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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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I happened to like the auto-assigner, IMO it made the games on average more even and more challenging since we were forced to play against the players who we often would like to have on our team.

I've told this to a few of you already but TF2's primary purpose (and this is the same for other games as well) is fun. If we don't have fun then what is the point of playing? Without naming names what IS the point of constantly complaining or nitpicking about any aspect of the game on a regular basis? Why can't we take losing gracefully and lrn2lose in the process? Losing makes one a better player and unless it's a 2 minute steamroll on payload stages or something similar on CP stages there really isn't any point to a vote scramble.

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Gene, as much as I respect you on things, but I must disagree on the Auto-Assigner. I hated it, it kept me from playing with my friends. Sure, you can say that prevents stacking, but I play support classes, so I need to play on a team with at least one person I know well and can trust. Besides that, sometimes I just want to be on the same team as my bros.

Fair enough. I'm just trying to go with whatever option makes us have the most fun. If the auto-assigner isn't the thing, well then people need to stop being so vocal about 'supposed' stacking and as User said, lrn2lose. I mean hell, most of the time I want to play against the super-awesomely-skilled people on our server. It's the best way to learn their tricks for yourself.

Meh, when we have a game full of pubbers; enough for everyone on to clanstack, I say, 'Hell with fairness, let's roll." but then that makes said pubbers ragequit when they get rolled, but whatever.

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Mr. N, don't blame yourself, it isn't your fault. If you feel you need to take a break, then take a break. Auto-assign wasn't a bad idea, I just didn't like it. Really, I think the "buck up and accept losing" route is the best way to go. If we faceroll pubbers, then we faceroll pubbers. it's better than ENDLESS STALEMATES and TEEEEEMS R BEING SCRAMBLED.

And if it means anything to you all, I do have fun on game nights (even with the bad frame rates). I just want my bros to all have fun, too :(

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Jeez, guys, what is this all about?! I didn't play tonight but it couldn't have been anything new. I don't take offense to anything Scourge says… I always take it humorously… and TF2 IS ‎STILL FUN. As long as it's on the SFO server. What is wrong with everyone?? You're all taking stuff way too seriously lately. Sit back and relax. SFO TF2 is still fun… just lighten up. It's not about winning, it's about playing and having FUN. -.-

People keep typing the word "fun" "it's not fun anymore" blah blah blah. You sure you haven't forgotten the meaning of the word? Sorry, but really, you can still have fun even if you're the lone SFO guy on a team of F2P pubbers and you are getting demolished by the all-SFO opposing team. I do!

The only times I get frustrated are when people are flaming, raging, and arguing. (Or possibly a Heavy/Medic on 3v3… but that's beside the point) Barely ever happens but lately it is happening more frequently. People don't like "naming names" but I don't care: Milky, ‎Rob, Mr. N, and sometimes Scourge (but as I said, he always has a humorous take to it) seem to be the ones always arguing about the teams/games/"fun" lately. Not that I hold anything against them, but sometimes it's just pointless bickering that messes up the game.

Can't we all just get along? If you're not enjoying it then don't play for a little while. Most of the people thinking it's no fun anymore are making it that way. A lot of other people are still having "fun" but they're not? Um…

Sorry if this comes off as a little offensive or ignorant (as to the feelings/opinions of others) but it's the way I see it… *shrugs*

And as a final note, I kind of don't even want to play if there's going to be no Mr. N and Scourgeclaw… :(

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Wait, I'm flaming and raging? The most I'll do is go "LOL U MAD" at people who are throwing a fit in the chat in-game, and for the most part I am fairly cool about our server (see the part where I'm one of the guys whose "having fun").

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Wait, I'm flaming and raging? The most I'll do is go "LOL U MAD" at people who are throwing a fit in the chat in-game, and for the most part I am fairly cool about our server (see the part where I'm one of the guys whose "having fun").

I never said you were flaming and raging. I said you, Scourge, Milky, and Mr. N seem to be the ones who argue. (About teams, maps, and stuff)

I don't mean anything bad or offensive.

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You also said "flaming" and "raging" but not the point. Sorry if I misunderstood you.

I will admit to legitimately pissing and moaning about Badwater basin though but only because we play it EVERY GAME NIGHT and the rounds go on FOREVER and it takes like 4 rounds for BOTH TEAMS for the map to change.

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I said I get frustrated when people flame and rage… and argue.

But it's okay. ;)

I also dislike Badwater. It's a good map and fun to play but we just go there way too much… we go to payload way too much. ;)

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The only time I find it not fun is when you can't get more than like 20 yards out of spawn.

Yeah, losing sucks, but I don't mind when the team I'm on is trying.

I do rage from time-to-time, but lately I think my raging has been more related to when I am a support class that is not being properly protected.

There was no significant team balance difference last night compared with usual. Teams still rolled, and apparently people could not switch later as I had originally thought. Because of these, I disabled force auto.

I also upped the scramble threshold so that scrambles will only happen if 60% of the players on the server approve.

