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Guest Julius Quasar

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Guest Julius Quasar

Have you ever known loners?

Are you, or were you ever one?

As a former loner, I learned a lot about it...being a loner is not something they choose, it is something society chooses for them.  Sure, there are lots of stereotypes about them, they're "stuck up", or, nowadays, the more popular stereotype spread by the same ignorant jackasses who made the loners into loners in the first place, is "psychopath", or "deviant".

Loners are generally outcasts, or misfits, with little or no friends, they are also more shy, many times they are VERY mistrustful, misanthropic, or scared.  Sometimes a mental anomaly may be a factor, Social Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, or other mental anomalies...


I get so sick of people, especially pig cops and teachers, stigmatizing loners, and blaming them for anything and/or everything bad...loners don't have [m]any friends, and have very few or no people to vouch for them, so naturally, they take a lot of crap and blame...

There is nothing wrong with being a loner, there is no shame in being one, and they pose no threat to society.

What do you have to say about loners?

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I am kind of a loner.

I never put much trust into others,

and those who did earn my trust (and

we became very good friends) I lost contact

with for one reason or another.

There is my family, yeah, but I do not count

family as friends. It is better than being completely

alone, I think, but it is not the same...

Also, you wonder if you will ever meet 'that special'

person... (Yeah, I know I am too young to marry but

I like to think about the future, and how weird/cool it could get.)

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Guest Julius Quasar


You've pretty much summed it up.



I am kind of a loner.

I never put much trust into others,

and those who did earn my trust (and

we became very good friends) I lost contact

with for one reason or another.

There is my family, yeah, but I do not count

family as friends. It is better than being completely

alone, I think, but it is not the same...

Also, you wonder if you will ever meet 'that special'

person... (Yeah, I know I am too young to marry but

I like to think about the future, and how weird/cool it could get.)

...and you're a good guy, which proves that loners are not sick-minded, twisted, potential unibombers. 

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...and you're a good guy, which proves that loners are not sick-minded, twisted, potential unibombers.

Thank you.

The sad thing is how today there are

stereotypes for EVERYTHING. UFOs?

Stereotype. Goths? Stereotype. Furries?

Stereotype. ANYTHING? Stereotype...

Loners have the disadvantage that they

are not in a group. Thus, it is easier to

pick on them (In my previous school, they

had banded togheter to call me "E.T.", without

I even saying a bad thing about them EVER, they

just did not like my voice).

It is not actually bad being a loner, the bad people

are the ones who sterotype and made fun of loners.

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Up until my college days I fit some of the definition of a loner, I had few good friends and while I wasn't a social outcast I was quite a shy individual (heck back in grade 7 or 8 I had trouble talking to females while looking at them in the eyes lol)

Over the last few years though I've been quite popular among my friends and co-workers and even other online communities. As a result I've learned to be more outgoing, social (especially among females), and able to speak with larger groups of people without getting nervous :P

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Guest Julius Quasar

I'm still an outcast, and harbor a hatred for a lot of people out there, I'm still trying to find some good with mankind, and I won't turn down an opportunity to make a new friend.

But I'm generally a lot like Moe Syzlak...

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Definatively a loner, though it may not seem like that when you see me around here on the internet.

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I had few friends mostly since all everyone at school wanted to do was get drunk and smoke weed, neither of which I do.

Also, most people thought I was dangerously insane at my last school because I wore odd clothes (once showed up at school wearing a Shamu top-hat from Sea World for teh lawls, also kept paper in it, so I would reach up to grab some when I needed a sheet. The other student's expressions.... priceless). I made wooden replicas of weapons from World of Warcraft in woodshop, and carried them around everywhere (I didn't keep them in the class after I heard that people were messing with em in other periods while the teacher wasn't looking. I loved those damned things, so I didn't go anywhere without em, which was fun when I'm carrying around a 30 pound Gorehowl that's as tall as I am)


That's Gorehowl, by the way.

Also, the company I kept wasn't known to be the most... stable. My friends I hung with were:

Two communists (One was a good artist and drew images of psychopaths/revolutions, and the other was a 1950's buff, complete with a pompadour and rock-a-billy style).

A skin head (Though not the racist type)

A guy who was nicknamed "Squirrely" for climbing up a tree and swinging around on it.

Two bi-sexual girls who were into BDSM, with a hell of a sadistic streak (they didn't date eachother, however, they each had boyfriends at the time. They scared the hell out of me).

A super gung-ho US Military wanna-be, who also went literally crazy (obsessed over this one girl at school, despite the fact she was already six months pregnant. Funny thing is, he was also incredibly afraid of me, thinking I was dangerously insane too.)

And a new age hippy girl, who had a crush on me, I learned.

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I'm not really a loner. You could say half-loner.

But I've made MULTIPLE friends with loners. I don't know why, but a good majority of my friends are ones that the "popular" group at school don't appreciate. When you truly get to know them on what is in the inside of them, they are great and kind people.

