonight will be as bad pubbers-wise. Last night was abnormally bad.

I'm not normally one to complain about pubbers, but after that round on Harvest where every single member of BLU had at least 2 dominations at one point, and not one domination on RED, I was feeling the rage inside.

That would explain the admin initiated scrambles on Harvest at the start of the next round and also on a couple of other maps. I didn't recall any complaining about pubbers in game but that is probably because I was on the other team the entire time. Ironically though, when the scramble occurred in Harvest the steamroll reserved itself - only worse than before.

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It was pretty fun for a while, until all the good players got randomly put in the same team..

That flooded badwater map was surprisingly fun.

However the huntsman has some serious problems and it shows a lot on this map, you can't fire underwater, you can't fire even if you're above the waterline but still in the water, you can't fire while in the air ...

I played like crap again, I don't know why. So much that 2 days ago I thought I had completely forgotten how to rocket jump :S

Here are the videos for the game night :

Once again, feel free to remix those if you want.

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The custom maps were a problem, at least for me. Either they didn't download, like two of them, or they took a ridiculously long time to load. Now it could have been other factors like internet, which was terrible for me all day. I'm not going to flip and beg you all to change the map rotation, but I'd suggest it. I left because I messed with settings to try and get it working, but I also screwed myself over. Guess I'll have to fix this later!

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Send more men! Send entire armies! I will destroy them all!

I had fun, could've used more regulars though.

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Sorry, Friday night (as I said before) I had a lot to do and couldn't make it. Last night there was football, really late game.

Sounds like I didn't miss -too- much, though. But at least you all had fun. ;)

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It was pretty fun. There were a lot of so-so moment, and uncool things though.

I crashed again, corrupting my vid for mountainlab ..

I did a little better, but I made tons of dumb mistake again. Especially when I was playing medic on mountainlab ...

Like accidently walking into the pit under the point with my ubercharge full. I got a little unfocussed and didn't uber when I should have. At least Zero was patient about it, lol.

Anyways, here are the vids. The first part of mountainlab got corrupted, like I mentionned above. I had to resync the audio of many subsection, one at a time. And with vdub its pretty painful :S And near the end, theres a sudden skip of like one minute ahead, couldn't fix it.

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Last night had quite a few fairly balanced games, well done everyone.

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I really didn't have fun last night. I had a bad headache, and psy_commando's beggar's bazooka spray-and-pray spam was not helping.

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I really didn't have fun last night. I had a bad headache, and psy_commando's beggar's bazooka spray-and-pray spam was not helping.

Speaking of Psy I lol'd hard at the first 20 seconds of this video. Sorry DZ. :3 Psy, how do you change the hit sound?

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Psy, how do you change the hit sound?

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Well Psy, good to see someone picking up Medic a bit while I'm not around.

Well, someone gotta do it ! :-)

The pubbers weren't all that great at it, and I rarely see any other of our regulars playing medic.

I really didn't have fun last night. I had a bad headache, and psy_commando's beggar's bazooka spray-and-pray spam was not helping.

Well, sorry about that, I didn't mean to cause any harm. It seems I upset a lot of people with that launcher, each time I get on a server there's always, always, someone that complains about how it takes no skills to use that launcher :/

If it can make you feel better, later I went on a NoHeroes server with a super good super spammy demoman against us, the kind that get a score of 300 in a few rounds, and i received my fair share of spam to say the least ! It ended like this : http://steamcommunit...;showComments=0

Well the one I have doesn't have that bell sound. I got it here : http://tf2dingalings.com/sounds

More precisely here : http://tf2dingalings.com/sound/details/392

And they even got that sound from Quake that STAR is using in his vids.

Also User, here's one you might like : http://gamebanana.com/tf2/sounds/16733

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That's because it doesn't take any skill to use the BB, just a bit of timing and a lot of luck.

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That's because it doesn't take any skill to use the BB, just a bit of timing and a lot of luck.


As an experienced Soldier, here's what I think the pros and cons are of Beggars's Bazooka.

Pros: ability to kill everything other than an overhealed heavy at close range when rounding a corner; blasting them to bits before they can even think "Oh god, soldier!"

Overload jumping; an extremely situational technique that allows an experienced soldier to reach Sticky Jump distances, effectively 'flying'

Tears up in MvM

excellent mindless spam potential for chokepoints ala demopills


No ability whatsoever to effectively fight more than one opponent.

Normal rocket jumps are much harder to do, and getting used to them means you need to retrain yourself when using other launchers.

error ratio, very luck based weapon at anything other than point blank

needs 3 seconds of charge to be effective, needing either a TON of awareness and prediction, or, well, more luck.

Needs LUCK to do well.

Did I mention that BB's performance has a lot to do with random chance?

the ugly:

Look at it, it's literally a trash weapon. >=c


So there, that's why BB gets hate.

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God, stop saying a weapon is "trash" or "garbage" or "shit." Every weapon is situational. Every weapon has its potential. Every weapon has pros and cons. Maybe not the stock weps but they have no pros OR cons, simply the standard for comparison. Valve works hard to make every weapon count and every weapon a side-grade and fair. I think some people should pay more respect to this. Also, I think it's time we stop singling people out. A lot of people spam, like every demo man. Not just Psy.

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God, stop saying a weapon is "trash" or "garbage" or "shit." Every weapon is situational. Every weapon has its potential. Every weapon has pros and cons.

Yes, and Milky's post spelled them out for you. However, the term "situational" loses it's meaning when you use it in ALL SITUATIONS.

Also, I think it's time we stop singling people out. A lot of people spam, like every demo man. Not just Psy.

We also never named out Psy for h8, just the weapon. The fact he uses it almost to the point of notoriety is moot.

BB encourages bad habits just like any other non-stock Soldier weapon. Milky is just doing his part at OUR GLORIOUS LEADER GENERAL MAN and telling us this.

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