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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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We had a great turnout, though I didn't really do anything amazing aside from a few lulzy Fists of Steel duels against snipers.

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Yeah, I need to start playing more! And use Heavy more. ;)

It was a great night and very fun. :)

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Bah! I got called midgame on Mountain lab with someone telling me that I had work today and that I was late for it.

Also, I believe I did some swell spying/scouting.

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Yeah, I need to start playing more! And use Heavy more. ;)

It was a great night and very fun. :)

Protip: Always jump around corners and rev your minigun midair so you can start shooting if you see anyone without getting caught off guard.

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Sorry guys, won't be able to make it tonight. I have some IRL shit to take care of tonight.

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Sorry guys, won't be able to make it tonight. I have some IRL shit to take care of tonight.

's alright. At least you won't be able to heckle our teleporters.

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Oh well, maybe Sunday will be better :P

I sure hope so...

Tonight was BORING

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I sure hope so...

Tonight was BORING

I did get a ton of Pyro achievements tonight though, one of them thanks to you for being engie.

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Anybody here gonna show up for today's TF2 match? I probably will...

Yeah, I'll be there.

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Mother of GOD so many Medics and Heavies at the end of Dustbowl. Not really mad about it, but daaaaaaaaaamn.

Also I loved my awesome Fists of Steel killing spree.

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Tonight was my first rage quit in a long time. I was -pissed- because I couldn't do much more than die without a dedicated medic on me.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

"If at first I do not succed, I'll just keep on trying...and trying...and trying...until I say 'Screw it.'."

Not bad this time.

And yes, SO MANY MEDICS+HEAVIES AT DUSTBOWL...I never expected that!

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Also I loved my awesome Fists of Steel killing spree.

I watched that whole thing while I was healing you and struggling to stay alive. That was indeed impressive Lol

I was on a roll today. 40+ headshots in the first payload match.

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That was AWESOME.

That was the craziest stuff on Badwater Basin. That overtime win made me SO MAD.

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I watched that whole thing while I was healing you and struggling to stay alive. That was indeed impressive Lol

I was on a roll today. 40+ headshots in the first payload match.

Even after you died (sorry about that btw XD) I kept going for a good few seconds. I was like a MACHINE.

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Heavy is Credit to Team... Especially when there are 50,000,000 of them.

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