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"Warning Levl: -%" Huh?


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He went to AL? :lolhyst:

He won't last long there. Tiffy and Cobalt will destroy him.

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I smell more trouble...I had contact with M.M. on another site, and he's improved alot...He knows he won't likely be let back here, but he did aplogize (to me at least and Asper I think) And his spelling and grammar improved...

Still, I sense more trouble coming (see above posts)

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I smell more trouble...I had contact with M.M. on another site, and he's improved alot...He knows he won't likely be let back here, but he did aplogize (to me at least and Asper I think) And his spelling and grammar improved...

Still, I sense more trouble coming (see above posts)

*sigh* We're still on that subject?

Yes, people can change. But I never really Cared [that deosn't mean hate] about him to begin with. He did tick me off on a couple of times with his stubborness.

The Death threats were a little much, but he was obviously just Barking and not biteing Like i child who had yet understand the true meaning of them.

I've said it before and i'll say it again: Wether he comes back or not, i couldn't possibly care less...

Now could we please stop dwelling on him? Its like trying shoot a Dead man thats already burried in his grave....

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I smell more trouble...I had contact with M.M. on another site, and he's improved alot...He knows he won't likely be let back here, but he did aplogize (to me at least and Asper I think) And his spelling and grammar improved...

Still, I sense more trouble coming (see above posts)

"There may be trouble ahead."


So he death threated people huh? Great. He's on aL now and begging for my respect back. I'll warn hoshi and them about that.

Which is odd because he preached religion.

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Oopps. EmbarassedLaugh.gif When I told Matt he would most probably not be unbanned here anytime soon, I sort of threw it out to him that there was also a couple other SF fansite which he might go to instead. Seems he decided AL was the first and best option for him.

Won't last long there I'm afraid.

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If you have opinions on the subject, I'd really like to hear them personally. The staff's here to serve and protect the community, and getting insight in the members opinions helps us to do just that.

The reason there have been a lot of warnings issued lately is from my viewpoint simply that we'd have quite a bit of trouble lately between several of the members of the site. As two of the worst troublemakers now have been banned, I do think we can see the light in the end of the tunnel now.

bows to the mod(s) "Oh wise ones"


I hope that light is not a train Asper :(

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Wow! I've never had a warning level! What a surprise :trollface:

INDEED  :trollface:

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Wow! I've never had a warning level! What a surprise :trollface:

meh neither :P

(as far as i remember :P)

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Wow! I've never had a warning level! What a surprise :trollface:

Me neither..

I would try not to have a warning level

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Me neither..

I would try not to have a warning level

Aww, but we know you guys wouldn't do that.  You're too rule-abiding XD

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Aww, but we know you guys wouldn't do that.  You're too rule-abiding XD

I sometimes realize to late that it was bad idea that i posted something, but that realization is usually false k_e_blush.gif

I was alittle worried that i might have screwed up when i posted this one.


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Ohh, but this could be easily arranged  :wink:

nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu  :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel: :grovel:

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