Christmas maps have been removed.

Engies are now capped a 3, Heavies capped at 2.

Also, we all need to work on this, myself included, if one team rolls the other, please vote for the scramble, even if you are on the winning team. There are usually enough of us on that we can override the pubbers. Of course, only vote for the scramble if it REALLY WAS a roll. If BLU only fails to cap the last point, it was NOT a team imbalance in favor of RED. Neither was it imbalance in favor of BLU, either.

What is a roll:

Team caps the flag 3 times in 4 mins or less in CTF

BLU can't cap the first point in A/D or PL when it should be an easy point to cap

BLU moves the cart non-stop from start to finish in PL

BLU caps all points in A/D in rapid succession (Spy caps don't count)

A team never caps the point in KOTH

A team fails to hold the point for longer than a few seconds in KOTH

A team never caps a point in 5CP

A team never makes it to mid in 5CP

A team is unable to get out of their spawn for a significant amount of time (What constitutes "significant" varies by map)

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Awww, now we have an engineer cap? But seeing 5 engineers on Upward was -glorious-!

I kid, I kid, we rarely need 2, much less 3 engineers anyway. 2 heavies seems fair, too, although my NINJANEER capping on Badlands despite there being SEVEN heavies was hilarious and terrifying (more so because we won).

Anyway, DZ I'll see to getting you that map rotation update sugestion list today hopefully.

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I did call one votescramble last night, I voted no on the rest, but when it's all of SFO versus entirely silent team of random and only moderately okay players and one member besides me, I think the skill is swayed a little in the other team's favor. Or maybe the winning team just has to have Firebug on it. Damn that guy's good.

Otherwise, I enjoyed myself mostly tonight, but people raging and that ^ above happening multiple times caused me to bail, mostly because I have a bunch of other games I hadn't played and wasn't really feeling TF2. Good game all, and remember, sentry spamming enrages even me.

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@DZ's post: That all sounds great. :D

2 Heavies will be good. Sometimes we have noobs playing Heavy and we need an experienced one. But of course, with the cap at 1 it's hard to do that. So 2 sounds good.

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I did call one votescramble last night, I voted no on the rest, but when it's all of SFO versus entirely silent team of random and only moderately okay players and one member besides me, I think the skill is swayed a little in the other team's favor. Or maybe the winning team just has to have Firebug on it. Damn that guy's good.

Otherwise, I enjoyed myself mostly tonight, but people raging and that ^ above happening multiple times caused me to bail, mostly because I have a bunch of other games I hadn't played and wasn't really feeling TF2. Good game all, and remember, sentry spamming enrages even me.

This scenario never happens. You only think it does because believe it or not not all of us use the SFO tag.

Even so, believe or not, the majority of SFO is honestly mediocre, so basing your opinion of whether or not teams are stacked by names alone is dumb.

Thirdly, sentry spam calls for medics. Medic is the class everyone wants someone else to be. If no one's doing it, man up and play medic yourself. This advice goes for everyone, too.

And lastly, Firebug is a good pyro, but by no means a team carrier. In last night's game, I dominated him even, and juggled him about with rockets and mowed him down like little baby with Heavy jump revs. So he's not the unstoppable force everyone claims him to be. =V

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Well, as long as we can get competent engineers, it's all good (I'm looking at YOU, Hazardous!)

Frustration might cause me to scrap my engie items and not use the class anymore (Jag and Wrangler) except for Badwater to hold the roof.

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I'm all the engineer SFO can handle *flex*

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And lastly, Firebug is a good pyro, but by no means a team carrier. In last night's game, I dominated him even, and juggled him about with rockets and mowed him down like little baby with Heavy jump revs. So he's not the unstoppable force everyone claims him to be. =V

If he has Dr. Fureox stapled to his ass then yes he is. :3

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Thirdly, sentry spam calls for medics. Medic is the class everyone wants someone else to be. If no one's doing it, man up and play medic yourself. This advice goes for everyone, too.

I was actually playing medic during the sentryspam. Your opinion is based off of insufficient information. Your argument is thus invalid. :-P

And @ User: Indeed.

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Mini-sentry spam is better anyways.

I want to see three Gunslinger Engies on Offense just for the lulz.

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Mini-sentry spam is better anyways.

I want to see three Gunslinger Engies on Offense just for the lulz.

Challenge accepted. On game night I'm bringing 2 Gunslinger Engies and will not change class the entire time.
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Naturally I'm gonna be Gunslinging. :U

Kinda says something when 3 Engie weapons are in the top 5 spots for number of kills.

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If he has Dr. Fureox stapled to his ass then yes he is. :3

This says more about Fureox than anything, because Fureox is an accomplished medic who knows how to stay alive. Pyros aren't bad medic buddies, especially against scrubs like us. =V

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Started a pickup game last night. One thing I noticed was we (myself included) were complaining about the amount of Payload being played. Just want to stress the usage of the !nominate command to pick non-PL maps so they get voted on and we all don't get sick of PL later tonight. :U

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