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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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Sorry I had to bail. Mother in law got on my shit. Then I tried to come back later, buuuut Steam wouldn't boot.

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Yeah, we didn't have much of a turnout tonight at all. Most of the time it was about 12 players total.

Still had a little fun, though. Ajc, K9, Executor, and myself were the little underdogs battling Gene, DZ, Rob, N… for a while. :P

I did a BUNCH of trading throughout the week. I have a hat for every class, good hats that I like. A couple of new misc items and a new Strange. (Blutsauger)

All I need is a Strange Medi Gun and a Strange Rocket Launcher and I'm done with gathering TF2 items. :D

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I lol'd at ACJ's raging at my proHeavying. Poor guy.

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I lol'd at ACJ's raging at my proHeavying. Poor guy.

i lol'ed at rob's " i am good player because i kill you guys with heavy medic "

lol, dude i really don't mind heavies or heavy medics, its just how you acted like a big shot XD

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i lol'ed at rob's " i am good player because i kill you guys with heavy medic "

lol, dude i really don't mind heavies or heavy medics, its just how you acted like a big shot XD

I didn't act like a big shot until you started bitching about it. Funny, that.

Unless you mean my hammed-up big shot acting, which I've been doing on here since forever because its funny any noone takes it seriously.

Any scrub can M1 with Heavy and kill a few people. It takes coordination, situational awareness, map knowledge, and the ability to sneak a 300 pound giant snail of a hit box behind people to be good at Heavy.

What next, you gonna complain about Engineer because I technically don't have to shoot anyone and let my sentry do all the work? Your "huurr M1 like a tard" comment was immature and uncalled for, because again, I didn't provoke you. I can get the chat logs from the server if you really want me to go there, but you threw the first stone. Grow up some, kid.

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SF-O should do some more L4D2!!! :D

Indeed. Perhaps if we can get enough people we could do regular versus nights.

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Indeed. Perhaps if we can get enough people we could do regular versus nights.

I don't really like versus in L4D, but I love campaign.

Too bad it's only 4 players. I suppose that's why versus would be more suitable for an SFO night.

I love L4D2 by the way, and more SFO L4D2 nights would be great.

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I love L4D2 by the way, and more SFO L4D2 nights would be great.

How about this, you get a microphone. Then you play L4D2 with us. :D

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I didn't act like a big shot until you started bitching about it. Funny, that.

Unless you mean my hammed-up big shot acting, which I've been doing on here since forever because its funny any noone takes it seriously.

What next, you gonna complain about Engineer because I technically don't have to shoot anyone and let my sentry do all the work? Your "huurr M1 like a tard" comment was immature and uncalled for, because again, I didn't provoke you. I can get the chat logs from the server if you really want me to go there, but you threw the first stone. Grow up some, kid.

Lol pull out the chat logs man

"Any scrub can M1 with Heavy and kill a few people. It takes coordination, situational awareness, map knowledge, and the ability to sneak a 300 pound giant snail of a hit box behind people to be good at Heavy." -ya exactly what i am saying.

Rob, i think your a little offended man. Ya i did start this "stone throwing" but quite honostly i am not "throwing stones" . But even if you think you were joking around a couple of members and i took it as some serious buisness man. TF2 is serious busines. ( not really lol)

"Your "huurr M1 like a tard" comment was immature and uncalled for, because again, I didn't provoke you" - i really didn't mean to offend you man, i am not a mean person <3 , i stated that thinking you might inturpret it sarcasticly. bu then again i took your comment seriously. I'm sorry you think i need to mature. But you act pretty goofy and immature your self on the server and everybody finds it funny.

What next, you gonna complain about Engineer because I technically don't have to shoot anyone and let my sentry do all the work? - LOL NO! I actualy wasn't mad at the fact that you went heavy, or that you were killing us. I only stated my first comment after you were like " haha i am killing you all!" ( or somthing like that) and that was previous to my "bitching" . Quite honostly rob any time some one goes heavy and kills a bunch of people its nothing major. My god K9 could could kill quite a few people as a heavy. again i was just lol'ing at your big shoot'edness. but don't let that stop you from going heavy, its a legit class that skill can be incorperated into, and you are a good heavy. But doen't be supprised if i make a comment about how you owe alot of the kills you have to the class your playing. But to answer the question, i would get mad at an engineer because he doesn't do any work. i get mad when he thinks he is a pro or somthing.

i put alot of love in this post Rob :o , i like you man. edited like 4 times and 5 minuets in the making

Edited by Ajc3000fox
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Well if that's how you feel, AJC, then I suggest you better express yourself in the future. I've got the chatlog right here...

