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If you don't like someone, use the ignore list


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The ignore feature is not as effective as I'd hoped.  You have to wait for the page to finish loading, and only then does the ignored person's comment disappear.  You also see their comment in full if someone else replies to it, and their comment also appears in the "recent comments" section of the response form page.

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The ignore feature is not as effective as I'd hoped.  You have to wait for the page to finish loading, and only then does the ignored person's comment disappear.  You also see their comment in full if someone else replies to it, and their comment also appears in the "recent comments" section of the response form page.

That is true, I noticed it too.

The problem it seems lies in the software,

or so I think. Phearps it is possible to make

ignore more effective, but I am not sure of it.

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Also,  seriously, Sabre, Dermot, you both don't like each other, get over it, use the ignore list. Or do you both feel the need to irritate each other mutually?

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Also,  seriously, Sabre, Dermot, you both don't like each other, get over it, use the ignore list. Or do you both feel the need to irritate each other mutually?

Steve, and lots of people (you know who you are), you've treated me with great kindness and congeniality, for which I am grateful.  So, I hope you understand that what I say next is because of insufficient known/imagined available options, and not as any attempt to create unnecessary strife.

In the past, I would try to discuss things with him and try to reassure him.  But nothing ever worked.  Now, I honestly try to act like he's not there, in hopes he'll just...leave me alone.  I've been trying not to even mention him in public anymore, or respond to any of his threads and comments.  I already told him to stay away from me.  I've said this to him more than once.  For everything else, I'm just being myself - the same ordinary self I am everywhere I go.  He seems to think that I do the things I do and make the comments I make just to irritate him, when I'd much rather forget he even exists and get on with my daily business.  He's said before that he doesn't care, and yet if he actually didn't care, he wouldn't respond to me or my threads in such an abusive way when I say something totally unattached to him that he happens not to like.  He couldn't say he doesn't care when everything he does shows me that he dislikes every little conspicuously gay aspect of my own personality and behavior.  (Sorry, I'm just never quite straight-acting enough to pass for straight, but that shouldn't have to matter anyway.)  If there's something he doesn't seem to demonstrates he cares about, it's my personal boundaries - I don't trust him anymore to be respectful of those, which is why I told him to stay away from me entirely.  I tried ignoring him, and because of the aforementioned ineffective ignore feature, ignoring him just doesn't work.  I'm not asking him to leave the forums, and we can still coexist in someone else's thread as long as we don't talk to each other.  He can talk independently to the wider forum in general about whatever other thoughts he has, I don't care, as long as neither I nor who I am are inferred to.  But I want him to leave me alone.

And well...that is my situation.

Since I am certain he will notice this and comment, I'm out of here.  I have nothing to say to him - it's all been said.

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I like how you turn yourself into the victim in almost every situation.


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I like how you turn yourself into the victim in almost every situation.


I like how you plain try to prove a point all the time/act like a smartass,  even tho 90% of the forum hates you and the same percentage wants you gone. The staff agreed that on the last offence, even a tiny one, you should be perma banned, so I'm going to leave you with two option, since I'm a nice person and all, either you change your attitude or you are gone. Your call.


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Guest Julius Quasar

What's good about ignore list is that it can block someone from sending you hateful/threatening Private Messages.

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What's good about ignore list is that it can block someone from sending you hateful/threatening Private Messages.

Well, at least there's that...

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I'd have to be pretty angry with someone to use that. Even then, I prefer to get things out in the open and deal with it; not stick my head in the sand and ignore it. I'm glad its there, but I doubt I'll ever use it on someone.

I hope I haven't done anything to get on someones ignore list... =[

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I would like to request a formal arrangement (understood among both parties and staff) by which a certain other user and I stay away from each other.  I am not talking about Zicka, but about someone else.  I have lost all faith that this certain other user will leave me alone and respect my personal space.  He is already on ignore, but the ignore feature's flaws makes him nearly impossible to avoid, especially when he tries to crash a thread (which sometimes become topic-locked).  I am trying to avoid him and not entertain his attention, and I don't even mention his name in public anymore.  I am not certain what else to do.

Are there any additional practical options?

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I like how you plain try to prove a point all the time/act like a smartass,  even tho 90% of the forum hates you and the same percentage wants you gone. The staff agreed that on the last offence, even a tiny one, you should be perma banned, so I'm going to leave you with two option, since I'm a nice person and all, either you change your attitude or you are gone. Your call.


Hating people for mere opinions should show you who is truly mature around here. I don't hate a single person here, I just think there are a lot of bad ideas floating about. Difference between me and my contenders is that I attack ideas with logical counterpoints a la analytic a-priori, and the others... well, merely seem to be content to point and cry 'troll' and think their argument won.

