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Official SF-O TF2 Server (DEPRECATED)


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Apparently Teto and Eagle have been doing it, but they are ZDMC. Not to mention I didn't even know they played on the server.

I'm good friends with those two and I've already warned them against any future exploiting.

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Speaking of guides:

Rob, Icy. You two, I need to get in a chat room at one time and help me put together this heavy guide.

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Speaking of guides:

Rob, Icy. You two, I need to get in a chat room at one time and help me put together this heavy guide.

Heh, a Heavy guide ?

Find a medic, spinup the gun and shoot ! Rinse and repeat :P

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Ajc, my PMs were not because you were playing spy. It was because I am new to spy with only 13 hours played and I thought I was doing pretty well for a newbie, when everyone jumped on me for being terrible when SmackTalk was on, I sort of picked you out of the crowd.

i just kinda sat there and went lol as you were torn apart for using the dead ringer, they weren't even attacking your skills so much as you load out.
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Great game night tonight, had a lot of fun. Also got my ranking up a bit, working my way up. Hope to be under 10 sometime soon.

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Cashworks was awesome. Fun stuff.

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Yeah, good games tonight. I really enjoyed Cashworks and the two maps before Beerbowl were great fun as well. Beerbowl was great too. :-P

Beware the Disciplinary Bros. D:<

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I had a bad day, then i came on the server and did poorly. I became kinda a jerk, also i talk loudly because i can't hear my self. TELL ME if i need to quite down

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It's fine, AJC. If you can't hear yourself, it's because you're not speaking loud enough and no one can hear you. Not because you're wearing soundproof headphones and have the volume at max.

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I was fucking HORRIBLE until Cashworks, where I gradually did... ok. Easily the worst I've done in a long time though...

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TOO... MANY... FACESTABS... :banghead:

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TOO... MANY... FACESTABS... :banghead:

it happens.....the game raises the hand into striking position and i take the opertunity
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TOO... MANY... FACESTABS... :banghead:

If you think about it, most facestabs aren't really facestabs. They just look like them because of lag. The server still says it was in the back but it might not look that way on your screen.

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If you think about it, most facestabs aren't really facestabs. They just look like them because of lag. The server still says it was in the back but it might not look that way on your screen.

I wish that were true. Too many times I've airblasted an Enforcer Failspy in a corner, only for them to knife me in the face twice while I was fumbling with the Axtinguisher, finally managing to get the lethal stab in somehow. Melee hit detection just loves to screw Pyros over.

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Melee hit detection just loves to screw Pyros over.

But isn't that true for every class? I mean...countless times I've been killed by an axtinguisher from a pyro while he's 15 feet away from me. I try and avoid melee combat in general because when I try to keep an ample distance out of, lets just say, a medic's melee range and he kritsaws me regardless well...that just pisses me off. :/ Some might blame lag but lag on who? It's definitely not me at times...

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...a medic's melee range and he kritsaws me regardless well...

Not sure if thinly veiled, backhand compliment aimed in my general direction. ಠ_ಠ

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I wish that were true. Too many times I've airblasted an Enforcer Failspy in a corner, only for them to knife me in the face twice while I was fumbling with the Axtinguisher, finally managing to get the lethal stab in somehow. Melee hit detection just loves to screw Pyros over.

actualy thats because of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8CvrgKWxxc&feature=related the knife will registar for back stabs if above the victim
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Lag compensation and prediction works weirdly, often I actually hit the other guy with my melee weapon and hear the hitting sound, but he gets no damages. Or very often, like user said I'm out of reach from the opponent's melee weapon, and somehow I get hit.

I suspect its happening mostly at high fps, since each client predict entities locally, but the server's state always win over client's states. So effectively each clients is in an alternative "future of the game" of a few milliseconds.

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actualy thats because of this [media=]

the knife will registar for back stabs if above the victim

I know darn well what a jump/stairstab is, AJC. They don't work on me anymore, I'm too used to that tactic.

I mean when the Spy is stuck in a corner and has resorted to stabbing at my face, hoping for a lucky facestab. It usually doesn't happen, but sometimes he does get it and gets a second chance at survival that he really did not deserve.

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I know darn well what a jump/stairstab is, AJC. They don't work on me anymore, I'm too used to that tactic.

I mean when the Spy is stuck in a corner and has resorted to stabbing at my face, hoping for a lucky facestab. It usually doesn't happen, but sometimes he does get it and gets a second chance at survival that he really did not deserve.

fine fine, but rest assured when you air blast and a spy is above you, you know what you risk. Many times you air blasted me into corners and assualted me while i was still in flight, not a problem with that, but you still run a risk.

But to the same accord i have been hit by the axetiguisher at incredible lengths. it happens. Melee is risky stuff and if you want to debate it take it up with the game's coding though i'm asured it won't get you far

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A little ahead of time, but I might not being on for Saturday Night's game. Got a family reunion to go to. :U

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A good chance I wont be at any gamenights this weekend either due to work and my own family reunion

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