Actually, now that I think about it, I have been a loner before. After I graduated from elementary school, my social life took a turn in high school. In fact, a popular kid at my school actually said something out of the ordinary to me and I quote, "You know Ben, you have the potential to be cool. You just need to work at it and I bet you could make it."

That really scared me. I don't want to be popular. I'd rather be a loner to be honest. Pretending to be someone who you really are not is just wrong. It feels wrong.

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I am a loner here on our subdivision. I almost don't have any friends here. The only real friends I have is at school, my neighbor, and one, who has gone away, and I don't know where he is at the moment. I have some great friends over here in the internet too..

Like DRL, I don't consider family as friends

Although I believe that in very ultra mega rare situations, a friend is closer than your own family.

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Although I believe that in very ultra mega rare situations, a friend is closer than your own family.

True. I agree. Actually, in my life, my friends are waaay more less depressing to talk to than my parents who yell or criticize me half the time.

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I was a loner. Got suspended for someone not shutting up about. (FALCON PUNCH)

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I'm not a loner, I just have high standards about people.

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Up until High School, you could say that I fell into the loner category, though I did have a few friends. I've grown up with a few mental disorders, ADHD, OCD, and Tourettes. The last two were never diagnosed until 9th grade, so people thought I was just plain weird. So people would gang up on me, make fun of me, whole groups would make weird noises right in my ear until I would go bonkers. There were times when I would find myself crying in the middle of class.

You could say luck found me when I got into high school. You see, at my former high school, the popular group stereotype didn't exist. The one's who were popular were the accepting, kindhearted individuals, the ones who would love to cut people down were the ones that were pushed out. Lucky for me I joined choir and that's where all the good people were.

It was thanks to this stroke of luck, and the fact that I found SF-O right around the end of 9th grade and met all the great people here, that I managed to really find myself, and broke out of the loner mold.

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I'm a loner. A lone wolf.  I confess.  :lol:

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Me? Bah, I've *Always* been a loner, and it will continue into the forseeable future. Examples? My kindergarten teachers were scared sh**less of me because I had an interest in military weapons, vehicles, and the like. They gave me the label "terrorist" and just tried to stay away from me. It just got worse from there. I was always misunderstood, and was a loner all the way until now. And you know what? There are times that I am glad I am a loner, because many people that I knew who *weren't* loners wound up in jail or worse. (F**kin' idiots...)

So no, there is no shame in being a loner. IMO, being a loner may mean that you will triumph greatly in the future, as there is a saying that tells us that "Tales of triumph are born from stories of suffering."

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Guest Julius Quasar


Definatively a loner, though it may not seem like that when you see me around here on the internet.

Sounds like what I am [once again]....some person I knew personally was real nice to me when we met in real life through a mutual friend of ours, but then this stupid fat judgmental bitch decided not to be friends with me anymore.  She was "disgusted by a journal entry I had made, it was full of self pity and really offended her".  Well excuse me, I didn't force her to read that journal entry, and I wrote it at the time I realized I had missed a friend's funeral, his and my mutual friends we shared went to the funeral in Nevada without telling me, and his family didn't tell me (his family hates me).  I didn't even know he was dead....That's what I get for being nice to people.

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Sounds like what I am [once again]....some person I knew personally was real nice to me when we met in real life through a mutual friend of ours, but then this stupid fat judgmental bitch decided not to be friends with me anymore.  She was "disgusted by a journal entry I had made, it was full of self pity and really offended her".  Well excuse me, I didn't force her to read that journal entry, and I wrote it at the time I realized I had missed a friend's funeral, his and my mutual friends we shared went to the funeral in Nevada without telling me, and his family didn't tell me (his family hates me).  I didn't even know he was dead....That's what I get for being nice to people.

Dang. I feel for you man.  :(

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Guest Julius Quasar


Dang. I feel for you man.  :(



Well I guess you can say I'm a loner. Some of my neighborhood friends became popular when we got to Middle School. I know them they say hi to me sometimes, a lot of people know me round school, but I'm a loner. No one really picked on me,I'm well liked(maybe do to me being the tallest in the grade). I have some friends (through I have one that I'm very bad at right now). I think the only time someone picked on me was this kid nobody likes, so I didn't really care and laughed at him.

You can get cool easily in school(an example would be my new friend who moved in this year) but honestly it looks tiring, you to knew everyone's name and phone number( I have short term memory)

Really the only to get picked on at my school is you annoy the crap at of everyone(I usually quiet at school).

sounds like you went to a pretty good school (unlike some of the sh!t-holes I went to)

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sounds like you went to a pretty good school (unlike some of the sh!t-holes I went to)

Yeah but the girls are like very crazy and some are really crazy(that or there being morons).

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Guest FoXXX

I use to be a loner a long time ago, my parents had it inbedded in my mind that everyone in this world is bad, so I always tried to stay away from people. I'm not like that anymore...

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I'm not really a loner. I have a good group of friends offline and a LOT of them online. That said I don't attend parties or anything like that and I, as a matter of fact, enjoy my isolation from crowds. This doesn't make me a loner, though, just a tamer variation to the common man who hangs out with 20+ people he doesn't know every week.

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