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How much do you resemble your avatar.


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I'm competitive at some point.

If playing with more than three players, I'd do anything to win, but not to the point of cheating.

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Well, I am fast, so Quickman's pretty appropriate. Also, Brentalfloss calls him 'Kind of a Dickman'  in one of his Megaman songs, and I am kind of a dick, too.


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i love Foxes and i do sometime feel emabrassed in public places or areas that i am new to; i keep to myself (but i dont blush...that and you wouldnt see it either ^_^)

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I read ED a lot, and I find it incredibly entertaining. I got...certain ideas from there.

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I resembal my avatar exactly. I too am a 7 foot tall zelot with a high calibur machine gun RPG.

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Well I guess I am kinda like Fox

pure at heart, nervous around girls, have a bunch of @$$holes who want me dead.<---(seriously)

care about the people I love.

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A bit of a show-off with my abilities

Also, I want to go fast

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I'm reluctant to disobey orders.

That's practically it, unless you count the fact that I like cool cars, but I do not have a cool car, so yeah.. :oops:

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I'm reluctant to disobey orders.

That's practically it, unless you count the fact that I like cool cars, but I do not have a cool car, so yeah.. :oops:

Oh really I thought you were a robot  :trollface:
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Well for one, I have long hair like Murdoc's.

Two, people tell me I can freak them out with my mysterious ways. :P

Three, I practically have the same jacket Mur's wearing.

Four, I have a long tongue as well. :P

Five, I constantly disagree with a lot of people's statements.

Six, Out of all my friends, I'm technically the oldest :/

So yeah, resemblance = 90% (the other 10% being that Murdoc is a Satanist, and I just do my own thing with religion :P )

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I'm a guy and my avatar is a girl. Go figure.

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There are times where i just can't stop talking :lol: :P

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hmm . . . . I have a lot of personality traits to Courage the Cowardly Dog. But I DON'T freak out to EVERYTHING.

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I don't resemble a mobile suit much, but I like this one the most.

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You could compare your-self with the pilot of said Mech.

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hmm . . . . . what AM I scared of . . . . .  :oops: gimme a moment to think it over.

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hmm . . . . . what AM I scared of . . . . .  :oops: gimme a moment to think it over.

Here we go, I'm scared of IV's, blood donations, organ donations, carnies, smokers with leather jackets and hands in pockets staring you down, people telling me I did something horribly wrong and I gotta get there fast to fix it, and Barney.  :lol:

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Well I guess I am kinda like Fox

pure at heart, nervous around girls, have a bunch of @$$holes who want me dead,<---(seriously)

care about the people I love, respectful to my friends :friends:, knows how to handle multiple weapons, and I have a short temper. :lol:

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Oh yeah, I am definitely a fat, old Japanese guy who cosplays as Ash and has Pikachu-like missiles.

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ROFL is that N. Korea's dictator Kim Jung il dressed as Ash with nuclear ballistic Pika-missiles??? That's priceless!

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Well, I'm a little overweight and my hobbies include eating, videogames, and randomly staring up into the sky.

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