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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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No, I mean hold it like a TV remote. The way you hold it in Wii Sports Resort. It also worked for Blazing Angels if you got that for Wii.

If you haven't noticed, Nintendo has been doing experimentation using the general public as guinea pigs. The airplane mode in Wii Sports is a great example of a possible future Star Fox control concept.

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Well, I have some clever ideas on this.

Wii remote w/motion plus: piloting. Twist fast for the barrel roll

Nunchuck: rotate for throttle. And if that makes your hand hurt, use the joy stick. 

DSi/3DS: Think of this as your PDA for ground missions. In space it could be the comm if you use the headset.

A: bombs

B: lasers

D-Pad: loops/ u-turns

On ground:

B: shoot (no duh!)

A: jump (like you didnt see that coming)

D-pad: commands to team

Z: crouch. Double tap for prone.

C: swith weapon

1: switch to grenade

Joystick: move

Ugh... Too much motion control for Arwing.

Try this:

Nunchuck Control Stick - Control ship

Tilt Wii-mote left/rigt - Lean ship

Make quick circular motion with Wii-mote - Barrel Roll

Sensorbar/MotionPlus - select lock target (OPTIONAL)

B - Laser

A -  Bomb

Z - Retros

C - Boost

PAD V - loop

PAD < - answer comm

PAD > - Change view 1

PAD ^ - Change view 2

- - U-Turn

+ - Pause

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No, I mean hold it like a TV remote. The way you hold it in Wii Sports Resort. It also worked for Blazing Angels if you got that for Wii.

If you haven't noticed, Nintendo has been doing experimentation using the general public as guinea pigs. The airplane mode in Wii Sports is a great example of a possible future Star Fox control concept.

Ugh... Too much motion control for Arwing.

Try this:

Nunchuck Control Stick - Control ship

Tilt Wii-mote left/rigt - Lean ship

Make quick circular motion with Wii-mote - Barrel Roll

Sensorbar/MotionPlus - select lock target (OPTIONAL)

B - Laser

A -  Bomb

Z - Retros

C - Boost

PAD V - loop

PAD < - answer comm

PAD > - Change view 1

PAD ^ - Change view 2

- - U-Turn

+ - Pause

They are all great ideas, and hopefully Nintendo will be thoughtful enough to have a custom screen so you can customize the controls to your liking. Also, DZ brought up something new they could do: Changing the view style, so that you can see enemies attacking you from behind! And I can imagine my Wiimote speaker being blown out when Slippy screams.  :P

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Id have to disagree, DZ. If you use the wii remote at all, you'll want to think "this is my arwing."

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You know, Star Fox was all I could really think about when I played that Wii Sports Resort Plane game. The controls are very simple, but it felt really... good. My non-gamer dad became so incredibly addicted to it, after he beat it once, he beat it again as my Mom's Mii, then made a second Mii of himself to beat it a third time. Really, just embellish that to fill a few quips of Arwing control, and I'd play it.

And let the classic controller and Gamecube controller work, too, like in SSBB, just to make everyone happy.

Miyamoto does love Starfox, but I think it's coming down to popularity and money. Starfox as a series has generally doesn't do all that well in Japan (at least verses Miyamoto's other franchises). Miyamoto really likes the series, but because of it's lack of popularity overseas, games have been sparse.

I think Tiberius is on to something with the guinea pig idea. It's happened before, and with a new crowd of gamers all over the world, Starfox may do better. If it does, we'll reap the benefits!

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You know, Star Fox was all I could really think about when I played that Wii Sports Resort Plane game. The controls are very simple, but it felt really... good.

I felt the same way. My disappointment is that no one has made a star fox vid fight between fox and wolf miis (or any other character for that matter).

And plus, somewhere on the island you can hear a Super Mario bros jingle, but not a star fox song?  :x what's up with that?

I think Tiberius is on to something with the guinea pig idea. It's happened before, and with a new crowd of gamers all over the world, Starfox may do better. If it does, we'll reap the benefits!


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Mario is much more popular than Star Fox. Nuff said. But SFs music (especially the snes version) is better written. Aside from Mario, F-Zero, Donkey Kong and Kirby, games like Star Fox, The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid all have major plotlines and stories to tell. Its that part that Nintendo is starting to lack which was pretty evident from Command and Adventures. The story was faulty, mainly because the game was. Stupid decision for Nintendo to slap the Star Fox title on Adventures after taking over Rare. And damn lazy too. Thus they are trying to erase past mistakes by the erasing of Adventures and also depriving honorable fans of their princess, Krystal, who is most likely forever at the mercy of the sharpclaw unless she actually can kick some tail.

I just explained Nintendo's attempt to alter the timeline. BTW: screw sauria. If my flying fox is out killing baddies and looking badass, Im kinda happy. Toss in a love interest, I'll be even happier.