I haven't had a hand in any of the drama that has been occurring here for over a month, so lol.

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I hope I haven't done anything to get on someones ignore list... =[

lol I doubt it.  You're new, plus I think you'd know if you ticked someone off that much.

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Hating people for mere opinions should show you who is truly mature around here. I don't hate a single person here, I just think there are a lot of bad ideas floating about. Difference between me and my contenders is that I attack ideas with logical counterpoints a la analytic a-priori, and the others... well, merely seem to be content to point and cry 'troll' and think their argument won.

I haven't had a hand in any of the drama that has been occurring here for over a month, so lol.

Oh there's more to it then that...I'll let you attempt to figure it out.

Because if what you say is truly the case than why isn't everyone hating on or disliking me?  As others can attest to I enjoy debating in things that require logical thinking and I prove other people's points invalid/incorrect with my statements, among other things.  I pretty much do exactly what you claim to do....only I'm doing one thing completely differently and that is what is causing others disposition towards me to be considerably more favorable than you.

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I sence a disturbance on the force...

No, but really.. I don't know why I have the feeling I'm on someone's ignore list. Just a slight hunch O_o

If I tick anybody off, please be free to PM me so I may fix myself or at least stop or minimize whatever is tickin' anyone.

And I don't know why, but it feels as if I've been on everyone's Ignore List since I been back... IT'S LIKE HIGH SCHOOL ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!! Not really... >.>

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Oh there's more to it then that...I'll let you attempt to figure it out.

Because if what you say is truly the case than why isn't everyone hating on or disliking me?  As others can attest to I enjoy debating in things that require logical thinking and I prove other people's points invalid/incorrect with my statements, among other things.  I pretty do exactly what you claim to do....only I'm doing one thing completely differently and that is what is causing others disposition towards me to be considerably more favorable than you.

Yeah, I'd be banned by this point if that were the case XD

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Oh there's more to it then that...I'll let you attempt to figure it out.

Because if what you say is truly the case than why isn't everyone hating on or disliking me?  As others can attest to I enjoy debating in things that require logical thinking and I prove other people's points invalid/incorrect with my statements, among other things.  I pretty much do exactly what you claim to do....only I'm doing one thing completely differently and that is what is causing others disposition towards me to be considerably more favorable than you.

You have Krystal dancing as an avatar of course people here are going to like you.

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You have Krystal dancing as an avatar of course people here are going to like you.

Well if that's the best you can do then I'm not sure why I should even waste my time....since you obviously don't know about my past history on other forums with non-furry avatars/signatures  :?

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Hating people for mere opinions should show you who is truly mature around here. I don't hate a single person here, I just think there are a lot of bad ideas floating about. Difference between me and my contenders is that I attack ideas with logical counterpoints a la analytic a-priori, and the others... well, merely seem to be content to point and cry 'troll' and think their argument won.

I haven't had a hand in any of the drama that has been occurring here for over a month, so lol.

I've had my fill of you. You keep stirring up trouble, and then blame everyone else repeatedly citing a lack of logic. Maybe when everyone dislikes you, YOU are the problem.

I've got one thing left to say to you:

And don't think you can come back:

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I've had my fill of you. You keep stirring up trouble, and then blame everyone else repeatedly citing a lack of logic. Maybe when everyone dislikes you, YOU are the problem.

I've got one thing left to say to you:


And don't think you can come back:


Dang! Is it me, or someone just got the door slammed on their face real hard?

Some of you guys I don't even know and have no reason at all to ignore anyone since no one even post to me.

But, dang, this place as changed a lot since I was here years ago!

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Glad you took that steep DZ. It was necesary.

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Guest Julius Quasar


I've had my fill of you. You keep stirring up trouble, and then blame everyone else repeatedly citing a lack of logic. Maybe when everyone dislikes you, YOU are the problem.

I've got one thing left to say to you:

And don't think you can come back:


Good Riddance! I always hated that dumb jackass.


*Lola, Misty, and Madame Vulpine are gathered around a vintage early 1940's style hanging microphone*

Lola, Misty, and Madame Vulpine:

"Goodbye, farewell, so long...

We'll miss you when you're gone...

Honestly that is not true, we're happy to be rid of you!

Goodbye, farewell, so long..."

Lola: "Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum!"

Misty: "Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum!"

(A cookie for whoever can cite that song reference)

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And here I thought I would have the chance to do it xD, you beat me to it DZ, you are mean, that was my bounty.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Special thanks to all the SF-O staff, current and former, who either banned Zicka or took other forms of action against him.

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