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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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Wow, this game looks amazing. Btw, what the heck is with Falco not having a tail, and Fox's tail being to short? I mean, after a while of playing SFA, I looked at SF64, and I was "Man his tail is short!" So I thought they'd fix that in the remake, but no. :P

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eh...I don't think I will be making use of the 3ds mode

Uh guys? What is 3:22?

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That was Venom on Easy run, then the world you go through when you warp.

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I love Venom on Easy route! Very cinematic.

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I must say I'm really liking how this remake is turning out... I wonder if Nintendo will ever consider making one for the Wii or the Wii U. That would be awesome IMO.


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We've now seen a part of every level in the original game.

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Yeah, now we only need to see the training level and the level you get to when you warp from Meteo. I would also love to see the main title screen with the StarFox team, the in-game model of Fox with sunglasses (as well as the transmission image of Fox with sunglasses or James McCloud), and so far it seems like they removed it from the game, but if they didn't, I would like to see the cockpit view from the original game.

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You're very good at getting us information. This is very awesome, and I was half expecting the video to show the Area 6 Commander or one of the other Venom goons. lol

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A bit reluctant to hear the rest of the cast after hearing the Meteor Crusher (he delivered the emotional lines pretty well, but the rest... ehhh), but I'm not giving up all hope just yet. I'm probably just keeping expectations unrealistically high due to my overwhelming nostalgia for the original.

Everything else? Amazing. Mugshots, music and sounds all stay true to the N64 version. And, God, it looks so good! Macbeth and Solar... Ach-cha-cha-cha!!

And on an personal note; it might just be a remake, but I think old school Star Fox fans --like me -- can finally enjoy a game without stupid plot-holes, bad writing, and no Krystal!!

...Just cheesy voice-acting.

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...Just cheesy voice-acting.

That we will love and cherish and use in our everyday lives as jokes. :)

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Yeah, it sucks. lol That is an awesome picture of Macbeth. Now all we need is a picture of the lizard, who I used to always think was a monkey. Also, don't trust ScrewAttack. Their full of BS, like almost every other video game website.

AND every video game reviewer. I wouldn't even trust Morgan Webb to unclog my toilet.

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Critics are paid to find the negative, so they always will.

...Just cheesy voice-acting.

It's a Star Fox game, of course the Voice Acting will be cheesy. It always has been.

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If you have starfox 64 for the n64 or on v.c. then theres no need to WASTE YOUR MONEY on this remake. there is no online and from what we know there are no new levles. Who cares if its new, its the same game but with a differnt look.

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If you have starfox 64 for the n64 or on v.c. then theres no need to WASTE YOUR MONEY on this remake. there is no online and from what we know there are no new levles. Who cares if its new, its the same game but with a differnt look.

Updated graphics, gameplay, controls, multiplayer, everything, son. Look, it's new StarFox, or at least, it's a remake of the best in the franchise. Now it's portable, and in 3D. And the gameplay's just as good. So who gives a shit if it's the same game, I love SF64 and would gladly buy another copy, just for the 3D. So:

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graphics dont matter, the multiplayer may be new but theres no online, meaning you have to find someone in a local aera to play it. It has the same gameplay cause its the same game, controls dont really matter. so hey nintendo its been 4 years WAKE Up and give us something new. yea im a sf fan but really all nintendo could thing of was making a remake with no online...

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graphics dont matter, the multiplayer may be new but theres no online, meaning you have to find someone in a local aera to play it. It has the same gameplay cause its the same game, controls dont really matter. so hey nintendo its been 4 years WAKE Up and give us something new. yea im a sf fan but really all nintendo could thing of was making a remake with no online...

Actually its been 5 years, and it may be just a remake I think its a great way for younger gamers who have only heard of the series from Smash Bros. to get into the series. There may be no online play, but a least its something considering the half a decade of no new titles. And besides, playing A Star Fox game on the go that isn't Command sounds like a step forward to me.

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I am rather disappointed that the game has no WiFi and it is a remake, but that does not mean I will not be getting it. Heck, when I found out they were working on this, I didn't like it either, and much would rather have them make a SF Wii. But now, it's actually starting to look cool, and SF really wasn't supposed to be a big story line wise game. It was just supposed to be a fun, action packed game.

What I think they should do, is make something like a Starfox 64 3D 2. A sequel would be just what the series needs.

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Starfox 64 3D 2

well I hope they will go for THAT name then! :P



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If you have starfox 64 for the n64 or on v.c. then theres no need to WASTE YOUR MONEY on this remake. there is no online and from what we know there are no new levles. Who cares if its new, its the same game but with a differnt look.

graphics dont matter, the multiplayer may be new but theres no online, meaning you have to find someone in a local aera to play it. It has the same gameplay cause its the same game, controls dont really matter. so hey nintendo its been 4 years WAKE Up and give us something new. yea im a sf fan but really all nintendo could thing of was making a remake with no online...



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Looks like they fixed the CUSing exploit. Doing what happened at 1:48 would give you two points in the N64 version, here it just gave one. Good to see they fixed it.

I think the Mario-Kart-Esque power-up containers are interesting. I see hints of Star Fox 2 in those powerups.

Also, the canonized the SSBB Landmaster design: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/anrj/index.html#/arwing/landMaster

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A lot of people mention the remade graphics and multiplayer but what do think about the remade music? It's the same in essence, but it uses a different sound bank than the original. I think it adds a little but of freshness to the game and I like it! I was a bit disappointed in OoT 3D to find that Nintendo spent too much time and resources creating a 3DS soundbank that would replicate the original game. I feel like the graphics in OoT 3D did not match the N64-ish sound. What do you guys think?

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^ I agree on the SF 64 3D thing, but I've never heard the Oot remake sound track.

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