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your own fan made command ending


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fox wakes up and notice that all the "command" was just a nightmare (an horrible, horrible nightmare), and he looks to his left and notice that krystal is sleeping and she wakes up and say: "-darling, why you're still awake?", fox responds: "-just a bad dream..", on the next misson, fox beats up panther with the excuse of "-i have standed silent for too much! you're always trying to seduce krystal with your crappy poems and all your stupid talk! you never realized that she never, EVER liked you!?!? she only is nice to you because she knows that you're a wimp, and if she told you the thruth you might get depressive! but you only want her to satisfy you goddamn fantasies and then discard her as an inuseful object! you must be some kind of retarded (rapist) pervert!", and then panther gives up forever on krystal, and fox and krystal stay togheter, forever after, and the star fox team stays united forever! end.

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My fan ending:

The Star Fox Team comes to Earth, blasts Q Games corporate headquarters to dust for making Command, and then flush Dylan Cuthbert's head in the toilet for letting Q Games do this to them, and then they give Shigeru Miyamoto an atomic wedgie and warn him not to ever let something like SF-Command happen to the series again, and that the next Star Fox Game he makes better be awesome, and had better come soon, and he promises them he'll deliver on that.

I think we have a winner! :P

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Guest Para Astaroth

My ending to Command:

The Star Fox team successfully defeated the Anglar and departed from the planet in victory.  Later, they remained on the Great Fox celebrating their recent victory and confessing some personal issues that they had kept from each other for several years -- especially Fox confessing to Krystal how much he loved her.  A few weeks had passed and the team decided to once again separate and go their own ways:  Falco continued his bounty hunter job with Katt Monroe; Peppy remained as the general of the Cornerian Forces while Pepper retired his position; Krystal left in search of more answers to her past by heading to Sauria and gathering a much information as she could, but traveling back to Corneria just to see her friends in Lylat; Slippy, however, remained at Fox's side for the remainder of his mercenary days and the two grew a bond to one another that would seem to make them act like brothers.  Although they had their differeces, the two still got along and joked around a bunch.

Star Wolf was never captured and remained on the run.  The team would frequently go back to their hideout in Sargasso, which is still under reconstruction due to Star Fox's last occurance, and would go there to either resupply or gather information about targets, or the police force that were after them.

Dash stood up to Venom's political and economical problems, and volunteered himself to taking the seat as chairman of Venom.  As years passed, conditions on Venom grew less hazardous and was soon growing into a planet full of vegetation.  The people on Venom greatly appreciate Dash Bowman's achievements and have named their capital after him:  Bowman City.

The galaxy remains quiet with relief of any interference of peace that has prospered itself in the Lylat System.  For now, the inhabitants of each world can breath a sigh of relief until the next catastrophic disaster happens to occur amid them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Slippy forms his own team, STAR FROG.

Members include: Slippy Toad, Beltino Toad, Kent Croaksomore, Robert Bullfrog (Bob the Bullfrog, can we RIBBIT? YES WE CAN)

and Amanda Toad.

Star Frog and Star Falco become great rivals.

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"After the defeat of the Angler Empire, all has gone quiet in the Lylat System. Many began to wonder, 'Will the Star Fox team be able to survive, after breaking up several times, and if they don't, will they reform to protect us once again?'. "

"It has been several years after that victory on Venom. But alas, peace is never forever. Dash, grandson of Andross, has turned traitorous against the Lylat System like Andross before him. Star Fox....where rt thou?"

"After months of terrany and dismay, all hope seemed to have left the citizens of Lylat.....Until at last, a lone silhouette can be seen, soon followed by three others."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fox had finally completed his urgent mission.  He had successfully destroyed every copy of StarFox Command ever produced.  As he stood, pride welled up inside of him, and he jettisoned the last remaining one into a black hole, never to be seen again. 


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Guest Para Astaroth

A man would sit outside, enjoy his pie, then say, "It is a good day to be alive," then diesafter he's finished.

Hook, line, sinker.  The end.

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A man would sit outside, enjoy his pie, then say, "It is a good day to be alive," then dies after he's finished.

*Sniff* Wow man, that was beautiful.
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Peppy Becomes the new General of Corneria! General Peppy: DO A BARREL ROLL!! PRESS A TO SHOOT!  :peppy:

Peppy is already General in Command.....but I like the rest xD

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Fox: "Finally! Krystal is back with me and no-"

Andross: "I'm back, BI***!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!" *Creates time vortex, puts the SF cast in it, and start right where assault ended, and put a barrier to stupid games.*

...Now it will never be created. XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

WeeGee destroys the entire galaxy. end


After the glorious win, at the midnight of xx/yy/zzzz (i don't know on what year day or wtf else the game passes on), fox retires himself to sleep, a few seconds after that he wakes up in a afternoon 20 days before the story of command. ALL WAS A F-BOMB DREAM!


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ANYTHING that doesn't have Pigma living somehow. People say I look just like him.


Does this look like Pigma?  :P

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ANYTHING that doesn't have Pigma living somehow. People say I look just like him.


Does this look like Pigma?  :P

That's a picture of you?
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Heres what i think should happen... Star Fox Reunites together and stays together to kill the annoying andross then life as we know it turns into a barrel roll for the star fox team as they do repeatedly save the lylat systeam everyday until they get tired about it then settle down to there own peaceful lives. Then i would like the ending 2 of star fox command to happen. I mean come on who would like starfox die off? well star wolf dose but who cares about them  :lol:

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Heres what i think should happen... Star Fox Reunites together and stays together to kill the annoying andross then life as we know it turns into a barrel roll for the star fox team as they do repeatedly save the lylat systeam everyday until they get tired about it then settle down to there own peaceful lives. Then i would like the ending 2 of star fox command to happen. I mean come on who would like starfox die off? well star wolf dose but who cares about them  :lol:

uh, hello there  :)
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That's a picture of you?

lol, no...

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At the end, it is reveailed, that there is no Andross.!


At the end, Star fox becomes the new keeper while the master is away


At the end a bunch of ET aliens come and vaporise the andross


At the end, a flying saucer abducts starfox along with the rest of the silent hill cast


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I stop the scientists before they try to make parallel dimension traveling.

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It was a bad shroom trip by Renamon.

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It was a bad trip form a rotten hotdog that falco had eatn after watching Manos: the hands of fate

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