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This is probably going to be my last post I'm ever going to make in a loooong while.

I've been "banned" off forums for "eternity". My parents don't want me to be talking to people who can be potential pedophiles. I know you guys aren't. In fact, you guys are probably the nicest group of people I've ever met. Too bad my parents just don't understand. So from here on out, I'm gonna take a leave. It might be for 2 months, half a year, a year, who knows? I promise I'll be back. Don't worry.

You might be wondering why I have to listen to my parents. They have actually threatened me my computer privileges. I mean ALL of it. My whole account and everything. Gone, if I keep going on this site or even not doing my homework that is supposed to be due a week later.

I got to go. Parents are nearby. I will miss all of you. My e-mail/MSN is lazercom246@hotmail.com

P.S. click on my brawler card to level it up while I'm gone. Wouldn't want my streak to end.  :wink:

See ya.

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That is too bad, I wish you good luck

and I hope your parents change their mind,

after all SF-O is one of the nicest communities


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What the hell is this?

What the HELL is this?

Seriously. No offense, but your parents scream "paranoid" to the point of batshit insanity. I'm not sure where they've been, but I'm pretty sure pedophiles aren't all over the place and if they were, they can't rape you through your screen. Kinda sounds to me like it's YOU they don't trust.

I'll miss you and stuff, but the point is I shouldn't HAVE to.

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:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Man, that's the worst thing I've heard YET in this community. I mean, your parents doesn't even know us here!!!!! :evil:

Good luck, man, I hope your parents understand you VERY SOON.

We'll all miss you here.

Take care, man.

P.S. No offense, but the way your parents acted was  :facepalm:  :facepalm: :facepalm: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7064.0;aindex.php?action=dlattach;topic=7064.0;a

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:-( We'll miss you X-Gamer! I'll level up your brawl card EVERY DAY! :D  Bye for now, and good luck! :P :friends:

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:( The most hated part of a parent saying "I love you"... when it influences your internet and gaming capabilities...

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What the hell is this?

What the HELL is this?

Seriously. No offense, but your parents scream "paranoid" to the point of batshit insanity. I'm not sure where they've been, but I'm pretty sure pedophiles aren't all over the place and if they were, they can't rape you through your screen. Kinda sounds to me like it's YOU they don't trust.

I'll miss you and stuff, but the point is I shouldn't HAVE to.

Indeed. All that grooming gone to waste too. Tsk.

Off topic, but I'm told in america they are so paranoid that have hidden camera shows where people acctually get arressed when they make them look like paedophiles.

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16 and male? and your parents are going crazy about you being in risk of pedophiles? Sheesh, that's really, really crazy. Best of luck tho.

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16 and male? and your parents are going crazy about you being in risk of pedophiles? Sheesh, that's really, really crazy. Best of luck tho.

O_ok_e_eek.gifyeah crazy..
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Now that's just bollocks! I do think I'm correct when I'm saying your parents are overly paranoid here. Unless... you've given them a reason to fear for your safety?

In any case, you'll be missed. :(

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16 and male? and your parents are going crazy about you being in risk of pedophiles? Sheesh, that's really, really crazy. Best of luck tho.

^ Seconded

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Indeed. All that grooming gone to waste too. Tsk.

Off topic, but I'm told in america they are so paranoid that have hidden camera shows where people acctually get arressed when they make them look like paedophiles.

Yes, there have been shows like that here, particularly Dateline's "To catch a predator." I don't get why people find that kind of thing entertaining. That kind of stuff isn't funny.

You can't help parents being paranoid, but I hope you can get back here.

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Your parents must watch the news WAY too much...

The media makes the world MUCH scarier than it actually is.

But anyway, we're going to miss you a lot!

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BullCrap! Parents always want to ruin what others think is fun. One of the main reasons I STILL don't have a dog...

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One of the main reasons I STILL don't have a dog...

I thought I was the only one :shock:

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Now that's just bollocks! I do think I'm correct when I'm saying your parents are overly paranoid here. Unless... you've given them a reason to fear for your safety?

In any case, you'll be missed. :(

i dont see how someone can give their parents the impression that they are up to no good unless they portray it in real life but i doubt that is the case....anyway

Miss ya dude :(

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What the hell is this?

What the HELL is this?

Seriously. No offense, but your parents scream "paranoid" to the point of batshit insanity. I'm not sure where they've been, but I'm pretty sure pedophiles aren't all over the place and if they were, they can't rape you through your screen. Kinda sounds to me like it's YOU they don't trust.

I'll miss you and stuff, but the point is I shouldn't HAVE to.

This.  My whole view on this matter mirror's Milky.  Although I'd like to add that it doesn't surprise me if parents have more paranoid views on furries as opposed to the population in general. :P

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