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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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True lol.  :troll:

YEAH! VICTORY IS MINE!  :trollface:

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*stands up* I heard people say fanfiction is a bad basis? Well... You know what I have to say about that?

*slams Starfox TNG on the table* This rp is based off of a fanfiction idea I had a long time ago, and its pretty popular. Give me and Asper the job, we'll make the best storyline ever and a sequal to bring in teh moneyz and another sequal.

Should we take the challenge by restarting from Command?

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Do you mean re-writing Command? Yes...

If you meant continueing Command from an ending that makes sence....no....wait....

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But that's just the problem, the only ending that dosen't have the whole team split up or have someone cry over long lost memories was the one where Fox gives his son Marcus the job of leading the team.

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But that's just the problem, the only ending that dosen't have the whole team split up or have someone cry over long lost memories was the one where Fox gives his son Marcus the job of leading the team.

What about the lucy and krystal ending number 5....everthing goes back to normal in that ending. And even better
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Maybe, but actually Nintendo is considering the first ending canon (which is unbeleivably stupid).

Like I said, rewrite Command! Everyone went out of character!

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Everyone always thinks their own work is good. But it usually isn't. :troll:


DZComposer = PURE WIN :P

Maybe, but actually Nintendo is considering the first ending canon (which is unbeleivably stupid).

:shock: YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS.  If they were smart, they'd treat Command like a non-cannon branch out to a portable system.  At least they can't possibly screw up SF643D......I HOPE O_o

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Nintendo needs to read they're Starfox Nintendo Power comics!







STAR FOX AND FALCO HAVE ROBOT FEET!! (Slippy's missing his body!)

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But yeah.

I just thought that they will probably incorporate motion sensitivity because of the 3DS's motion sensor.

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Good idea. Lets get this back OT.

What are most of you hoping Nintendo doesn't do with this game? Features you don't want...OR whatever you think they could possibly screw up.

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My friend just bought a dsi and didn't know about the 3ds. FAIL

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No, good sir, you fail. Any 3D device with the ability to turn off the 3D is win and there is nothing wrong with the DSi other than no camera flash.

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It's a fail if he almost through the dsi across the room in frustration! And there's nothin wrong with it, I've got one too.  :P

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I'm excited to buy this!

Another reason to save money!!

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Good idea. Lets get this back OT.

What are most of you hoping Nintendo doesn't do with this game? Features you don't want...OR whatever you think they could possibly screw up.

Well, I'm hoping the dialogue will be redone, because then that would just be lazy. As I said before, I hope they make the Katina level a little easier on the eyes, I have trouble telling the difference between friend and foe.

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