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Last Poster Wins!!!

Mr. Fox13

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Is there any other lyrics to that song cause i can't remember, then again I don't really care.

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Gasp! I should have known I would find you here....

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-sits on...making him win-

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yes there is a owrd!!!!!

it is called I WIN

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Come on there is no way you didn't expect me to show up.

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Did You konw taht msesnig up all teh wrdos beewten the frsit and lsat ltters has no eeffct on yuor aibilty to cmoperhned tehm, and not raelzie it utnil atfer yuo raed a few wrods in? In'st taht rlleay cool? You porbbaly ntocied taht teh ltteres wree out of odrer aorund teh prat taht syas "Cmoperhned tehm." So, yuo can mkae smoe prttey cool snetneces wtih tihs naet lttile barin tirck.


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Did You konw taht msesnig up all teh wrdos beewten the frsit and lsat ltters has no eeffct on yuor aibilty to cmoperhned tehm, and not raelzie it utnil atfer yuo raed a few wrods in? In'st taht rlleay cool? You porbbaly ntocied taht teh ltteres wree out of odrer aorund teh prat taht syas "Cmoperhned tehm." So, yuo can mkae smoe prttey cool snetneces wtih tihs naet lttile barin tirck.


:lolhyst: :lolhyst: :lolhyst: :lolhyst: :lolhyst: :lolhyst: :lolhyst:

that is too damn funny.......oh...and i am winning

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Did You konw taht msesnig up all teh wrdos beewten the frsit and lsat ltters has no eeffct on yuor aibilty to cmoperhned tehm, and not raelzie it utnil atfer yuo raed a few wrods in? In'st taht rlleay cool? You porbbaly ntocied taht teh ltteres wree out of odrer aorund teh prat taht syas "Cmoperhned tehm." So, yuo can mkae smoe prttey cool snetneces wtih tihs naet lttile barin tirck.


I think this guy deserves to win after that.

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I think this guy deserves to win after that.

i dont think so pal!!!

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Well then I have no choice but to win myself

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again....nice try

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I think this guy deserves to win after that.

That means a whole lot to me, thank you!

Also, I win. I just win. Not "Winning," just "I win." :trollface:

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you were

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You want a good try fine

Ahem:You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

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what was that?

You want a good try fine

Ahem:You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!

You can stop me!


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Hold on I got more.

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

You still can not stop me!

Had enough yet?

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You want a good try fine

Ahem:You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!

You can't stop me!


*Inhales Deeply.*

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Hold on I got more.

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

You still can stop me!

Had enough yet?

enough of you admitting defeat.....nope

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Alright I know when I'm beat.... Or do I? Ok I will withdraw but this ain't over here take this free key chain and goodbye.

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HA.......that trick wont work....-throws keychain-

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*crickets chirping*....See no explosion if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead!

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~DESU. Come on, Rule 27:

Needs more DESU. No Exceptions!

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