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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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That date is just... wow. Anyways, I liked the trailer, but I was hoping the release date would be a bit sooner in the Summer (Like the Japanese version). The game has been finished for more than a month, but I suppose Nintendo has their reasons.

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I think by "finished" they meant the Japanese version. Localization always takes time. They have to first translate, sometimes rewrite lines, re-record voice acting, change in-game text, sometimes model textures, and in some cases, actual program code must be changed. Then they have to do the whole marketing thing. This takes time.

Production and distribution takes time as well. No doubt the Japanese version is currently in production, and the US version is probably nearing finished with localization.

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So, the release date is September 11, 2011.


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I think by "finished" they meant the Japanese version. Localization always takes time. They have to first translate, sometimes rewrite lines, re-record voice acting, change in-game text, sometimes model textures, and in some cases, actual program code must be changed. Then they have to do the whole marketing thing. This takes time.

Production and distribution takes time as well. No doubt the Japanese version is currently in production, and the US version is probably nearing finished with localization.

Yeah, you're right. At least the game will be awesome when it finally comes. I'm just wondering what Wolf and the others will sound like, since Fox and Peppy sound good.

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Yea, General Pepper also sounded really good.

Quite honestly, I'm really impressed with the voice acting. The first time around I didn't even know they were supposed to be new VAs. I only noticed that they sounded sliiiightly different in terms of melody.

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Pepper in particular has to be the same guy, sounds dead on and let's not forget that Rick May, the original actor, is still working, he was the Soldier in TF2 :) He also voiced Wolf and Leon so I imagine they will have their kick ass British accents.

I'm more worried about Falco and Slippy, I'd like to hear Falco sound the same, but despite nostalgia I can't help think that Slippy's Assault/Brawl actor fitted the part better. He actually sounded like how I imagine Slippy to sound, the annoying geeky tone, except he did actually sound like a guy, unlike in 64 (who to be fair was a female VA) :P

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

Does General Pepper have trouble pronouncing the letter R?

Does he have trouble pronouncing "Katina"? (I know it's a different SF game but he calls it Kinal insted of Kitana.)


Stop doing that, it adds nothing to the discussion. If you're gonna post just 1 emoticon or 1 word, it gets annoying as hell. (Unless you are responding to someone.)

*Elder Scrolls V trailer*

I thought that comes out on November 11th...

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So wait, what's this gag about it coming out September 11th? (Yes I am completely oblivious.)

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So wait, what's this gag about it coming out September 11th? (Yes I am completely oblivious.)

SF64 3D: 11/11/11

Elder Scrolls Skyrim: 11/11/11

Uncharted 3: 11/11/11

What am I forgetting?

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Ummmm, so what's so great about that?

No, we just have a feeling it's going to get ignored against the others.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

Ummmm, so what's so great about that?

It ain't great, son. We won't ever forget it, NEVER.

No, we just have a feeling it's going to get ignored against the others.

^ Probably that.

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So wait, what's this gag about it coming out September 11th? (Yes I am completely oblivious.)

Start Here.

Add 10 years to that date.

Now consider that there are major game releases on that date. It's bad JuJu, IMO. It says "look forward to this day" which is a day of remembrance for something that should not be celebrated by playing new games.

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SF64 3D: 11/11/11

Elder Scrolls Skyrim: 11/11/11

Uncharted 3: 11/11/11

What am I forgetting?

That November comes after September :P

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Corneria gameplay:






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That November comes after September :P


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Does it REALLY matter? If you start deciding that you shouldn't release stuff on certain days, you'll very quickly run out of days to choose from.

Can't do 21st Dec, Lockebie

nor 27th March, that Tenerife Airport disaster,

11th September, September 11th attacks

7th February, Black Saturday (Australia)

and that's just off the top of my head. We're eating into those days pretty quick.

I don't mean any offence to the victims of the 9/11 attacks, but I hardly see that it matters whether or not a game is released on the day.

I think that the game looks fantastic, although, they've gone for an arts style that's kinda like the 'almost-plasticine' look that they use in The Clone Wars. Solar looks fantastic though, and it definitely looks like a Star now :D

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Does it REALLY matter? If you start deciding that you shouldn't release stuff on certain days, you'll very quickly run out of days to choose from.

Can't do 21st Dec, Lockebie

nor 27th March, that Tenerife Airport disaster,

11th September, September 11th attacks

7th February, Black Saturday (Australia)

and that's just off the top of my head. We're eating into those days pretty quick.

I don't mean any offence to the victims of the 9/11 attacks, but I hardly see that it matters whether or not a game is released on the day.

I know we should move on from that day but doesn't it strike you as just a bit insensitive especially given the content of the first level? Give this information to a news corporation like (ironically) Fox and they will have a field day, especially as it is the 10th anniversary of the attacks and I bet there will be a considerable amount of coverage remembering the events of that day around that time.

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Just no one run into any buildings then!! :D :D

In all seriousness though, it's NOA that would have chosen the release date, so they obviously didn't think it mattered too much; and they, obviously, are American.

BTW, have any of buildings destroyed in the NY attack been rebuild yet?

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

BTW, have any of buildings destroyed in the NY attack been rebuild yet?

(Erm...shouldn't we be talking about 9/11 in The Cacus and Pulpit pub? We're kinda going off the topic...)

So far, I'm not exactly that thrilled with the gameplay that was shown here...but hey, I'll be getting it anyway.

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*wakes up and sees who last posted, falls out of chair* geez, that's a good pic. All jokes aside, I'll be very interested to compare it to Lylat Wars

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BTW, have any of buildings destroyed in the NY attack been rebuild yet?

No, we leave them as they are, as a reminder of why we're going to rip any Al-Qaeda, Taliban, or any other terrorist bastard to shreds.

Fuck yeah, America.

Now, back on topic.

That gameplay looks AWESOME. I can't wait icon_biggrin.gif The visual effects (lasers, wing trails, flames) look really good on the 3DS. I'm actually quite suprised. The PICA200 Graphics processor they're using only runs @ 200MHz. Any news on what the actual ARM processor is? So far I've only read "Nintendo ARM".

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From the little bit seen in the videos and trailer, I like what they've done with the multiplayer, big update over 64. It showed you collecting star symbols after downing and enemy, Command's multiplayer had you doing that so I think it will be similar to that, only this looks to be more complex.

But looking at this makes me even more sad that 643D won't have online, I mean come on. Command's multiplayer had online and this looks to be a more advanced version of that, so why cut it out?

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Wait.. 11? Two days ago they said the European release was at 9. Which happens to be my birthday. :|

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It's the way dates are written in the US, in Europe (or at least the UK) we list it day/month/year but In America they list it month/day/year.

So whilst in Europe 9/11/2011 is November 9th, in America it's September 11th. Also as far as I'm aware, no Euro release date has been announced yet. In fact, on the British Nintendo website it's not even been acknowledged as existing! That really bodes well, but there's 3 months I guess for an announcement, I just hate being kept in the Dark :(

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