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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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I think the cockpit view was cool, but it was hard to see what you were doing. Often I'd find myself bumping into things when I didn't know they were that close to me. If they fixed it up in the 3DS version, (say they let you look around and have a wider range of view,) then they should bring it back.

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Yeah, I agree, the cockpit view was a nice little detail, but it wasn't very helpful and you could easily get disoriented and even a little dizzy after a few barrel rolls.

Anyway, I did ask a guy who uploaded a StarFox 3ds video about it, and he didn't even know a cockpit view existed in the N64 version, so yeah, I think they definitely removed the first-person view in the 3ds remake. I don't think it's that big of a deal, but for the next StarFox game (if there is another SF game), I would definitely like to see the return of the cockpit view, it would obviously have to be improved... like Wolf Fang said, they should at least let you freely look around in all-range mode scenarios, which could be very helpful if done right.

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I never really used cockpit view, tbh. I'm usually better with third person view in games.. except racing games. I will use cockpit view sometimes..

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Cockpit view made me dizzy. WAY too sensitive.

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The problem with cockpit view is that the field of vision is far too small, you are firing at some enemies, move slightly to avoid oncoming fire, and they're out of your field of vision before you can readjust. It's like trying to play the entire of a Call of Duty game while looking down the sights of a sniper rifle

It's a fun novelty that I guess aims to make the game more immersive, but there's a reason most flight combat games are third person. In real flight the pilot can move his head around to keep track of other aircraft when manoeuvring the plane, but the fixed view on Starfox means that if you for example pitch up, the enemy leaves your field of vision and the pace of the game means you've probably already passed them long ago. I guess that with twin sticks you could have a function to look around the cockpit, but SF is just too on rails and fast Paced for such a function.

Not to mention you lose track of the fact there are limits to where you can go on the screen, I just played and ended up crashing out on Sector Y because the movement of the scrolling lead me straight into the path of an oncoming wall. I still managed around 130 on Corneria and didn't feel remotely sick, but it's definitely not how the game is meant to be played. Let's remember though that back in 1997 first person was a huge novelty, so it was in a way similar to the motion controls on the remake - Innovative, but difficult to work with.

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Yep, that's pretty much it. I love the cockpit view in most flight games, I always use it in games like Ace Combat, Over-G Fighters, Battlefield 2, and all that type of games where you fly in a 3d environment and you can move in every direction, it just works well and it definitely helps creating a more immersive experience. That's why I think the cockpit view could work really well in StarFox, but only in all-range segments, the on-rails parts don't work too well with the first-person view because, like Starwing_93 said: they're just too fast paced for it to be useful.

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I fully agree. Now I'm gonna sit back, and see what Nintendo comes up with.

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I still don't see why they didn't make Star Fox 64's cockpit view like Star Fox's (SNES).

When you went into first-person in that game, it was made for Star Fox in mind; rather than twisting (from barrel-rolling) and moving the whole screen, the layout display just 'indicated' you were rolling (see the two arrows on either side of the axis-reader) while the screen stayed in a fixed position. Your cross-hair just skimmed the screen to steer and shoot, and it worked pretty well (especially since every level was railed). Of course all-range mode might be awkward for it, but they could add a depth-reader, also! (At the risk of having a convoluted screen...)

I'm not saying it could work, or that its any less trivial than the first-person mode in the original; just thought I should bring it to the table that it's 'possible'.

Oh, and the potato salad:


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Well, the only good news that I could find were that StarFox64 3Ds not only has the english voices, but also german and france, but the lylat-voice is gone completely. I've checked the voice acters for our German version and they sound pretty neat, so it makes my fingers itch a bit more since I've heard them. I never was sure what to think about german voice actors for StarFox, but surprisingly they chosed very good people for them. Sadly we only can hear the voices of Fox, Peppy, Slippy and Falco only from the Germany 64 3Ds homepage, we don't know how characters like Pepper, Wolf, Leon, Pigma, Andrew, Bill, Katt, Andross and the enemy guys do sound.

