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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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Guest Mr. N

I feel like I play Heavy so much....


Also, class limit on Snipers? I want them back to 2, I'm tired of seeing 3 Snipers and 2 spies on my team since one of them can be useful for another class...


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Some frame rate problems in the video D: But that might be my computer.

Regardless, glad you captured our Taunt Kills/Melee early game :D

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Yeah. And I think I just need a good pubstomp game to get over my burnout.

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Sorry, guys, for not attending this week. (besides the Medieval night)

My Internet has been out all weekend, including Friday. It just came back on. Oh well. Damn it, Comcast. D:<

Sounds like I didn't miss anything extremely exciting, haha.

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Yeah. And I think I just need a good pubstomp game to get over my burnout.

Make it a date and I'll try to join you <3

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My Internet has been out all weekend, including Friday. It just came back on. Oh well. Damn it, Comcast. D:<

Yeah, that just happened to me this morning. Went out and it's been out all day, up to this point. Comcast y u do this to me, I need my raw injections of internet, straight to the brain daily.

it's killing me from the inside out

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Yeah, Comcast is being funky on my end as well. Was pubstoming with Rob and horrible lag kinda was the impetus for ending it after a long day of magic and ownage.

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Yeah, Comcast is being funky on my end as well. Was pubstoming with Rob and horrible lag kinda was the impetus for ending it after a long day of magic and ownage.




Gene bought me the key <3

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Gene's quite the bro. <3

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Guest Mr. N

All right this goes to many users who invites me to the server or knows that I visit the server alot, I'm officially done playing...YOU HEARD ME, I'm done playing.

I have decided to step down from my asisstant admin job because hey, even though I do patrol sprays and I did do some cleanin, I feel like there is no purpose of me being asisstant admin. I did scramble teams before (Yes, even durin mid-round), I have kicked some players (Mostly when afk) but now I think the other admins can fill in my duties, they sure have the experience to take over...even if they rage-scramble.

Also, I'm not having fun on the server anymore. I admit I had fun playing with you all and even if my team sucked, I had room for improvements but I am getting bored of visiting SF-O because that's all I ever go to.

I am vowing to not come back unless....well, lets just say you'll be expectin the unexpected.

In the meantime, have fun and let me be.

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Well, this was unexpected.

You know you could've played on other servers, though. Taking a break from SFO never hurt.

Regardless, if this is goodbye forever, then it sucks to see you go.

can I have all your hats loljk

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All right this goes to many users who invites me to the server or knows that I visit the server alot, I'm officially done playing...YOU HEARD ME, I'm done playing.

I have decided to step down from my asisstant admin job because hey, even though I do patrol sprays and I did do some cleanin, I feel like there is no purpose of me being asisstant admin. I did scramble teams before (Yes, even durin mid-round), I have kicked some players (Mostly when afk) but now I think the other admins can fill in my duties, they sure have the experience to take over...even if they rage-scramble.

Also, I'm not having fun on the server anymore. I admit I had fun playing with you all and even if my team sucked, I had room for improvements but I am getting bored of visiting SF-O because that's all I ever go to.

I am vowing to not come back unless....well, lets just say you'll be expectin the unexpected.

In the meantime, have fun and let me be.

Well, I guess I'll see you around, man. Sorry to see you go.

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I'm all for positive reinforcement, but no. This is just lying to yourself.

Not using your gun often = bad

rarely changing disguise = bad

not knowing how to act natural or otherwise give yourself away = bad

not knowinghow to manipulate enemies and going gung ho when compromised = bad

not knowing the basics of trick stabbing = bad

disguising as medic = bad

not knowing the other 8 classes = bad

You are in short a very average pub Spy and frankly have many, many hours and lots of study to do before you are anywhere near having potential.

i diguised as medic once and that was when my sster came by and pressed the disguise short cut "b" so :-P

quite frankly i DO belive i have potienal, several time i have DOMINTATED our best memebers, and have been scoring many more points then before.

so :-P off my case milky

D: i know we never got along like best pals mr.N but you will be missed

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Domination just means you killed someone three times in a row. That's all. It is not indicative of skill.

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WORST goddamn game night of the -year.- The pubbers did NOTHING. NOTHING.

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The pubbers I eventually exploited for ninjaneer lulz.

Spawncampfest on CTF_Turbine with 2 other engiebros, Gene as Medic and DZ as Fucksman Sniper. Good times!

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Yesterday was good for me, though I left early to spend some time with my parents for dinner and a movie.

The payload map was good. However, I was dominated four times at once and got three revenge kill in return.

Ended up at the MVP table twice.

P.S.: On thursday, I traded my salvaged crate series #30 for a milkman hat. Got the scout bundle completed. Got three back-to-back-to back backstabs in a very small area. What was even worse for the victims was that immediately after the first stab, I did the spycrab taunt (which got me the cigarette achievement) and my two would-be victims (right between me like not even two feet away) did not attacked me. I stabbed them very easily and got a nice comment.

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P.S.: On thursday, I traded my salvaged crate series #30 for a milkman hat.

Literally ripped off. Could have gotten 5-10 milkman hats for it.

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Sorry I didn't show up last night, was busy.

I will definitely be there tonight, though. ;)

And yeah, someguy, you could have gotten a lot more for that Salvaged. A LOT more. But tis alright. People make trading mistakes.

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I actually did not care at all. I was just glad I got a hat that was actually benefical.

I have a few hats that I never trade for, I would craft them instead. My pryo beanie would be the only bought hat for me.

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