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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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considering I got into Starfox mostly because of Krystal I doubt I'll be getting this.

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considering I got into Starfox mostly because of Krystal I doubt I'll be getting this.

What a true Star Fox fan you are.

"I'm not buying this game because it doesn't have my favorite character in it".


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What a true Star Fox fan you are.

"I'm not buying this game because it doesn't have my favorite character in it".

you assume too little.I'd give you my other reasons ,but once again you'd just reply with somethign to make me mad so I see no point in fueling your fire.
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....... Alright. This is the last Nintendo DS I am buying. WHY!?!?! Why are they making it harder for the rest of us to get ANYTHING!?!

Oh well. I might not get it because I have a gaming computer, and Im saving up for CoD: Black Ops. But because it's Starfox, I feel I should get it.

No. Im not buying this because I already have Starfox64 on the Wii. I dont need the portable one.

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To add on to me previous reasons, no. Im not buying this because of the fact that its a rehash. At least they did something in rebooting Batman and Star Trek (not really going into that).  But Nintendo needs to get off of its LAZY BUTT and do something!

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I wonder if they'll use the old voice acting clips.. :o

I wonder if the voice acting will be retained period. I'm thinking they'll pull an Command/Lylat Wars with that gibberish Lylatian speak. It'd be cool if they did keep the voice acting.

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I was excited about Ghost Recon until I saw the screenshots. Also, the Splinter Cell "screenshots" are horribly faked.



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I FEEL IN AWE  :grovel:

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Lets hope they continue the series and not redo it so the team is comprised of homosexuals. That would ruin my day and bring two of my rp characters out of exitance.

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Lets hope they continue the series and not redo it so the team is comprised of homosexuals. That would ruin my day and bring two of my rp characters out of exitance.

Inb4 Dermot rage. So what exactly do you mean when you say you hope "the team is not comprised of homosexuals"?

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Lets hope they continue the series and not redo it so the team is comprised of homosexuals. That would ruin my day and bring two of my rp characters out of exitance.

Yeah, the Japanese love the Fox X Falco thing...

I'm going to go break into the Nintendo booth to get a 3DS. Who wants to come with me?  :lol:

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Yeah, the Japanese love the Fox X Falco thing...

I'm going to go break into the Nintendo booth to get a 3DS. Who wants to come with me?  :lol:

I'll get the explosives and crowbars! :D

BTW, welcome to Starfox-Online! :D

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Screw that. I'm sabotaging Nintendo's manufacturing facility.

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I'll get the explosives and crowbars! :D

BTW, welcome to Starfox-Online! :D

I get the bullet-proof jackets and

the helicopter  :D

And welcome to SF-O LoneWofl!

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I get the bullet-proof jackets and

the helicopter  :D

But I'll get the helicopter pilot! SCORE! :D. 

Don't forget the brightly colored tear-gas for an impressive entrance! Oh wait, we were supposed to be quiet and discreet? :oops:


This is the single reason I'm buying a 3DS, all the other features are bonuses! :D

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I'll get the explosives and crowbars! :D

BTW, welcome to Starfox-Online! :D

I get the bullet-proof jackets and

the helicopter  :D

And welcome to SF-O LoneWofl!


Screw that. I'm sabotaging Nintendo's manufacturing facility.

Why sabotage?

Sabotage: the deliberate damaging or destroying of property or equipment, e.g. by resistance fighters, enemy agents, or disgruntled workers


Off Topic: I'll call Sam Fisher.


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But I'll get the helicopter pilot! SCORE! :D. 

lol  :lol:

But I will get the sniper

for the crowbars!  :lol:

But I'll get the helicopter pilot! SCORE! :D. 


This is the single reason I'm buying a 3DS, all the other features are bonuses! :D

Star Fox is the only reason I want a 3DS too.

Everything else = extra.

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Edit: I could ask my teacher if I can borrow his mech with mounted minigun if you guys are interested :D


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This makes my reason for buying a 3DS even more justified! The 3DS will be the first handheld I am actually wanting to buy.

I can just imagine lasers and asteroids flying towards us on the screen. I just hope they don't screw up the storyline.

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Awesome doesn't even BEGIN to describe that! :D

This makes my reason for buying a 3DS even more justified! The 3DS will be the first handheld I am actually wanting to buy.

I can just imagine lasers and asteroids flying towards us on the screen. I just hope they don't screw up the storyline.

^THIS! I can't wait to see the game sorta holographically floating in front of me with lasers flying toward my face!!! OH IF THEY GET THIS RIGHT IT'S GONNA BE SO AWESOME!!! :D

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Guys, back to Star Fox 64 3DS plz. :lol:

Good to see Shiggy's still got love for SF or really just knows that people still want the series to live.

I want multiplayer....

No, I want GOOD multiplayer!!!11!1

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