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My custom 2D ships

Guest DRL

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Well, I have an ever-growing collection of ships,

some of which are HUGE. Image, the file is over

7000 x 3000 pixels big, containing ships, custom ships,

and other things such as bullets/missiles/engine bursts/etc.

Mostly are from Target Earth (Sega Genesis/Megadrive game),

but others are being incorporated into my collection.

I will start posting my 'works' (if recoloring and modifing

little things is called working).


There is the Uconvexa V1 & V2, and the Sharken V1 & V2

as well.

V1 are the golden-coloured, and the V2 are the Blue/Purple.

As we are only allowed to post only 4 attachments per post,

I will add the 'source ship' on another one.

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I really like them! :D.  They remind me of a SNES game called Cybernator for some reason :lol:

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I really like them! :D.  They remind me of a SNES game called Cybernator for some reason :lol:

The ones who made Target Earth (or 'Assault Suit Leynos in Japan),

also made Cybernator... In fact, Cybernator and Target Earth/ASL

are part of the same storyline, not sure which one come first thought

(Althrough I think Cybernator is a prequel). :wink:


Here are the 'Aerobusters' (could not think of a better name  :oops:),

based on the 'Airbusters' - a game I still love to this day.

Basically the Aerobusters have build up by half one ship, half the other...

Literally... :lol:

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I'll steal your word for a second, AWEC00L!! :lol:

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I'll steal your word for a second, AWEC00L!! :lol:

Thank you!

Also, I could not help but thinking about one for

Peppy. It is intended to remind of the "good old-times..."

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Apologies for the 2nd double-post.

Here is something that I was 'playing with'...

And the result was weird - yet C00L - in the same way.

I started by turning the black color of the ship

to alpha, I ended with a semi-transparent ship.

Now, as I moved it over the other turning sprite... O_o

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Nice stuff! Reminds me of those old side scrolling space shooters I used to play as a kid.

Thank you!  :D

More are coming, actually.

However after I had to reinstall Windows (XP SP3),

I lost my 'updated' collection, being these taken from

the previous version I had uploaded to my Skydrive.

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