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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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Well, my birthday's coming up, and I didn't ask for a 3DS even when I could have got one. Why? Because the battery life is crap and all the launch titles are merely "okay". I'm going to wait until somewhere around Christmas to actually get one, when the third-party batteries are smaller.

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It looks great! I really enjoyed the re-orchestrated versions of the soundtrack and I love the new Macbeth. It makes me feel as if they made Starfox for us the way it was meant to look like. There was an error in the middle of the video and I couldn't watch off of it, though.

I think that they really outdid themselves this time. The presentation is great.

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Hey, guys! Are you attending the Comic-Con this year? If you are, you're so lucky! Nintendo are attending the event this year, and they're gonna have public displays for various game demos, even for yet-to-be released games for Wii, Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo DS! Some of the games include, but are not limited to, the 3DS Super Mario, the 3DS Mario Kart, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, Kirby Wii, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and (surprise, surprise) the U.S. version of Star Fox 64 3D!

Personally, I always wanted to go to the Comic-Con every year, but now I feel like I really wanted to go this time! Gosh... what a shame indeed.

Oh, has anyone seen the new American trailer for Star Fox 64 3D yet?

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Bill sounds a little less Californian and more Southern.

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Now that I listen to it, the more I'm disappointed in the voice-acting. I mean, sure, StarFox 64 is notorious for goofy voice-acting, but at least it wasn't 'terrible' voice-acting!

I actually thought the best-sounding quote was at the end of the video "Hope(N Forever)" posted: "Arrrrrrgggh!!"

At least this cheered me up, though!

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When has a Star Fox game ever had great voicework?

It could be just the instrument sound used, but the choir sounds awful and out-of-place in that Area 6 rip.

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It's hardly terrible, if you want terrible play any early era PS1 game, pretty much any arcade game, or even Star Fox adventures in which most the supporting cast are really goofy Brits trying to do American accents :P

From what I played, Fox and Slippy were as good as the original, if not better. Slippy sounds slightly less Girly and Fox is ever so slightly deeper, but not in a monotonous Assault manner, he sounds about the right age :)

Peppy and Falco... I'm not so sure. Peppy sounds like whoever is voicing him is trying too hard to sound like the original but just can't quite nail the right tone. Falco sounds OK, but from what I heard he just lacks a bit of the attitude he did in the original, I'd he's slightly softer spoken and kind of a cross between Fox and Bill. It's hard to describe, but I'm going off week old memories here, but I can Safely tsay, neither are as horrible as Adventures or Brawl (yet! ) :P

And @ DZcomposer - I think Bill sounds nearly identical there. Sure it's only one line so it's hard to judge, but he's FAR from a Southern Hick, Let's not forget California is in the South, so he's bound to have that slight twang to his accent anyway :D

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I'm okay with Fox and Katt's voices, everyone else, meh, could be better. I AM dissapointed with Wolf's voice though. Ugh.

They've changed the release date of SF64. But good news, it's earlier now! It'll be September 9th instead of the 11th. http://nintendo3dsblog.com/star-fox-64-3d-release-date-changed-to-september-9th#more-611542010

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They've changed the release date of SF64. But good news, it's earlier now! It'll be September 9th instead of the 11th. http://nintendo3dsbl...#more-611542010

Well, that's better. Nobody's going to camp at Gamestop on 9/11.

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Well, that's better. Nobody's going to camp at Gamestop on 9/11.

I think that's EXACTLY why they changed the release date.

I like what they did with Katt's design. I find it much better than the original.

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I like what they did with Katt's design. I find it much better than the original.

Yeah, I like it too. Her voice actor's pretty good as well. Well done, Nintendo, well done!

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When has a Star Fox game ever had great voicework?

I don't think you understand my complaint; it just didn't live up to my expectations. I thought they'd put tremendous effort it making the voice-acting as close to the original as possible -- hell, they even hired the cast back from 1997 to record their lines over again. But, honestly, compare any of those newer lines to the original, and its no contest which ones are 'better'. Its one of those things that I just can't put my finger on... but some of the lines just feel 'hollow'. Everything Fox says is fine, he's supposed to be a nonchalant character, but everybody else just needs a bit more... emotion(?) behind their delivery. The best example is probably Slippy on Zoness (in the latest trailer): "What a dump!". At least compare this with the original, and at least tell me what you think...

It could be just the instrument sound used, but the choir sounds awful and out-of-place in that Area 6 rip.

Don't diss my favorite part! :c This is my absolute favorite version of Area 6 to date!

A lot better than the Boss music's rendition, where they added that "Take Me Out To The Ballgame"-esque organ and blaring the strings. What was wrong with trumpets and subtle strings?

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I thought that the voice acting was fine so far--at least in the Japanese version. If you understand the Japanese lines the tone of the game is a bit different. It's pretty cool. I feel that is how the characters were meant to be portrayed. There is simply more of an impact. For instance, when fighting Wolf on Fortuna he will say something along the lines of, "Your dad's waiting for you in hell". And Falco will say in the beginning of the Venom 1 mission, "I'll show them difference between them (lit. those monkeys) and US!" So it doesn't sound as cheesy as some of the English voice acting (though I thought it was good for it's time).

Are there not any translations of the Japanese dialogues online anywhere? It would be a neat addition to the site. I could do it but it would take forever.

