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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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Papetoon was actually mentioned by name in the original N64 Japanese intro. Not sure why it was removed in the localized versions.

I don't speak Japanese, so I can't say this with certainty, but it seems to me like the two speeches are the same.

BTW, Star Fox in Japanese is "SUTA FOKKUSU" with the "A" in SUTA being long (Sootaa Fox-soo). It's the Katakana form of the English "Star Fox." An actual translation would be along the lines of "Hoshi no Kitsune" (Literally "Fox of the Stars")

EDIT: Ninja'd :ninja: Oh well, at least I have video. <_<

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Heh, I couldn't be bothered to scour YouTube so just emulated it on Project 64 :lol:

Am I naughty for using emulators to play Japanese games? :trollface:

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Take a look at this! :wolf:


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SFO's official position is "Winners don't do warez." That's all I will say.

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OH MAN! Should we tell Fox about this?

Now I know what Krystal was doing with Starwolf in Command :<

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OH MAN! Should we tell Fox about this?

Now I know what Krystal was doing with Starwolf in Command :<

So I guess Krystal would say Fox is good, but wolf is better. :trollface:

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OH MAN! Should we tell Fox about this?

Now I know what Krystal was doing with Starwolf in Command :<

That's what I call fun xD

..But the differences between Marcus and 3DS Wolf are quite big to me. :wink:

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Looks alot like...


:trollface: :trollface: :trollface:

Oh fuck, time travel.

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Star Fox 64 3D European website

Nintendo of Europe have FINALLY decided to acknowledge that Star Fox exists :lol: The website is a mirror of the old Japanese site with the opening cutscene playing on a loop in the boxes at the bottom of the screen, but its good that at least its confirmation we'll be seeing the game this year.

Euro Release date is September 9th :)

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Star Fox 64 3D European website

Nintendo of Europe have FINALLY decided to acknowledge that Star Fox exists :lol: The website is a mirror of the old Japanese site with the opening cutscene playing on a loop in the boxes at the bottom of the screen, but its good that at least its confirmation we'll be seeing the game this year.

Euro Release date is September 9th :)

The release is still set on my b-day :3

..But i'm gonna take a look at your link.

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Less than 3 months away from the North American release. :D :D :D :D :D

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This is so sex.


Why is this so sex?

What level is that from? Macbeth? I don't recognize that particular part, though…?

I wonder if they might add in a few extra levels…I so wish they would…

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

What level is that from? Macbeth? I don't recognize that particular part, though…?

Its Macbeth from the looks of it.

It also makes me wonder if any of these will be included:

On-foot multiplayer

Fox with his father's shades

Play the ORIGINAL Starfox 64

Play the SNES Starfox

Concept Art

If there are 3 medals in the game than only 1, then I am sure that what I said above has GOT to be included in the final release of SF64 3D.

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I may not get all of the news about this game, but is it true that if this game doesn't sell well it could mean the end of the series forever?

This is where I heard it from, then again these guys could be inaccurate: http://screwattack.com/videos/Digital-Forecast-The-Last-Star-Fox

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If it is, then It'll be open season on Pokemon. *takes aim at a Munchlax*

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I may not get all of the news about this game, but is it true that if this game doesn't sell well it could mean the end of the series forever?

This is where I heard it from, then again these guys could be inaccurate: http://screwattack.com/videos/Digital-Forecast-The-Last-Star-Fox

Wow, ScrewAttack certainly are quick on reporting news that was first reported over two weeks ago. The original article from Kotaku.com said that it wasn't just StarFox that could be up for extinction. Miyamoto apparently also said if the new Zelda (Skyward Sword) didn't sell well, that series would be finished as well. To be honest, I've only heard this from one source so I don't really believe it. I think it is just a tactic to try and get people to buy the games just to 'save the series'.

Original article posted June 7th: http://kotaku.com/5809738/nintendo-developers-warned-of-a-future-with-no-more-zelda-star-fox-games

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Still no US SF643D site yet...

Anyone else think NOA's site sucks compared to NCL and NOE?

Also, Europe getting it before NA for once.

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Yeah, it sucks. lol That is an awesome picture of Macbeth. Now all we need is a picture of the lizard, who I used to always think was a monkey. Also, don't trust ScrewAttack. Their full of BS, like almost every other video game website.

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Watch him turn out to be, in fact, a monkey. :troll:

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I hope so. I still cant really see how he could be a lizard, but I guess only time will tell. Also, I never did get why there were so many reptiles working for Andross and no other animal. I can understand the apes, but reptiles?

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Mainly because they are cold-blooded monsters.

And that's not me being racist. While apes give you the impression that they are intelligent, cunning and basically the brains of the whole invasion, the lizards are the physically strong yet dispensable and stupid units.

However, not all lizards are stuck to that role, since we do have higher ranked reptiles in the Venomian Army, as we can see.

It's just a psychological thing. It's way easier to make reptiles come off as the bad guys.

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