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Mr. Fox13

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"They call me Kursed." Kursed grumbled putting her staff away.

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"Well, if we are finished wit h the Briefing, i've gotr to go ready the men." Rex abruptly said.

Dont mind him; he means well, but he's wearing a little chip on his shoulder. he really cares for his men. as do i. The pokemon said.

I will go meditate and moniter the area.

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"Well, if we are finished wit h the Briefing, i've gotr to go ready the men." Rex abruptly said.

Dont mind him; he means well, but he's wearing a little chip on his shoulder. he really cares for his men. as do i. The pokemon said.

I will go meditate and moniter the area.

"You do that, my men have to be readied as well for the battle ahead."


"They call me Kursed." Kursed grumbled putting her staff away.

"Well then Kursed, hopefully you'll live up to your title to curse our foes with death. Zethos, get sergeant Catler to ready the soldiers. We're going o need all the help we can get to win this battle." Said Justinian with his arms crossed behind his back. (His names Justinian, to avoid confusing from her on after)
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Rex stood up on top of a box and cleared his thout:

"Men, we've got a storm coming. The enmy we are facing- he indicated by clicking up a hologram of the robotic entiy-is that of an Autonomis entiy. They have NO feelings; remorse, mercy.....nothing of the like. That is why, you must show the same attitude...the same ferocity that they will show. I want you all to do your best and watch eachother's backs out there today. Keep your eyes down range, fingers on your triggers, and we all go home in one piece to feed our goldfish. Are we clear Marines?!" he said a hint of joking in his voice.

"Sir yes sir!" they all replied.

"Good, now prepare yourselves; we go to war!" Rex yelped as he raised both of his arms in the air while looking up.

The Marines grabbed thier gear, weapons and the like and got to thier assigned postions and other things.

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"You can only hope i'll be able to stay long enough."

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"You can only hope i'll be able to stay long enough."

"Oh and what's that supposed to mean? Are you saying that you weren't on the manifest list for this mission and you showed up for a vacation?" Justinian said as he walked towards a balcony leading outside.
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(Hey, are we going to do this or what?)

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(Hey, are we going to do this or what?)

oh, i was just waiting for kursed to put a response down.
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Well Kursed take your time I ain't going anywhere.

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"it means i have no idea why i'm here" (soryr thought i already posted/

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(i dont know if i should post yet....i dont want to accidently skip any one ^_^, nnot that im proud of that or something )

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"it means i have no idea why i'm here" (soryr thought i already posted/

"Hm, well there's no turning back now. The last ship left 30 minutes ago. So we are stuck here for the next 30 days. In that time you can do 2 things. You can leave our outpost and run headlong into the enemy lines. You can choose to die there or fight here with us. It's your choice." Justinian exclaimed.


(i dont know if i should post yet....i dont want to accidently skip any one ^_^, nnot that im proud of that or something )

Your do for a post mate.
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While the Marines prepared fo battle and moved to thier defensive postions, Rex hopped into an AMP suit, and walked over to a firing range to pratice his aim before he would join his men.

"Alright....lets see if i remeber how to use this...." he said as he put his arms and hand into a motion snesor suit, and where he moved, the suit would do so as well.

He picked up the suit's "gun" and "aimed" .; fired the gun in single to burst shots a mock target-tearing it to shreds as he did.

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Kursed prepped her weapons chargin her staff with energy and making sure her firearms had  full clips in them "Guess i'm stuck here then." She muttered

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Kursed prepped her weapons chargin her staff with energy and making sure her firearms had  full clips in them "Guess i'm stuck here then." She muttered

"Look on the bright side, we have something to do for the next while." Justinian joked while secretly hoping for a way to hold off the first wave. "Let's see. The enemies have around 800 or so. Rex and Stacker have about 265 troops at their disposal, I have about 315. I pray we can be ready for this."Justinian thought to himself
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(uhm......who's turn is it now?)

(Let's see, I just posted, Kursed did before, your turn)
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( are you two standing next to one another?)

Just then, an AMP suit-almost dwarfing the two sentients-walked over to them, an the cockpit opened to reviel Rex the Red Fox.

"Alright, we're all set. Troops, AMP troopers, ALICE EXO suiteers, M577 APCs, M577 AA's ,and mortar vehicles, Cheyenee dropship/gunships, Scorpian fast attack crafts, and Dragon heavy gunship/dropships are all ready and willing for the fight ahead!"

He craned himself and got a bette veiw of the other two people.

"You two getting aquainted or something?" he asked jokingly.

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(Justinian and Kursed are both in the ops center yes)

"Yes and no Rex, I was just having a conversation with our new operative. She doesn't know what she's doing here or why she is, but she's stuck here with the rest of us for the next 30 days." Justinian explained. "Are your men prepared? The scanners are showing movement in the jungle to the north. Their scarcely 50 meters away." Justinian stated.

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"Yeah, but ill let the mortar crews know of thier location so we can surpress them."

*he clicks a button on the suit's console and tells the crews.*

"Well, im sure she'll have....the time of here life! hehehhahahahahhahah!" Rex  said as he uttered a near insane laugh as he closed the cockpit and got the suit to walk back the way he came.

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"Yeah, but ill let the mortar crews know of thier location so we can surpress them."

*he clicks a button on the suit's console and tells the crews.*

"Well, im sure she'll have....the time of here life! hehehhahahahahhahah!" Rex  said as he uttered a near insane laugh as he closed the cockpit and got the suit to walk back the way he came.

"One day I'm probably gonna be scraping you off a wall Rex!" Justinian Joked as Rex left. "Alright Kursed let's see how you do in combat. I'll see you in combat." Justinian said as he pulled up a XL 808 Plasma Rifle and headed out to the courtyard to meet his soldiers.


(I'll be here later tomorrow, good night everyone)

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"One day I'm probably gonna be scraping you off a wall Rex!" Justinian Joked as Rex left. "Alright Kursed let's see how you do in combat. I'll see you in combat." Justinian said as he pulled up a XL 808 Plasma Rifle and headed out to the courtyard to meet his soldiers.


(I'll be here later tomorrow, good night everyone)

night! ill be going soon too.
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