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I personally cannot really judge based on first impressions. I do admit though that the voice acting does sound much different than before edging towards being worse off, but that is likely because I am more used to the game I grew up with rather than going for a remake of sorts. It is hard to let go of things etched into memory, and with the original Star Fox 64 we do have a lot fond memories, don't we, guys? I mean, I bet a significant amount of you got into Star Fox with Star Fox 64. (Personally, I got into it since the very first game on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, but I believed I had more fun with the one on the Nintendo 64 anyway.) Regardless, I am still giving this game quite a chance. The Japanese got crazy for Star Fox 64 3D apparently, as the game ended up last week in the number one spot for a Nintendo 3DS game, and in the sixth place as an overall game! The game even managed to sell over 30,000 copies, but who knows what really attributed to the strong sales, as the new Flare Red Nintendo 3DS was released on the same day.

By the way... FINALLY! Nintendo of America has finally launched their own official website today, and despite the URL, the site actually uses the StarFox.com domain, albeit as a mere re-direction. Well, it certainly doesn't look too different from its European cousin, but I would say there might be some various, significant differences. Oh, and the website confirms that the game was actually bumped up to be released two days earlier than originally announced! Despite that, I would still say Europeans will still get the game first anyway, considering they have later time zones than the U.S.! So, yeah.

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I just noticed something: in the newest American trailer, Peppy says, "Get this guy off my tail" (or, at least something close to that), a line that isn't in the original. Hopefully this means that more new lines are being recorded to keep the redundancy of saving your team down ("Fox, get this guy off me! Fox, get this guy off me! Fox, get this guy off me", and so on), which I am all for!

Plus, Hope(N Forever) has a pretty good point about those "childhood memories being etched into our brains" thing. Admittedly, I had high hopes for this game and for it's creators to preserve as much of the original as possible, but taking a step back, I can see some things rationally -- especially my gripe about something silly like "voice-fluctuation", or "hollow acting". Hell, chances are the original voice-actors weren't chriogenically frozen: they aged, and their delivery will sound accordingly.

And, hurrah! Go Star Fox! Can we all have a sigh of relief now that its sales are looking pretty good? Or, do we need to wait for Star Fox Fever to spread worldwide in the fall? :P

(Also, just to let you guys know, don't let my nit-picking deceive you; I'm not some selfish, purist fanboy, I'm just fishing for negatives now so I can enjoy the crap out of this game when its out!)

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can the 3ds support add-ons like the psp? if it can then maybe nintendo can make a starfox 64 online add on.

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Just thought I'd let you guys know: Star Fox 64 3D's pre-order sales are lookin' pretty good, ranking at No. 50 on Amazon.com's game division. (In fact, I think I'll contribute to those numbers...)

I don't know about you guys, but that's pretty exciting seeing as Star Fox's popularity in the states hasn't been on par with other Nintendo franchises.

Here's my source.


Also, pipluwater posted the entire Star Fox 64 3D Soundtrack on YouTube. Pretty cool stuff.

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Also, pipluwater posted the entire Star Fox 64 3D Soundtrack on YouTube. Pretty cool stuff.

Oh, the soundtrack's awesome. I was worried that they'd completely screw it up, but this is just as good as the original. :D

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I agree, the piano ending after the SF64 ending is wonderful! :')

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For the most part, I'm trying to keep the bigger parts of the game a surprise: especially end-game stuff like Andross' base (and himself) and the credit's theme(s).

@Psygonis: I'll take your word for it! Is it an original score, or just a theme from the game piano-tized?

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Hmm, acording to the credits these are the new Seiyuu.

Takeshi OOhara

Kunpei Sakamoto

Kei Hayami

Kousuke Takaguichi

Tsguou Mogami

Atsushi Abe

Sadly, no reprises from previous games.

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Makes you think how lucky we (Americans, Europeans, Australians) are that we've -- at least -- got Mike West again. (I'm not sure just how much of the original English cast reprised their roles, but I'll look into it later; maybe IMDB will help)


Well, IMDB was absolutely useless; it only listed 'one' voice actor -- Kenji Nojima as Fox McCloud. This totally contradicts Roku, but I honestly think he's far more reliable than IMDB. Serves me right for doing video game research on a "movie database"...

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It's understandable in the case of Daisuke Gouri's character' (He voiced Pepper, Pigma, and Andross.) because he's passed away last year. But what's odd is Hisao Egawa (Who voiced Falco), Kyouko Tonguu ( Who voiced Slippy), And Tomohisa AsÃ… ( Who voiced Peppy) have always returned to voice their characters from 64 to Brawl. They most likely wanted to get younger talent.

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Wow, that's actually pretty cool those same voice-actors kept coming back in Japan: I'm far from 'enlightened' when it comes to how games differ overseas, so all of this is 'foreign' to me (hurr). Too bad voice-continuity wasn't that tight in the English versions of preceding Star Fox games (I'd much rather have a "classy 'and' psycho" Leon than just a "psycho" Leon).

Also: It may be overdue, but R.I.P., Daisuke Gouri.

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TheStarFoxMaster64> It is a piano-tized re-arrengement of the ending theme, but I do think also a medley with the SF64 Starfox theme (at the beginning).

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