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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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I always think it's neat to see two replays of the same moment. Like when Rob did his Implacable Medic around the same time I did my "RED Team Can Fly?"

Nice replay, by the way. I tend to pick on angle and stick with it, since I'm too lazy to make multiple takes.

Thanks, and I don't blame you, the replay editor is a pain in the ass to work with.. If you want to change the position of the camera at the beginning of your take, you have to redo everything that follows.. And pretty often it just glitch, and weird things happen..

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Everyone better be there tonight. I MEAN EVERYONE. No whining, no not having fun. Everyone must show up and have fun, or else.


I have 60+fps on high settings now so I want some people to kill tonight. :D


... Tomorrow, too.

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But I suck at TF2, I dun wanna. XD

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Can play tomorrow. Both my girlfriend and I were incapacitated by previous engagements yesterday so tonight is a belated Valentine's date. No can play tonight, I'm afraid. :U

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Of course, I was just kidding about everyone, but I do hope we have a good turnout tonight.

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I dunno if I came on at a bad time but I saw Icy Hidi Gene and Psy, everyone else seemed to be pubbers.  I had fun but I wish we'd do more Attack/Defend or CP.

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I dunno if I came on at a bad time but I saw Icy Hidi Gene and Psy, everyone else seemed to be pubbers.  I had fun but I wish we'd do more Attack/Defend or CP.

You came on late after everyone else left.
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Last night was fun! I was playing horribly most of the time, but Frontier was a lot of fun and I did fairly well there.


I hope we get even more regulars in tonight. Last night iirc the server was nearly full a few times.


As always, I'll be there tonight. You all better show up too, by order of the captain.

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I had a really good time at this Saturday game night. Then I was getting bored... Then I started getting trolled. Then Fox McCloud was just being an ass. So I quit. Yes, I rage quit, yes I was mad bro. But gamenights would be way more fun if we actually had our leader there :/ along with some other people that used to make gamenight fun. Like scourge and another person that no one really talks about anymore because he's moved on.

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Tonight was fun! I sucked a lot tonight, like Friday night, but meh. I had fun. 

There were some cool moments here and there but lately I've just been missing really easy shots, doing stupid things, and dying because of it. :c I need to play more, I guess.


I do miss some of the older players that don't show up anymore, but hey, we've got a lot of regulars that show up now and it's still really fun. I hope next week is as awesome as this week has been.

Everyone, remember to join next week like you did this time. :D


I recorded both last night and tonight myself, just to see how it went with this PC, so I'll sort through it all and see if they're worth uploading.. :S

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I had so much fun last night, or maybe that was because of all the stupid stuff being said (And hey, there was a kid who sounded just like me, but more than twice as annoying). Ok, so who's going to write the song of heresy? I can't wait to see the replays of last night.

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AHAHA song of heresy, lol. It was a good game night, sorry i joined in on the last part though. Glad there were a bunch of people there still :D

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Friday was really fun, Saturday was fun for a few maps, until the steamrolling began and didn't stop until most of the regulars left.. And there's something very weird going on with the server, my ping is under 100ms, yet I got lots of warping, and most actions took longer to happen. It really messed up my aiming and rocket jumping :(
I even saw myself shoot a rocket just before dieing, but it disappeared when I died..

Oh, and I heard/read at least 3 times STAR_'s "I got the Critz !" quote during the weekend.. What's going on ? Did he brought that up again ?

Then I went on a NoHeroes server with Icy, and everything played much better. And they began using those stupid pot-of-gold ads.. We also stumbled on some crazy demoman/beggar's bazooka soldier called "etep". I can't tell whether he was legit or not, but damn, he got over 100 points while everybody else had like 60 max, and the kill feed kept filling up with his kills.. That was pretty damn scary..

I actually recorded that, I'll see if I can get the vid up soon.

Here are the vids for Friday:


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I need to start playing again. Especially since I have a new graphics card now.

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You should play again and make sure Romulan and others aren't stealing your lines.

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So, I should be able to join you guys tonight ;D

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Toradora marathon with friends. Me no can play tonight :U

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Aw, we'll try to have fun without you, Firebug. :P


Scourge (and DZ?) will be there though... it'll be a glorious night!


Everyone join tonight. Last week was great and we need to make this one even better!

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Had a blast tonight.  Did pretty well if I do say so myself.

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Wonderful game night my friends <3. I enjoyed using my voice again as well, if I sounded a little weird, it's probably due to my sickness.

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I never even heard you talk but a couple of times, Zero, we were always enemies. :P


And Scourge, you lied!


Tonight was great! I kept having to brb over and over and over again. This family... blah!

Hopefully tomorrow night I can stay all the way through..


Anyway, Firebug can't play tomorrow night either, just so you guys know.


EVERYONE JOIN AGAIN TOMORROW. We will have an even more glorious night, I can assure you.

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