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The musical talent thread

Eagle Kammback

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Musical talent runs in my dad's side of the family, all the way up, until my dad

I tried playing the guitar years ago but lost interest, I'd like to pick it up again someday, my dad has a Gibson J40 (for sale $1000 if anybody is interested) and a Washburn, I have 2 Stargazers, one accoustic, one electric, one Gremlin accoustic. My dad also has various other guitars that gather dust (insluding a Trutone from the 50s, I think it is a Truetone)

My dad also has the instrument I've been trying to teach myself lately, an Epiphone 5 String Banjo, I'd love to get to play like this someday

Call me a redneck, but I love this style of banjo playing

I think that officially makes me the strangest person in the world

A conservative, banjo playing, Christian, Tea Party Supporting, Furry mechanic who wears disco clothing or a Stetson.

Anybody here play anything?

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I play both the guitar and the drums.

My guitar is a white buckethead style gibson. My drums are nothing special.

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I play alto-sax. :D

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I've tried playing a few instruments before, clarinet, violin, piano, guitar, saxophone, drums, ocarina (Yes, I do have an ocarina, actually looks like the Ocarina of Time, too, complete with the tri-force).

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I play piano and violin, and I sing Bass for the Ohio State Men's Glee Club :P

And Eagle, I'm actually pretty close to sitting in your camp as well XD Love the banjo and tin whistle as well as they're used a lot in Irish music.

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I don't play any instruments right now but I used to play the piano, trumpet, baritone, and tuba :D

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I can't play an instrument, but I can sing! I'm from a singing family, everyone but my dad.

I'm not trying to brag, but when I did my senior solo at the end of the year choir concert this year, a ton of people came up to me saying I was their favorite solo.

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I can play some piano. Rather poorly, mind you, but I can.

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I can play some piano. Rather poorly, mind you, but I can.

Harmonicas is my favorite.

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I play the Piano, even after my doctor said I would never play the Piano again. (Does that make me awesome?)

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Harmonicas is my favorite.

I started playing the harmonica, except I don't blow it. I just drive real fast and hold the harmonica out the window.

I put a new engine in my car, but I didn't take the old one out. Now I can go 500 miles an hour. The harmonica sounds amazing.

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I can play a little bit of the guitar and also the ocarina.

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I can play the trombone and baritone.  Don't play the baritone anymore, but I do have a trombone at home that I play occasionally.  My dad and sister also play the trombone, and we play a few trombone trio performances at church annually.

I'm also in charge of transposing the choir music we use so that we are able to read our parts correctly.

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Drums and THE SYNTHESYSER! I'm just starting to learn how to actually use the synthasyser now though, and I can't play the piano, so I get my computer to play my synthesyser for me :P Made myself a neato bass, a few guitars, and percussion sounds on it just a few days ago!

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I play guitar, bass guitar, trombone, piano (I forgot alot, lessons were nearly 8 years ago.) and some say I can sing.

My family is VERY Musically talented, just ask my brother, guitar wizard.

Ah yes, I can also belt out a mean beat on a cowbell... XP

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I'm not great at any instrument, but my best is F Horn.

I can play these as well:


Percussion (not drumkit)





And I can sing a bit better than the average person, though I'm, not trained in it.

Of course, there are my skills at composition as well.

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And I can sing a bit better than the average person, though I'm, not trained in it.

Hands up everyone who'd like to hear DZ sing a song for us!  :D  :yes:

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Hands up everyone who'd like to hear DZ sing a song for us!  :D  :yes:

*puts up both hands and feet, along with other prosthetic limbs he stole from the hospital*  :D


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I play the trombone at my school's marching band and I used to play piano. I'm also a pretty good singer. Just about my whole family (well...immediate family) is musically inclined in some form, like most of my family can sing. My uncle can play the saxophone and trumpet.  All of us are/have been in a choir before and have done a solo or two. I'm also trying to learn guitar too, with the help of my friends.

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I'm a classically-trained concert pianist since 1987, though I stopped playing for crowds c. 1995 (I was a "gifted child" who kept being put in front of audiences with high expectations), and have generally gone out of practice.  I've been a game music MIDI arranger since 1996.  Here are my works.  I have absolute pitch, and latent semi-reliable perfect pitch.  As a singer, I'm a baritone - I have a falsetto range too, but my two ranges don't overlap.

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