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Last Poster Wins!!!

Mr. Fox13

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:? I wouldn't doubt it!  :lol:

Quiet n00b  :trollface:
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When you do play him me an the boys are going to be watching from the sidelines cheering him on.  :trollface:

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Unless he beats you. Anyway can we do this later I'm busy constructing additional pylons.

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whoa! whats the situation? all ive heard is shakepsear...and something about Slippy whining....?

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whoa! whats the situation? all ive heard is shakepsear...and something about Slippy whining....?

That's Mr. Nintendo for you. Happens all the time here, I've told you before how to combat him, but usually just let me handle him, he is our most dangerous adversary something I cannot possible stress.
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then why build pylons when he just "assaults" you with words?

No reason. Just a joke.
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No reason. Just a joke.

ahhh i get it now :wink:

sits back in space watching....

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ahhh i get it now :wink:

sits back in space watching....

Your supposed to be helping me with this.
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So I take it your just  here for comedy relief then?

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ill help in battle....only if need be....and hehehehehheh thanks to one of my fav. film makers of all time, i have 3 new units in my army.

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ill help in battle....only if need be....and hehehehehheh thanks to one of my fav. film makers of all time, i have 3 new units in my army.

Then you are not very useful, are you? MR. SUNSHINE! *Mr. Sunshine comes in and grabs lucario by the neck and holds a machete to it* Now, are you going to help me or d oyou want Mr. Sunshine to burn you alive?
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*Augustus "Rex" Quartich walks over with a M602b Incinerator and points it right at Mr.Sunshine, and two more Marines join him; one with a pulse rifle and the other with an M-95 Smartgun.*

"Oh we'll help; alright!"

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Then you are not very useful, are you? MR. SUNSHINE! *Mr. Sunshine comes in and grabs lucario by the neck and holds a machete to it* Now, are you going to help me or d oyou want Mr. Sunshine to burn you alive?

O_o do you mean Mr. Sunshine from the book  The Talismin . Peace of advice. Never go into a school calle dthe sun shine academy
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O_o do you mean Mr. Sunshine from the book  The Talismin . Peace of advice. Never go into a school calle dthe sun shine academy

I meant the Mr. Sunshine from Saints row 2.

*Augustus "Rex" Quartich walks over with a M602b Incinerator and points it right at Mr.Sunshine, and two more Marines join him; one with a pulse rifle and the other with an M-95 Smartgun.*

"Oh we'll help; alright!"

Now hold on we can settle this easy, there's no need for your forces to try and kill us. "Grabs a few knives and tosses them at the marines arms*

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"Alright, we'll help; "Get the men and harware ready; we're going planet side!"

*doezens of different craft load up and go to the surface wherever we are, and set up a base, as well as a landing strip.

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"Alright, we'll help; "Get the men and harware ready; we're going planet side!"

*doezens of different craft load up and go to the surface wherever we are, and set up a base, as well as a landing strip.

That's what I thought.

Ok then... :? I don't wanna get into this fight.

We aren't fighting, we are making a compromise. But leave anyway.
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Oh c'mon guys. Why so serious? *shot*

Because that's what lights my fire. *Shots starfoxfan again*
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*base gets set up; many Marines and different aircraft could aslo be seen flying around and dropping off personell, vehilces, supplies and equipment.*

"We'll be ready within the hour..."

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