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I ought to rename something that isn't reflect-able to the "Anti-Firebug Device," like the Bison.

I have half a mind to get one of these just for dealing with e pyro bros


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I ought to rename something that isn't reflect-able to the "Anti-Firebug Device," like the Bison.

The bison is pretty hard to use correctly though. You have to aim a certain way to get the maximum number of hits on your target.. The pyro would probably have time to take out his shotgun if you don't take him down fast enough. Though its much better at medium/long range than the shotgun, IMO.


And no need to torture yourself Firebug, I was just joking :)

But if you're looking for something challenging to try, you should try the Bazooka and go rocket knight :3

( Definitely not enough people use the BB ! And seriously, wouldn't it be awesome to gather a bunch of BB soldiers and bomb the crap out of an engie nest !  )

And, I've never seen Zero play pyro before !



Oh, and this is the spycrab I mentioned earlier :


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-14 minutes.

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Had fun. Left early due to RL stuff.






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Me an Gene were neck and neck for Medic points tonnight! Badass.

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Had fun. Left early due to RL stuff.






It's part of my gimmick for Heavy. Also, you couldn't afford it.


Sorry you had to leave because of rocket launcher stuff though.

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Yeah, but when a shipment comes a shipment comes.  Can't have the customers angry.

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Couldn't play because surprise UGC scrim :C

Might be around tomorrow but I know you guys don't want me around~

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Oh, tonight was awesome. A lot of the gang was there, too.

Loads of fun on Barnblitz. Especially, of course, when, with 10 seconds left, we made an amazing push after a hopeless 5+ minutes. I moved my sentry into the final room with everyone and I think it kinda sealed the deal, which made me happy. :3



Fiiiiiirebug, be there tomorrow!

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Couldn't play because surprise UGC scrim :C



Technically wasn't UGC as it was just a HL Scrim but still, that was a surprise to me as well with Halfdead asking me kinda last minute if you guys can use my server when a friend of mine was already doing a 6's PUG.  Good games though on Upward.

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I was playing Killing Floor with a few friends so I couldn't join.

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So yesterday wasn't quite good for my side. Bad connection as usual + apparent server lag + me tired as heck didn't quite make me better than usual.


Honestly I believe I was horrible. Especially on that duel with AJC. But hey, a last second kill was enough.

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1 more hour, everyone. You'd better show up. :3


Also, I recorded last Friday and there were some good moments, but I haven't gotten around to compressing them yet.. because I'm lazy or something. :V

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I'll be there !


I completely took apart my mx 518 to clean it up from the inside, for the first time in at least 5 years. It was one of the grossest experience in my life.. I had to wash the entire casing in warm soapy water, and scrub each parts for an hour to get rid of the crap on it.. But the mouse wheel was the worst.. I naively thought that this slimy liquid all over the mechanism was lubricating grease. Well I was wrong... :(

The worst part, is that I'm much more careful than most people I know with my stuff, I never eat at the computer and even wash my hands before using it ! Yet all that crap accumulated there.. D:


Anyways, what matters is that now I'll be able to press M1 and M2 without the buttons getting stuck..


About the vids, sorry about that, but I haven't had the time yet to compress them and upload them. And I have 900GB of raw tf2 videos on my HDD so its time for a cleanup, but that takes time..

And Tuesday my grandmother died, and to top it off I caught either a cold or the flu and my medication is messing up my digestive system, so I spend lots of time in the bathrooms..

In short, I had a lot of other things to deal with..

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I completely took apart my mx 518 


/hi fives


I have the same mouse! Love it to death, it's a fantastic piece of hardware.


Also you assholes better be there tonight because I can play for once in ever

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double post since I'm off


Good night was good, got to see many faces, played hard. Did fairly well for not having played in a few weeks. Thanks for a great game!





also booty

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...also booty

Rockin' everywhere.

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Tonight was fun, but I just couldn't do anything on Frontier. My team apparently had no clue what a blue cart was for, and Genebug was just destroying everyone, so you know. :P


But I had fun aside from that, so meh!

There was an appalling lack of Rob, DZ, and Ajc, though...

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Phlogged the entire time I was there. Seems that as long as I have a reliable Medigun lifeline on me, I can still unleash fiery terror without my airblast or quick switch speed. Good to know.

Also Genebug is the best tactical codename I've ever heard

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