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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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Holy shit, Solar looks like a totally new game!

Interesting to note is the short voice clip of Fox at the very start, its in Japanese obviously but its when in the English dub he says "Lets Rock and Roll" at the start of Corneria. I guess this confirms that the game will definitely have proper voice acting, although obviously were still unable to 100% confirm this for the English release.

Is anybody here thats familiar with the Jap 64 version able to tell if its the same voice actor for Fox or not? That should give hint as to whether they've used the old 64 clips or got an entirely new cast to rerecord it, as the same will probably go for the western release.

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Is anybody here thats familiar with the Jap 64 version able to tell if its the same voice actor for Fox or not? That should give hint as to whether they've used the old 64 clips or got an entirely new cast to rerecord it, as the same will probably go for the western release.

I found a playthrough of the Japanese version on YouTube, and in that scene he says it in a slightly different way in both videos, so yes, I highly believe that they have re recorded the lines for the game. So I would think they would do that for the North American version as well.

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I've heard both ways, but the channels I trust most are saying no.

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Has anyone heard Fox's voice on that video??? It sounds like the chirping in Command… :(

I'm disappointed.

Unless it really is a real line, and it's just too short to hear.

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It's Japanese. I clearly heard "スターフォックス" (Sutā Fokkusu)

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It's Japanese. I clearly heard "スターフォックス" (SutÄ Fokkusu)

Good. :hehe:

I should've realized it was Japanese. :P

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Does anyone know if SF64 3D will have online play?

I've heard both ways, but the channels I trust most are saying no.

lets hope your wrong

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Well, we haven't really heard anything confirming online play, and I'm sure they would have touted that as a definite feature by now.

But then again, we haven't heard much about most of the batch of 3DS games coming up, if there is going to be online functionality for 64 3D, then it will probably be announced at E3. Once again, June 7th can't come here soon enough!

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Once again, June 7th can't come here soon enough!

Seconded, I will be watching it live in my apartment during my week off. I cannot wait!!

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I'm so going to buy this game. :D Even if it is a remake, I can't resist these graphics! And if I had tons of fun with Starfox 64, I'm going to have tons of fun with Starfox 64 3D!

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ah, i don't know if i am gona get it....i need an xbox, and need shogun 2 then i need star fox 64 3ds

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ah, i don't know if i am gona get it....i need an xbox, and need shogun 2 then i need star fox 64 3ds

Shogun 2?

Don't you mean Portal 2?

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Shogun 2?

Don't you mean Portal 2?

eww,n o shofun is much sweeter, IMO, I love the total war seires

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eww,n o shofun is much sweeter, IMO, I love the total war seires

He's talking about Portal 2.


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me gusta

black gloves...THIS GAME IS RUINED

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

black gloves...THIS GAME IS RUINED

Maybe Fox has the power glove on. :troll:


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This game is looking even more awesome! :D

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A picture is worth a thousand words, so I thought I would show you all this pic I just dug up.


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A picture is worth a thousand words, so I thought I would show you all this pic I just dug up.


My reaction to this: :D :D :D :D


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Fifty bucks says that's the Box Art.

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If it is then I would be very pleased indeed.

Box art or otherwise, it instantly dethroned the Aperture Science logo as my iPhone wallpaper so that's a certain indicator of epicness :D Too bad the UK Nintendo site seems to be the only country on earth that hasn't even acknowledged it's existence. I guess they're too busy pushing "important" games, like Nintendogs :trollface:

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AWESOME ART!!!!!!11!!!11! :panic:

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And now I'm going to make a wallpaper for this. Thanks for the High-Res! :friends:

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