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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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I hear that Star Fox 64 3D won't be playable at Nintendo World 2011, but there will be a trailer released for it!

We may actually get some detailed gameplay footage soon! :D

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I hear that Star Fox 64 3D won't be playable at Nintendo World 2011, but there will be a trailer released for it!

We may actually get some detailed gameplay footage soon! :D

That'll be awesome.  :D

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That'll be awesome.  :D

Indeed. I can't wait to see it!

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That'll be awesome.  :D

Indeed. I can't wait to see it!

The event is on January 8th, so we'll find out then!

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I hear that Star Fox 64 3D won't be playable at Nintendo World 2011, but there will be a trailer released for it!

We may actually get some detailed gameplay footage soon! :D

IGN is saying otherwise. Plus, SF643D was playable at E3 so it doesn't make sense that it wouldn't be now.


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After taking the time change between Japan and the States into account, the event should start tonight between 6:00 and 7:00 Central Time.

I'll be looking forward to it.

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IGN is saying otherwise. Plus, SF643D was playable at E3 so it doesn't make sense that it wouldn't be now.


No, only the games with an asterisk are playable in Chiba. You can check Nintendo's site for a list of games that'll be available for play. 

Here's some pictures from the official site.

Release, summer 2011.


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So SF643D isn't coming out until summer? Awwww man! At least it'll make choosing my launch game easier.

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(*checks wallet . . . . . . . only $50*) . . . . . I think I can wait.  :oops:

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And how much does the game cost? I know the hand held is $300...So what's the game?

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And how much does the game cost? I know the hand held is $300...So what's the game?

Hu- wha-wait!!! $300!?!?!? I'd be better off getting two Wii's! Is that the announced price for 3DS in the U.S.!?!?!???

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I think so. But things are always expensive when they first come out, you know.

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And how much does the game cost? I know the hand held is $300...So what's the game?

I just read this about the launch titles:

"Eight titles to release alongside new handheld for its February 26 debut on home soil; game prices to range from 4800 yen ($57) to 6090 yen ($73)."

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I think so. But things are always expensive when they first come out, you know.

Something about that doesn't sound right. I mean the Wii was 250$ when it first came out. How would the 3DS beat it in price?

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games for $57 to $68 a piece!?!? New PS3 titles could gape at that! They won't sell good if all that is TOO expensive!

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There have been no prices announced for regions outside of Japan. The 3DS is 25000yen, and games range from 4800 to 6090. Nintendo does not do direct currency exchanges when releasing products overseas, so Nintendo of America will decide the price independently of the Japanese price. Pricing for North America and Europe should come out on the 19th. 

EDIT: Also a correction, Star Fox is under release for winter, not summer 2011.

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There have been no prices announced for regions outside of Japan. The 3DS is 25000yen, and games range from 4800 to 6090. Nintendo does not do direct currency exchanges when releasing products overseas, so Nintendo of America will decide the price independently of the Japanese price. Pricing for North America and Europe should come out on the 19th.


I thought so. Something didn't sound right at 300$.

EDIT: Also a correction, Star Fox is under release for winter, not summer 2011.

Sweet. Gives me time to save up.  :P

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EDIT: Also a correction, Star Fox is under release for winter, not summer 2011.

OK seriously...

Starfox is not a launch title? I mean it's a space arcade shooter. This is the perfect genre for 3d.

But it's Nintendo, so yea....


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OK seriously...

Starfox is not a launch title? I mean it's a space arcade shooter. This is the perfect genre for 3d.

But it's Nintendo, so yea....


Thinking about it, what 3DS games do we know that are gonna be launch titles? I think Kid Icarus Uprising (Which I am TOTALLY looking forward too as well) is supposed to come out sometime later after the launch of the 3DS and the Oot remake......well actually I have no idea when that comes out.....

I know there should be some launch titles. I don't think any of the good 3DS games are gonna be included in them though

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some of the launch titles look sucky, like that one with the anime looking investigator with graphics that looks like 2D and his job is to solve crimes or something. Forgot the name . . .

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can we get a list with all the launch titles?

If there is no mario kart I guess I won't be gettin the 3ds till winter

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some of the launch titles look sucky, like that one with the anime looking investigator with graphics that looks like 2D and his job is to solve crimes or something. Forgot the name . . .

I'd assume you're referring to the "Professor Layton" series of games; and although I've never had the pleasure of playing them, I've heard quite a few good things about them :).

As for the 3DS, unless N.O.A. drops the price for North American/U.S. markets, there is no way that I'll pay the same price for a handheld as I could buy a home console for.  And $60+ for handheld games is ridiculous; it may be 3D, but it's STILL a handheld. 

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Games are always more expensive in Japan. Dragon Quest IX was selling for a ridiculous price (about $100 iirc) over there when it came out, and we only had to pay the usual $34.99 for it.

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