What I dont understand is why not start from Assault? It redeemed Nintendo in terms of faults and set the standard for the look of Halo. Star Fox: Assault was the savior of the franchise.

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Thus they are trying to erase past mistakes by the erasing of Adventures and also depriving honorable fans of their princess, Krystal, who is most likely forever at the mercy of the sharpclaw unless she actually can kick some tail.

I just explained Nintendo's attempt to alter the timeline. BTW: screw sauria. If my flying fox is out killing baddies and looking badass, Im kinda happy. Toss in a love interest, I'll be even happier.

What I dont understand is why not start from Assault?

I think their just remaking the game not resetting the story line.
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Mario is much more popular than Star Fox. Nuff said. But SFs music (especially the snes version) is better written. Aside from Mario, F-Zero, Donkey Kong and Kirby, games like Star Fox, The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid all have major plotlines and stories to tell. Its that part that Nintendo is starting to lack which was pretty evident from Command and Adventures. The story was faulty, mainly because the game was. Stupid decision for Nintendo to slap the Star Fox title on Adventures after taking over Rare. And damn lazy too. Thus they are trying to erase past mistakes by the erasing of Adventures and also depriving honorable fans of their princess, Krystal, who is most likely forever at the mercy of the sharpclaw unless she actually can kick some tail.

I just explained Nintendo's attempt to alter the timeline. BTW: screw sauria. If my flying fox is out killing baddies and looking badass, Im kinda happy. Toss in a love interest, I'll be even happier.

What I dont understand is why not start from Assault? It redeemed Nintendo in terms of faults and set the standard for the look of Halo. Star Fox: Assault was the savior of the franchise.

Your essay of Nintendo mistakes of the starfox series gets an A++! :troll:

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Your essay of Nintendo mistakes of the starfox series gets an A++! :troll:

Except for the part about Krystal screwing the series. She probably brought in most of the fans, and kept interest in the series strong.

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Except for the part about Krystal screwing the series. She probably brought in most of the fans, and kept interest in the series strong.

you mean the fantarts? Nah I'm just kidding. A- now for the essay.

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y'know, they oughta change the name of this thread.  :) Maybe whey would get more fans if they went back to their roots, I hear Sin and Punishment is pretty popular, which is similar to 64 gameplay-wise.

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No rumble pak in the Starfox 64 3DS! lolz.



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No rumble pak in the Starfox 64 3DS! lolz.

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I never said Krystal screwed the series. Adventures did. The only reason Krystal brought new fans is because it syopped the Fox x Samus theory and ended the bratwursr and knackwurst convention. In otherwords, omg. She has boobs.

Are gamers that oblivious? OF COURSE THEY ARE!!! Hardcore gamers arent even hardcore. Theyre warcorps. All thhey want is "Expendables" action and cleavage. The REAL hardcore gamers play to know the story, get acheivments, and the highscore, also being able to recite cuscenes. Poor souls...

Hopefully, in getting to try again, they can reinvent Krystal and give her a proper introduction/tie in.

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I never said Krystal screwed the series. Adventures did. The only reason Krystal brought new fans is because it syopped the Fox x Samus theory and ended the bratwursr and knackwurst convention. In otherwords, omg. She has boobs.

Are gamers that oblivious? OF COURSE THEY ARE!!! Hardcore gamers arent even hardcore. Theyre warcorps. All thhey want is "Expendables" action and cleavage. The REAL hardcore gamers play to know the story, get acheivments, and the highscore, also being able to recite cuscenes. Poor souls...

Hopefully, in getting to try again, they can reinvent Krystal and give her a proper introduction/tie in.

You can call me a hardcore gamer in that case. I play games for the glory of beating them and getting everything in them, that being said I also play them for the entertainment.
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Hopefully, in getting to try again, they can reinvent Krystal and give her a proper introduction/tie in.

I am one almost complete shure this isn't an attempt at restarting the seires! because they are making a lot of other old games as well.
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I am one almost complete shure this isn't an attempt at restarting the seires! because they are making a lot of other old games as well.

You mean "this is" an attempt to restart the series, even if it's not like I've said before they will probably wait another 5 years before making a new star fox game after this.
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You mean "this is" an attempt to restart the series, even if it's not like I've said before they will probably wait another 5 years before making a new star fox game after this.

XD its not an attempt to redo the series! Besides adventrues was (mabye i can't remember) the most popular star fox game of all time!
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XD its not an attempt to redo the series! Besides adventrues was (mabye i can't remember) the most popular star fox game of all time!

No star fox 64 was the most popular, well at least the most successful, the first one was the most famous, and adventures was my favorite of them but I don't know what to say about it.
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