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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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Icy, I hope you're online right now, so we can have some fun together like last week.

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Steam crashing cut the night short


Scourge was sad

I thought it was all your rage that crashed the server. I was having fun playing with some buddies!

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The server crashed. Not sure why. I guess it could be related to the Steam Fail but who knows.

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Hit me up if anything is going on anything other than a gamenight. I work Friday and Saturday nights now so it's gonna be tough for me to exist at all ever. Fortunately everything's starting to ramp down during the week so lemme know if any of you want to play just about anything.

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Just an FYI, Srob, I don't care if you're on my team or the losing team, I absolutely hate it when people engie in a small server. I always found it cheap (though lat night was the first time I acted that way and for that, I apologize.)

It's not that you weren't welcome and if you would've switched, my attitude would've basically 720'd the moment I would've realized you're not a heavy or engie or if we'd gotten enough people.

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When you are winning, do not bitch about the losing team's class comp because one dude can kill you. Any kill the losing team can get means they are one step closer to not being ground into the dust...bowl




And in regards to tonight: lotsa fun with just a few of us. Iunno, these smaller games are kinda nice, and it kinda forces me to stay off heavy to avoid provoking.. well, everyone. It got worse later with the spawn camping but meh, GG all around.

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Dang it Scourge, that one game ... we could have lost! If you didn't save the day and became the defining reason why our team won in the final seconds  ... we were this close to loosing, and you made us win. Thanks a lot. 



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Dang it Scourge, that one game ... we could have lost! If you didn't save the day and became the defining reason why our team won in the final seconds  ... we were this close to loosing, and you made us win. Thanks a lot. 



I'm not even sure which one you were talking about

enlighten me

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I think it was a Goldrush match on third tier. 

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Goldrush (ugh) stage 3. RED were defeating the powerful BLU team when Scourgie decided to go Heavy and put the team on his back, all the way to the final terminus. He only killed one person there, but the rest of the team was so inspired by his display of confidence that two of their Scouts rushed ahead, destroyed RED team, and dropped the cart into the hole. RED team, very angry about this sudden turn of events, called out the last-second Heavy move and got into an argument with BLU team, causing one valuable RED player to disconnect.


It was a game to be remembered. ;)

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Oh yeah, that



The one kill you were referring to was a fucking assist, there was no reason for the copious bitching that came afterwards

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and then we just fucking played sanic ball for an hour and a half


permanent sanic ball server pls

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We need a switch to turn the things like Starbound and Minecraft n' such bacause vidyagmaes.

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or just keep Fridays and Saturdays for TF2

and play other games all other days of the week


like were doing now

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Hey Scourge, think you can come online right now, this very instant?

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LOL. Hope your eyes aren't too droopy right now, or I'll be Dominating you before ya know it.


I wish Icy was on...

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Heh, yeah, sorry. I'm not going to be online after 2AM here anymore. Got a new schedule I have to maintain 100% no matter what.


Scourgie can be your 4AM buddy now. :D

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Scourgie may decide to take summer classes so he can graduate early and less-expensivly


Scourgie also has a job


Scourgie really shouldnt be awake past midnight but fuck the police apparently.

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Well guys, how about this? I'm available this coming Wednesday at 02:00 till 4:30 PM my side, so that'll be somethin'
like 10:00 AM over your side. Think you can make it?

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Well guys, how about this? I'm available this coming Wednesday at 02:00 till 4:30 PM my side, so that'll be somethin'

like 10:00 AM over your side. Think you can make it?


I'll be here, just lemme know when it happens.

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Yeah, I'm on, let's GOGOGO :D

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Well, Mann VS Machine went well. I waited and waited... And no one turned up. *sobs*

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Tonight was good gents.


Glad t'see y'all there.

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