2012-03-10 19:55:52 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- i love how they run heavy medic with out need

2012-03-10 19:56:20 CappnRob i love how you complain about heavy medic when you cant kill tjhem

2012-03-10 19:56:21 CappnRob <3


2012-03-10 19:59:03 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- your not cool rob

2012-03-10 19:59:11 CaptainIcy hahaha Rob

2012-03-10 19:59:34 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- PWNED

2012-03-10 19:59:44 CappnRob >took double jeavies

2012-03-10 19:59:46 CappnRob >lol


2012-03-10 20:02:19 CaptainIcy Rob <3

2012-03-10 20:02:33 CappnRob im kicking all of your asses six ways from saturday <3

2012-03-10 20:03:08 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- rob your not good

2012-03-10 20:03:18 CappnRob yes

2012-03-10 20:03:19 CappnRob yes i am

2012-03-10 20:03:21 CappnRob u mad

2012-03-10 20:03:22 CappnRob <3

2012-03-10 20:03:23 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- no

2012-03-10 20:03:29 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- i am far from mad

2012-03-10 20:03:30 CappnRob AJC i killed you 1v1 every time.

2012-03-10 20:03:33 CappnRob so yeah

2012-03-10 20:03:38 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- just dsiapointed in you

2012-03-10 20:03:39 CappnRob i dont need my medic :P

2012-03-10 20:03:44 CappnRob he jiust makes it easier

2012-03-10 20:03:47 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- ddue your a heavy

2012-03-10 20:03:56 CappnRob soldier can counter heavy

2012-03-10 20:03:58 CappnRob so can demo

2012-03-10 20:03:59 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- that doesn't make you a good player

2012-03-10 20:04:21 CappnRob been playing since Fall 2009.

2012-03-10 20:04:26 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- makes you a tard that sits and holds down M1 and goes DURRRRRR

2012-03-10 20:04:31 CappnRob u

012-03-10 20:04:32 CappnRob so

2012-03-10 20:04:32 CappnRob mad

2012-03-10 20:04:40 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- i a assure i am not

2012-03-10 20:04:51 Axle Mason Ajc -=SF-O=- your proabably pretyy mad though

2012-03-10 20:05:12 CappnRob i aint even mad

2012-03-10 20:05:14 CappnRob i lolin

2012-03-10 20:05:36 CappnRob though kinda dissapoint you gotta reduce yourself to saying thigns like HURRR TAAAARD M1

My biggest "jerk" moment was "kicking ass six ways from saturday", which was a friendly comeback aimed at Icy because he <3'd at me. It's what we do. I do it to Fureox, Gene and Milky, too.

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AJC just mad indeed. That chatlog says enough.

Son you just gotta suicide his medic then let someone else splash him from cover.

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Yeah. I dun react well to diveboming soldiers....

I've gotten snubbed my Milky enough time to know that for sure... x.>

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AJC just mad indeed. That chatlog says enough.

Son you just gotta suicide his medic then let someone else splash him from cover.

To be fair, Milk, I was really on the ball that night. I kept cutting people off from cover by flanking them from the SAME FLANKS THEY WERE TRYING TO FLANK ME WITH. Several times I'd fake a double back, turn a corner, and triple kill a Soldier-Demo-Scout entourage coming after me.

It was p. cool.

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It was p. cool.

And rage-inducing.

Not that that's a bad thing. :D

I did enjoy Axtinguishing you a few times, though. :P

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Tonight wasn't bad! I was only average all around, save for a few good moments as Heavy or Engineer. We had some heavy complaining here and there, but it died out.

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I might've been one of them Heavies in Egypt when my medic left me. At least I try to watch in back of me. If not,

I'M AN F2P! THE GOT NO EXCUSE! (Those people might also be F2P but shut up! I want to use that quote.)

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Missed it because suddenly it was time to leave for something I didn't know I had to do.

So yeah, sorry guys.

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Too much damn demospam tonight. Walk out of spawn, crit pipe rolls up to your feet

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I did extremely well today, especially at Blackwater Basin.

I got 85 points with 25 caputres, 23 kills, 13 assists, 5 destructions, 2 dominations and a revenge kill as well as being Top MVP and MVP#3.

Third highest score in the entire game there.

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Guest Mr. N

Too much damn demospam tonight. Walk out of spawn, crit pipe rolls up to your feet

Or Stickes, Stickies everywhere.

Annnd...I found another hat via the drop:


(I think Valve knows about my Demoman love :nervous:)

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I might've been one of them Heavies in Egypt when my medic left me. At least I try to watch in back of me. If not,

I'M AN F2P! THE GOT NO EXCUSE! (Those people might also be F2P but shut up! I want to use that quote.)



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