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Lolwut? They planned to dub the voices with other langages? That's a new thing! :o Too bad for the "original" lylatian voices though... They were cool! :/

I'm rather curious to hear about that anyway!

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i was surprised myself after I've heard that as a rumor of a friend of mine. I've checked it out after she told me that and holly! It really was true. It's a nice thing hearing the characters in different languages now besides of japanese, english and lylat. German and France are brand new, and I really can't wait till I can play it on my 3Ds.

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I've gone on the german/french websites.

Well... For the german voices, I think they are fine, except Fox's intonation that is a bit weird.

But for the french voices! O_o'

They sound like dubbed 80's mangas, they're just awful! Fox and Falco voices are the worst of the lot, and I'm afraid, just imagining the other ones... :'(

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Oh my, I didn't heared the french versions of the voice cast right now, but if you say that they're "horrible", then I think I shouldn't hear them D:

But for my part, I guess the German voice actors could have been really worse if we weren't lucky, but gladly they chosed some voice acters I know from different TV shows. I hope that they will list the name's of the voice actors in the staff rolls, they never do that in most of the games that were dubbed into German... totally disappointing D:

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Well, maybe it's because it's my in my own langage and I'm used to classic SF voices that I think that dubbing is ridiculous... I don't know... But from what I've heard... Ewww...

If your native langage is german, well, give it a try, it might at least sound a bit exotic to you! :P

(http://www.nintendo.fr/NOE/fr_FR/games/nintendo_3ds/star_fox_64_3d_43200.html Help yourself! \o/ )

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Surely my native language is German, and thanks for the link to the france site of 3Ds! I've took a look on it and heared the voices. To me, the France version sounds nearly as the German O_o I don't know but I think they really tried to let the characters sound in the way we know them in English. That's.... kind of great in some way.

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I noticed that too, they really try to mimic the original intonation. But it sounds like D-grade copy in the end... :/

Have you gone on the spanish/italian websites? They have their own dubbing as well! O_o'

But if you go on the russian website, you'll see they use english voices. Too bad, I'm sure the characters would have sounded badass with russian voices! :P


The fact that so much new langages appear available make me wonder if they actually will be in the game. I haven't gone on the dutch/portuguese websites, but even if they don't have their own dubbings, that's still 4 new voice langages in the game. That's some piece of work to dubb all the game, and to put all these sound files in the cartridge. I nearly think localized dubbings were only done for the websites!

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I'd imagine the cart is more than capable of having so many dubs, if not they may sell different languages in different regions. I remember I once bought a second hand copy of Metal Gear solid that was all in German, the game worked but my very limited German made it hard to follow :P

Moving back to the English translation however, in both the story synopsis and the description of Fox, it specifically states that James is dead. I guess that's one Plot hole filled, albeit with the more downbeat outcome :(

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I'm very surprised now, I checked all languages of Star Fox 3Ds and I only like Japanese, English, France and German, I'm not too happy with Italian and Spain XXD"

But hey, not only it's official that James is dead, no, FINALLY it's also official that Falco's old Gang was called "Free As A Bird", like I told that in some old topic somewhere around here lol

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james is dead??? so why did he help fox at the last level? and where did you get this info.

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Only because he's dead doesn't mean he's an asshole who wouldn't want to help his own son.

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James will always remain a mystery, and as far as I know it's not cannon that he's alive or dead...It's just one of those things that lets the player decide.

Also, I just got the idea that it would be quite the sensation to be using the 3DS's gyroscope feature, and the cockpit view with 3D turned on. O.o

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OH about the cockpit view...I played this game at gamescom and I couldn't turn it on. SO they either got rid of it completely, only for the multiplayer or the demo.

I wish I couldve played a lil of the singleplayer to see if that's the case...

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Only because he's dead doesn't mean he's an asshole who wouldn't want to help his own son.

if he really is dead then it wouldent make sense cause he's dead lol. btw you can change the camera view but it only increases or decreases the distance of the camera from the arwing and it only woks on all rang mode. this happens when you press D-right.

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Yeah THAT worked but not the cockpit view :I

Also, yeah he can be dead and help his son ;)

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