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Mr. Fox13

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"Listen pilot, I was never here you got that. Don't tell anyone I''m still here or else!"

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Lt. Fox responded to the sniper, " You got it, but this choppers going back to base..Sgt. Stacker pull your man back we are leaving..." Savior 2, Savior 3 We are Go flight in approx 4 mins. We will go on my call.."

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"I don't care where it's going as long as it's not here,"

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Lt. Fox received a message over his Flight Radio "Savior 1,2,3 we have a UAV circling the area, and you have alot of targets heading your direction, i suggest you evac very soon...)

Lt. Fox turned to the sniper "Whoever, Whatever these things are, they are not human"

(i edited cuz pretty was not good)

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"No they aren't, I suggest you leave the others behind and escape while you can."

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"Mendoza, if you are still breathing, rap it up, we've gotta go son!"

Mendoza heard Stacker, but he wasn't a concern, Heinz or what ever he was now was more important.

"Hienz, a-are you alright?", Mendoza asked ,not to sure what to do with this...thing infront of him.

The creature inched closer, and closer. "parasite..."    It got even closer, "Stay Back!" Mendoza yelped and he vrought up his MP5; his safety was on, but hopefully heinz didn't know that. "Get...Get it off..."

It sounded like Heinz was trying to fight the creature, becasue it cycled between his voice and that of the Creature's. Suddnely the creature raised it's arms, trying tostrike Mendoza's weapon out of his hands, but Mendoza blocked it, just barely; it's strenghth was amazingly grater than his. He counter attacked and knocked the creature back. It roared in frustration and began to limp towards the grunt, but stopped a few times. Then came Heinz again, "Tell...tell *gasp* my girls...i lo-love grr...."

Heinz was gone, whatever was left of him was gone; then ,the creature reached for a grenade and started sprinting quickly towards the Marine, who aimed and fired but didn't hit Heinz, Mendoz shot the grenade, and covered his neck and head with his arms.

"Stacker, we have to go NOW!" Fox yelled.

"I don't give a shite what you do, Mendoza doesn't take this long and im going in after him!", Stacker backed talked.

He umped down with his MP5, saftey off and ran into the door.

"Mendoza! MEndoza Son, where are ?! Wh-" thats when he saw the body, the creatures body, and what looked like Mendoza under it, Stacker knelt down and check for a pulse. It was faint, but there; he moved the creature, and noticed a knarled up dog tag (the shrapnel messed it up) and tore it off and went for Mendoza.

"Sir...Sarge leave me..." ,Mendoza barley managed.

"Don't give me that, give me your arm , we are get'in outta here!"

Moments later, as the choppers were about to take off, everyone turned their heads: there Was Stacker, helping Mendoza limp across the floor to the Choppers.

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"Savior team one of you get in Savior 1, help that man...

Sgt. Stacker,  thank god you came back last minute, and good call"

Lt. Fox got on his comms. "Savior team, we are go flight. Lets head home"

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"Is that an infected?"

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No...Thats a Boomer!  :shock:

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Lt. Fox turned to the sniper: "I dunno, you will have to ask Sgt. Stacker"

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"He better not be infected or he will have to die. I can't ask him, he knows who I am"

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Sweetwater and one of Fox's men help Stacker get Mendoza's crippled body onto the chopper and onto a stretcher, as the sniper asked the question.

Stacker shimmied into the chopper and just looked at the sniper but didn't say anything

The choppers started to take off and the Creatures managed to get to the roof! But they couldn't do anything, but watch raveously as the choppers flew away.

"Sarge...", Mendoza gasped out. Stacker eased over to the strecher, "Yes Mendoza, w-what can i do for you man?"

"Th-Thank you for coming after me...than-" and with that, Mendoza slowly passed out.

Stacker: "Will he be ok?" he asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

One of Fox's medic looked up at him and said,"Yeah, he'll be fine, but we're going to have to sedate him just to make sure he doesn't ry to fight to do something."

"Alright, thank you..."

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"I'll guard him after wards, you guys should watch the chopper and make sure nothing bad happens."

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Savior 2 and 3 were returning to base, and were beginning to land

Lt. Fox turned to the sniper "By the way sniper, you were the first to ever shoot me down. I have survived, RPGs and Javelins, but you sir shot me down...."

Lt. Fox radioed Sgt. Stacker, "What the hell were those things, those "infected?"

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"Sorry, that's classified", Stacker replied back.

Jackson turned to Stacker, even though he was wearing a helmet w/gas mask , you could tell he was pissed., "Classified?! classified my ass! We Fuckin lost Heinz, and keitings! I don't even know what happend to nigel  and Connors. We didn't even knowwhat we were up against, just freakin tell him for thier sakes!"

"*sigh*, is this a secure frequency?"

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"Yes, only my squad uses it.... The best of the medic corp uses this frequency, and that would be us."

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Meanwhile in the room with Mendoza....

"Crap this one is infected, there is only one option." He then pulled his blade out.

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"Alright, a few years ago, there was an...incident at a facility in New Mexico, and We were sent in to "investigate" and "Control" the situation. everything was sound and going just fine, then it all went to hell; strange stuff started to happen, reeeaally strange stuff. I saw things that i haope to never see again in my life, but i saw 2 of them tonight..."

stacker looked away into the sky as if he was somewhere else, "I lost 95% of my platoon that i was sent aong with...many good boys didn't come back with us. It was said later that we eventually took control of the situation, but i knew better...i knew better than that. When w made i back to our field camp, it was already burn'in, someone or something had been though it... there were men dead, dying and confused. I went against orders and snuck myself and Connors in a V-22, and we snuck out in all th confusion...That's all i have to say about that", Stacker concluded; he actually had parially sat in a ball as he remebered everything he'd seen in his experiences.

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Lt. Fox turned to Sgt. Stacker "Are you talking about the Mesa incident?

We have heard stories about it.... but what I saw tonight was crazy...." 

Lt. Fox noticed the Sniper by mendoza, Sniper what are you doing? As he readied his pistol and aimed

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"What must be done." He throws empty pistol at Fox and stabs Mendoza repeatedly in various parts of his body, he then rushes past everyone grabs a parachute and jumps out the helicopter.

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"Damn it....." As Fox catches the gun.... "Help that man...." Fox watched as the parachute descended towards the ground...  One of the medics responded "Its no use sir, he is gone..."

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"Why did he-he just killed Mendoza, that bastard!", Stacker said as he check mendoza's body; it was good that he was sedated...he wouldn't have awoken from the quick pain that he would have naturally felt.

"I bet that guy was black Ops! The damned CIA was on this the whole time!", but Stacker didn't move to go after the assassin, he just stood there over Mendoza's body, shaking his head. He muttered repeatedly to himself, "Poor boy, poor boy" and stroke the grunt's face as if it were a pet.

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"Sgt. Stacker, its ok...... He served his country proudly" Lt. Fox assured

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