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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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Thirdly, I laughed my ass off at Lonewolf's "Ugh, ponies plaguing my TF2" line. That was so horribly rich considering his constant furfaggotry.

That's what I'm here for. Be another annoying furry. I'm unique in that I dislike ponies though, or so it would seem.

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Well, all I can say is that if you're gonna post furry pictures, don't complain when I post ponies.

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Well, all I can say is that if you're gonna post furry pictures, don't complain when I post ponies.

That's a perfectly good point. I don't usually complain about ponies, but when I do, I bitch about it to no end. /mostinterestingmanintheworld

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Also from tonight:


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I left early but I think I recall hearing something about sprays from a couple of people. I set most of my graphic settings to low so in practice I can't really see any of them. What exactly was Lonewolf spraying anyways?

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I left early but I think I recall hearing something about sprays from a couple of people. I set most of my graphic settings to low so in practice I can't really see any of them. What exactly was Lonewolf spraying anyways?

I couldn't see Lonewolf's clearly, since it was kind of blurry to me, but it seemed to be in the same vein as all the other sprays Milky's complained about, so he complained some more. Mine was Trixie, so Lonewolf complained. That's about it as far as sprays go, I think.

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I couldn't see Lonewolf's clearly, since it was kind of blurry to me, but it seemed to be in the same vein as all the other sprays Milky's complained about, so he complained some more. Mine was Trixie, so Lonewolf complained. That's about it as far as sprays go, I think.

Really, both furries and bronies pollute the TF2, and I tend to ignore them. I bring bronies up as a trolling comment, because such a vast majority of the server are bronies. I've learned to ignore MLP for the most part. It's just become a part of the internet that I dislike, but have learned to accept. I'm not a hater, per se, but more of one who silently disapproves and voices his opinions among friends, even if it does mean offending such parties.

So, in the end, go ahead and like what you like, and if I'm really that offensive, I'll back off.

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. I'm unique in that I dislike ponies though, or so it would seem.


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lololololol i found out that last night, The power of friendship remember?

BTW uploading about 13 minutes of our game on to youtube. i'll give you guys a link when its done

Edited by Sky King Ajc
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Probably some of my worst playing ever that I can remember tonight. Had trouble getting motivated after a 3 hour long hockey draft that should only have taken an hour >_>

That, and sudden lag spikes and constant sputtering were getting me killed left right and center - impossible to aim with this going on.

DZ, any idea what might be going on with your server? It's been acting wonky recently.

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I got so goddamn mad today. I usually get on to people for really raging really badly at this game, but Jesus Christ. Within the first round of Pharaoh, I got hit by no fewer than ten impossible headshots, including me jumping through the air and almost being around a corner and getting hit by the sliver of aiming room that was there, or me standing behind my much higher-priority teammates and having a Sniper thread a fucking needle through all their heads to kill me instead. Then random crits started raining down from the wrathful TF2 gods, and more bullshit headshots occurred.

Then I ditched and came back, but I still didn't have any fun at all. Feels bad, man.

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On that note, I fucking hate Pharaoh with an undying passion. It's the worst payload map I've ever played on and is nothing more than a series of long corridors with sniper battlements at each end. Whoever designed it loves Sniper very much for all the love the class gets in the map.

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i never have gotten head shoot on the map, but i did really well today! i'm about to get to 30,000 points!

In other news scourage claw made me rage when he went heavy in a 4v3! and he was on the team of 4!

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In other news scourage claw made me rage when he went heavy in a 4v3! and he was on the team of 4!

One heavy shouldn't be a problem unless he is paired with a medic. Sure they are tough but taking them down is not that difficult.

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One heavy shouldn't be a problem unless he is paired with a medic. Sure they are tough but taking them down is not that difficult.

Yeah as I pwned a Heavy on pl_outback with the FaN although he didn't have a Medic with him.

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One heavy shouldn't be a problem unless he is paired with a medic. Sure they are tough but taking them down is not that difficult.

while i agree it was lone wolf myself qnd some scrub, vs 4 others including dz, mr.n, and scourage claw. When he went heavy their team was vastly over powered
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From the sound of it he could have been a melee sniper and the teams would still be overpowered. So I still say that him being a heavy was justified.

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I dunno, we were getting stomped pretty early on in Pharaoh even before the Sniper bullshitfest started. I was trying to have fun being battle engie and I couldn't at all, since I had a competent demo and soldier fucking me up all over the place like the match was srs bsnss

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From the sound of it he could have been a melee sniper and the teams would still be overpowered. So I still say that him being a heavy was justified.

No we were winning slighty

I dunno, we were getting stomped pretty early on in Pharaoh even before the Sniper bullshitfest started. I was trying to have fun being battle engie and I couldn't at all, since I had a competent demo and soldier fucking me up all over the place like the match was srs bsnss

i think i was that soilder :D
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