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your own fan made command ending


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Guest Julius Quasar

The Star Fox Team reunites, Fox and Krystal get back together, no Marcus, no Slippy getting married, no "Star Falco", Dash doesn't turn evil.  Fara and Bill pay a surprise visit and congrats to the Star Fox Team.  Pigma is dead for good.  James flies off into the sunset.  Peppy is the new CDF General and Lylat Federation Director, General Pepper retires.  The Anglars are gone forever, Venom gets cleaned up, with Dash supervising that.  Star Wolf is pardoned for additional crimes, and they fly off to somewhere unknown...

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The Star Fox Team reunites, Fox and Krystal get back together, no Marcus, no Slippy getting married, no "Star Falco", Dash doesn't turn evil.  Fara and Bill pay a surprise visit and congrats to the Star Fox Team.  Pigma is dead for good.  James flies off into the sunset.  Peppy is the new CDF General and Lylat Federation Director, General Pepper retires.  The Anglars are gone forever, Venom gets cleaned up, with Dash supervising that.  Star Wolf is pardoned for additional crimes, and they fly off to somewhere unknown...

Its like your reading my mind. Only question. Who wuld be he next enemy in the series?

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Star Fox team gets back togheter, but their new-so-ugly Great Fox blows up in a final battle. Anglars are defeated -forever-, no more future 'cameos' or 'appearances' of them. The final battle takes place at venom, Dash turns evil (and becomes something like Andross & Andrew, the best of both, without the bad sides, yet evil still) and Star Fox stops him, Bill & Katt are also there and they go togheter after. Star Wolf helps in the final battle as well, because Dash tried to trick them. Amanda does not exists at all. The team gets a brand new Great Fox, more powerfull than the original one, yet with (a lot) better looks than the SFC one.

Not sure what to do with Lucy (I do not really like her, but she is not so 'un-fitting').

Star Wolf are still 'bad guys' (criminals) but not evil and have a code of honour.

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ya good but the problem with andross i the whole seires is he should had a son that you finsh later completle ending the andross dynstye

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ya good but the problem with andross i the whole seires is he should had a son that you finsh later completle ending the andross dynstye

I was trying to use Command's... 'Assets'.

Sure, he MUST have a son somewhere, if not,

how the HECK he does have a grandson?

O-Kay, Dash father turns Dash evil, and both them,

and Andrew, are defeated (althrough they may make

UNCLE ANDROSSSSSS!!! cameos later)

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Guest Julius Quasar

Its like your reading my mind. Only question. Who wuld be he next enemy in the series?

Thanks.  As for the next enemy, they would be Anthropomorphic "Nazi-esque" scorpion aliens, complete with German accents and befuddled "Sgt. Schultz/Hogan's Heroes" antics/traits.


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And then, as Fox pressed a mysterious button on his Arwing's control panel, that he had failed to notice before. A time paradox opened up, ripping the fabric of the universe, and taking StarFox Command with it.  Command ceased to exist, time went backward, and Command was replaced with a portable version of StarFox 2.  The world rejoiced, and everything was now fine in Lylat and in the fandom! :D

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And then, as Fox pressed a mysterious button on his Arwing's control panel, that he had failed to notice before. A time paradox opened up, ripping the fabric of the universe, and taking StarFox Command with it.  Command ceased to exist, time went backward, and Command was replaced with a portable version of StarFox 2.  The world rejoiced, and everything was now fine in Lylat and in the fandom! :D

WHY I DID NOT THINK OF THAT!!!  :facepalm:

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And then, as Fox pressed a mysterious button on his Arwing's control panel, that he had failed to notice before. A time paradox opened up, ripping the fabric of the universe, and taking StarFox Command with it.  Command ceased to exist, time went backward, and Command was replaced with a portable version of StarFox 2.  The world rejoiced, and everything was now fine in Lylat and in the fandom! :D

neintando needs to hire this guy
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Guest FoXXX

Its like your reading my mind. Only question. Who wuld be he next enemy in the series?

The Japanese!

Thanks.  As for the next enemy, they would be Anthropomorphic "Nazi-esque" scorpion aliens, complete with German accents and befuddled "Sgt. Schultz/Hogan's Heroes" antics/traits.



I thought I was the only one who loves that show :o

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Guest Julius Quasar

And then, as Fox pressed a mysterious button on his Arwing's control panel, that he had failed to notice before. A time paradox opened up, ripping the fabric of the universe, and taking StarFox Command with it.  Command ceased to exist, time went backward, and Command was replaced with a portable version of StarFox 2.  The world rejoiced, and everything was now fine in Lylat and in the fandom! :D

YES!  :D

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dont get it :hehe:

Basically, FoXXX said the Japanesse

would be the enemy in the next game.

I kind-of-trolled and said "No, YOU" (as

if HE would be the new enemy).

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And then, as Fox pressed a mysterious button on his Arwing's control panel, that he had failed to notice before. A time paradox opened up, ripping the fabric of the universe, and taking StarFox Command with it.  Command ceased to exist, time went backward, and Command was replaced with a portable version of StarFox 2.  The world rejoiced, and everything was now fine in Lylat and in the fandom! :D

LOL, nice, good sir.  :D

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  • 2 months later...

The bad guy disappeared, and everyone had ice cream. Now that's what I call a sticky situation!

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Fox flies into the black hole, and crosses the fabric of reality through Out of this Dimension, causing history to rewrite itself as he travels back in time to the Lylat War, erasing the series's existence after Starfox 64. And now you know why we have SF643DS.

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Fox flies into the black hole, and crosses the fabric of reality through Out of this Dimension, causing history to rewrite itself as he travels back in time to the Lylat War, erasing the series's existence after Starfox 64. And now you know why we have SF643DS.

XD, good one :P

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Fox flies into the black hole, and crosses the fabric of reality through Out of this Dimension, causing history to rewrite itself as he travels back in time to the Lylat War, erasing the series's existence after Starfox 64. And now you know why we have SF643DS.

nice! :D
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Guest Julius Quasar

The bad guy disappeared, and everyone had ice cream. Now that's what I call a sticky situation!

Ha ha, South Park! :yes:

My fan ending:

The Star Fox Team comes to Earth, blasts Q Games corporate headquarters to dust for making Command, and then flush Dylan Cuthbert's head in the toilet for letting Q Games do this to them, and then they give Shigeru Miyamoto an atomic wedgie and warn him not to ever let something like SF-Command happen to the series again, and that the next Star Fox Game he makes better be awesome, and had better come soon, and he promises them he'll deliver on that.

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Fox flies into the black hole, and crosses the fabric of reality through Out of this Dimension, causing history to rewrite itself as he travels back in time to the Lylat War, erasing the series's existence after Starfox 64. And now you know why we have SF643DS.

This is ending is worthy enough to post in an 2 month old thread :P

Ha ha, South Park! :yes:

My fan ending:

The Star Fox Team comes to Earth, blasts Q Games corporate headquarters to dust for making Command, and then flush Dylan Cuthbert's head in the toilet for letting Q Games do this to them, and then they give Shigeru Miyamoto an atomic wedgie and warn him not to ever let something like SF-Command happen to the series again, and that the next Star Fox Game he makes better be awesome, and had better come soon, and he promises them he'll deliver on that.

Somebody should make a fan game and do that :D

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