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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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i was beasting it. i had quite a bit of fun even though our game lacked some sfo players. it started of real slow but i'm getting much better at spy.

eh junction. It was alright, but the only way we deffended was by turtling. And we had a good team....

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Yeah, junction is a fun map but its a freaking turtle fest!

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Hey there, its pretty much the first time I play with you guys.

It was fun, and I was sure I'd get completely owned, but I actually made top 3 a few times! :)

Anyways, I don't know if you want my opinion on junction but it was pretty lame when we got mowed down by all the sentries on point C, while getting back stabbed by ajc..

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Yeah, junction is a fun map but its a freaking turtle fest!

Just get a duel demo/medic combo and you're set. It's a tight area so it makes it easier to do.

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Hey there, its pretty much the first time I play with you guys.

It was fun, and I was sure I'd get completely owned, but I actually made top 3 a few times! :-)

Anyways, I don't know if you want my opinion on junction but it was pretty lame when we got mowed down by all the sentries on point C, while getting back stabbed by ajc..

Join us more often, you did awesome!

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Koth Harvest was good for me tonight playing demoknight. I got several kills until I left with family for some travel essentals and a PS3 USB Chat headset to use on PC for next week's times.

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One thing a lot of you need to learn is that large sentry encampments full of defenders, like what was on Junction last night, pretty much require a couple of Uber Demos to take down. An engie can out-tank a heavy or a soldier, but 3 stickies? KA-BEWM! No more sentry!.

Also, FOLLOW THE UBER IN! The pyro can't airblast the Uber away if the Uber pair's teammates are coming in behind shoving rockets/boolets/meatshots/pipes/stickies in his face. Also, anyone not killed by the Uber has likely ran away, and they'll now have to make a push to regain that area. Esp. if you can get your teles moved up, too.

I know there were a LOT of pubbers during that round, so it probably never would have materialized, but I have seen similar situations develop when there were enough SF-O players on the attacking team.

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I suggested bringing in an ubered Demo yesterday, but there weren't enough SF-O players around to make a coordinated effort feasible.

The problem with situations like the sentries on Junction is that they only happen when we lack enough competent players to prevent or remove them.

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Me and DeathMonkey did an Uber-Demo twice. As neither one of us could talk on a mic, I guess no one really got the message and we were pretty much alone both times at C. I took out two sentries but they built back up way too fast and we lost.

DeathMonkey being one of my friends and a semi-regular on SFO, and a beast with the Direct Hit. :-P

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As neither one of us could talk on a mic


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Icy totally has a mic but he doesn't use it for his own reasons. I think.

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Icy totally has a mic but he doesn't use it for his own reasons. I think.




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Yeah, I have one. I can't use it because of family. Rob's the only one who seems to understand that. :-P

I will see what I can do, though. No promises of course but I've been thinking of ways to work it out and we'll see.

I'd like nothing more than to be able to talk to you guys, believe me. ;)

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I can't use it because of family.

Alex"Scourgeclaw" <Surname withheld> did not know this, and apologizes for pestering you about the issue!

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Yeah, I have one. I can't use it because of family. Rob's the only one who seems to understand that. :-P

i get you, i was in the same spot actualy. I don't really care anymore. I know you'll be chating when you can. Nothing comes out of me pressuring you.
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So yeah, part my headset snapped off so I'll have no mic for tonight and tomorrow's game night unless I can requisition some electrical tape to repair it (I'm out)

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It's alright @Scourge & Ajc. As I said, I'll still see what I can do because I really do want to talk to everyone.

Also, I will not be there tonight unfortunately. Going with my sis to see The Dark Knight Rises at 6PM and seeing as it's nearly three hours long, I'm not gonna get back in time.

Try to have fun without me, huh? ;)

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Was out literally all night with friends after seeing the midnight premiere of ^. Exhausted, might not make it to the game tonight.

Enjoy the show, Icy. Everyone else have fun without your two resident walking infernos around. :-)

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So yeah. My Critsaw certainly earned it's name tonight.

Back to back crits to take out Zero+Sassy felt good along with critting User's face 3 times.

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I was horrible tonight, but had a lot of fun.

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Just for the record, I wasn't stacking tonight. Still kicked some major ass.

Back to back crits to take out Zero+Sassy felt good along with critting User's face 3 times.

Chiefly yours and Robs. I may be a city boy but I can still fight!
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My camping trip took way longer than expected and I could not play today.

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Apologies for the late start. I have family over this weekend, so I wasn't able to babysit the server during the updates.

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