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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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I was only there for  ~3 minutes or something, lol.

Some of my HL team members were joining and I didn't want it to become a srs pro clan stack so I quit for a few, then I joined again but it was getting on time to play a scrim so I had to go..


Friday was fun, though! And next week I will show up both nights.

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I think I know why we haven't been getting as many pubbers lately:


This is the important bit:

>Each time a player connects to a server, it loses 15 points

>For each minute the player stays on the server, it earns 1 point (up to a max of 45 points per player)

I have noticed that we do have a lot of people who only play for a round or two and then leave. This negatively effects our server score. The lower the score, the fewer people quick play sends.

So, please stay for at least 15 minutes. If you leave earlier than that, you hurt the server. Though if we get people to stay for 45 minutes, it will really boost us.

Also, I upgraded the server. When it comes back online, it should have three CPU cores and 5GB of RAM. Hopefully that will help with the lag.

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I was gone on a shitty connection last Fri and Saturday. Really couldn't use my mic either. 


Well that and the rage quit. I'll make it next week.

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Tonight we had a lot more regulars and just players in general! It was a lot of fun even though I could not seem to do anything as any class except Medic. I don't know what was up with me.

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Says Icy as he keeps dominating me :P


Agreed, it was fun.  I am glad we got to play different maps and that it was a full house for at least a little while.  

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The server gets an upgrade and I can't even join thanks to my computer BSOD-ing.. :(

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Tonight we had a lot more regulars and just players in general! It was a lot of fun even though I could not seem to do anything as any class except Medic. I don't know what was up with me.


super medic bros though


But yes last night was great. Had a lot of fun and for the first time in SFO TF2 history we actually talked about StarFox. Holy shit.


I might not be around for today's game.

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Finally finished enough of my game backlog to pick up TF2, so I'll be joining you guys on Friday! :D

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Awesome night! Started slow but had an absolute riot. Most fun I've had on the server in a long time.


Remember to use protection, kids.

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Congrats to Lone and Icy.


Plus Elmo. Plus the WHALE. 


My god... what was under the sink guies?

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What was under the sink? NOTHING!


Ah, I'll have to get what I recorded up.

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Why did I my computer had to break.. :(


At least I just got it working again ! At least, its working this far..

Please, keep a little of those fun times for me guys :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cowards leave server. Cowards must come back and reclaim honor and glory.


Please? ;_;


We were really going there for a while. Biggest turnout (of SFOers, at least, AND pubbers!) in a while, then suddenly everyone leaves. I don't even know what

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Cowards leave server. Cowards must come back and reclaim honor and glory.


Please? ;_;


We were really going there for a while. Biggest turnout (of SFOers, at least, AND pubbers!) in a while, then suddenly everyone leaves. I don't even know what


Ironically, after all the regulars left the server filled back up once the map changed to badwater and it's still going strong as of this post.

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Would have played, but a scrim got postponed to the same time :v

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I can't play at all! I've no computer to run TF2 on!

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Peaked at like 8 tonight, hmm...


I had a little fun here and there, though. We need to play Frontier more. I nominate it often but we don't usually choose it.


Also... I just took 1st on the stats. We need more activity. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

This weekend feels like another where people are going to show up, but I likely won't be around given my schedule on the weekend (Working out + more working out...No seriously).

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  • 2 weeks later...

We got a good game. Tons of pubbers. It was pretty good.

...Until nooblord medic showed up.

And Scott prevented a good uber.

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Managed to stay a good time in the server and actually play this time. Got even some dominations, finally. o3o


Hoping to join again. This was fun.

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Also, dustbowl stage 3 was basically this:



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It was kinda fun these day. Too bad I'm still having the horrible stuttering issue..


Does anybody else get that ? And what are your cl_cmdrate, cl_updaterate, and rate set at ? I got told to set updaterate and rate pretty high, so the server and client negotiate the highest possible rate.So far it looks like its stuck at default..


Honestly, I have my doubts that this would do anything good.. When I used the engine with my mod, and having desync problems, it didn't do anything really..

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As far as I know, all my settings are pretty much all at the default value, so I can't help you with the stuttering issue...


I had a lot of fun tonight. I only got to play for about an hour, but that hour on Dustbowl was really fun. Glad to see we're getting a lot of random people in again. :-)


Thunderflare and that Quick Fix... it's gone from being useless to crazy good. We went up against sentries [nearly] successfully with one QF uber.

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