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Gaydar/Lesdar (intuitive sense)


How effective is your gaydar or lesdar? (Read explanation.)  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. How effective is your gaydar or lesdar? (Read explanation.)

    • My gaydar and lesdar are both sharp.
    • My gaydar is sharp. My lesdar is imperfect.
    • My gaydar is sharp. My lesdar is unreliable.
    • My gaydar is imperfect. My lesdar is sharp.
    • My gaydar and lesdar are both imperfect.
    • My gaydar is imperfect. My lesdar is unreliable.
    • My gaydar is unreliable. My lesdar is sharp.
    • My gaydar is unreliable. My lesdar is imperfect.
    • My gaydar and lesdar are both unreliable.

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Wait, that really was the point you were trying to prove?  Why?  Dermot himself said that -everyone- can have a gaydar, not just other gays.

and I said that a gay 6th sense is rediculous logicly. Also, if you read the articles in the links it specficly

Gay people really do have an inbuilt radar that helps them seek out like-minded souls, scientists have shown.

This sixth sense, or 'gaydar', ensures they pay more attention to detail, allowing them to pluck potential partners out of a crowd.

When the men and women were asked similar questions, the heterosexuals replied more quickly but were less accurate.

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and I said that a gay 6th sense is rediculous logicly. Also, if you read the articles in the links it specficly

Yes, yes, right, but I think it's all a matter of interpretation here.  See, I don't think they actually meant that gays have built-in radars.  That is kinda ridiculous.  However, I have no trouble believing that people can easily pick out gays, other gays especially simply because they can point out similarities between themselves and others.

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That...is unbelievably inappropriate.  You managed to be insensitive, crude, offensive, trivializing, ridiculing, defamatory and sexually explicit all in one fell swoop.

Then maybe I could clarify. Remember Sigmund Freud, the guy who basically connected sexual desire to all human activity? This is more or less the same thing, saying that people with a sense of detail prefers men in the bedroom is a very hasty and, IMO, ridiculous conclusion. I was NOT making an attack against you, I was expressing the air that the artical gave me. Anyhow, Sabre picked up the argument well enough, so I'll stay out of what's already been covered.

Yes, yes, right, but I think it's all a matter of interpretation here.  See, I don't think they actually meant that gays have built-in radars.  That is kinda ridiculous.  However, I have no trouble believing that people can easily pick out gays, other gays especially simply because they can point out similarities between themselves and others.

I have no trouble with it either, in the same way you can pick out a furry by the tail they wear. Gay people, like furries, have been known to make their quirk glaringly obvious. See gay pride parades. Now I'm not saying ALL gays and furries do this, but fact of the matter is there still are some who do. Being able to pick out gay people means nothing if they are advertising it in the first place. Otherwise we get

Additional. Instinct works, and works to a fault. When a person loses an instict due to injury for example, even if it would seem helpful, it's acctually very bad. With this we can assume most people who have a fully working 'gaydar', if that were true why have I been hit on by gay guys before, and why have people been shocked at the revelation I'm straight, but happen to hang around with a bunch of gays. I'm not exactly camp or fey. If gaydar existed, people wouldn't assume gay-ness by proximity.

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Then maybe I could clarify. Remember Sigmund Freud, the guy who basically connected sexual desire to all human activity? This is more or less the same thing, saying that people with a sense of detail prefers men in the bedroom is a very hasty and, IMO, ridiculous conclusion. I was NOT making an attack against you, I was expressing the air that the artical gave me. Anyhow, Sabre picked up the argument well enough, so I'll stay out of what's already been covered.

Alright.  But honestly I read it in a different article in a print magazine, The Week.  I wasn't linking to any one article in particular - just the Google News search results.  I can't vouch for how well-written individual articles are.

Anyway, I don't really think much in Freudian terms.  I don't really think of him as the best psychologist for the 21st century, though he might have been better than most in the 19th.

Anyway, if he wants to pick an argument, it'll have to be without me.  I have an informal restraining order against him.

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Gaydar? Sounds kind of ridiclous when you think about....

Instinct is good way of descibing it though. I was thinking of saying more but aparently everyone pointed out most of opinions already....

in the same way you can pick out a furry by the tail they wear.

Most Furrys Don't wear tails in public, if they did they'd be alot more well known. Most people i've ever met (in person) have never even heard of the subject.

Edit: Though i sort of wish there were furrys around here. i'm not one of them, But so far they have the closest friends i've ever had in my life.

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Yes Angel, it is rather about instinct.  It was weird at first, but it kept turning out to be correct, at least 90% of the time.  Sometimes it takes me all of five seconds, because the epiphany is so overpowering.  I try not to judge people, of course.  It's just that, sometimes it seems obvious that someone is gay, as obvious as the color of their hair or whether they are male or female.  It's just...like it's in plain sight.  And I often get so frustrated when there are other people who can't see it. XD I said in the beginning that it's not by definition mixed with desire - I get the epiphany for lots of people I don't consider attractive at all.  (Some of the people who have tripped my gaydar the hardest were rabid hardened homophobes.)  I also said in the beginning that it's not the same as racial/ethnic profiling - it's more along the lines of observing a hair color or a gender, without necessarily making a judgment on that basis.

The problem is, we don't really have a formal name for this sense, though most gay people and some straight people can strongly attest to it.  The most well-known name is "gaydar", so it's a term used in both serious and non-serious contexts.

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You know what,  you guys have a lot to talk about, and I don't really want to blind your abilities to do so here, with the forum rules. Just make a "civilized" topic in the mature area, and get over it, I promise I won't happy trigger lock it, as long as no one starts a "heavy" flame war. Would that make everyone happy?, instead of having hate comments all the time, in random topics or the classic "I'm right, you are wrong"

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You know what,  you guys have a lot to talk about, and I don't really want to blind your abilities to do so here, with the forum rules. Just make a "civilized" topic in the mature area, and get over it, I promise I won't happy trigger lock it, as long as no one starts a "heavy" flame war. Would that make everyone happy?, instead of having hate comments all the time, in random topics or the classic "I'm right, you are wrong"

I actually didn't want to debate this, especially not in this way.  This was supposed to be a friendly, casual, non-explicit topic. :(

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