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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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Here's something funny about the voices, when i first played Star Fox 64 when I was like 6 I thought Slippy was a girl lolololololol :)

Not that surprising actually. He was voiced by a female in SF64 after all. Same who did Katt Monroe.

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Same here, Slippy's a girl LOL. Right away I was able to tell "something's not right with the way you fly".....lucky guess i think...

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Same here, Slippy's a girl LOL. Right away I was able to tell "something's not right with the way you fly".....lucky guess i think...

Thats halarious! :)

But I hope that the multiplayer on SF643D will be kick @$$ and more levels than corneria and Sector Z because that kinda sucked...

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I was hoping more types of Multiplayer matches like I said above. Now that I think of it....imagine what Macbeth will look like with all those explosions :D

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C'mon, the Wii's controls are perfect for a SF game, much more so than the stylus...

Actually, you control the arwing with the analog nub.

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Reports of hands on gameplay of the 3DS games are coming in, and people are really liking 64 3D, check out some of the reports.




Spilled my Coke Zero when I saw this (Seriously)

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OFF TOPIC: Is anyone here FlyLikePlanes or MudHutVision from youtube? I've been getting friend requests ever since I first posted here  :lol:

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Guest Julius Quasar

I'll just hold off, get a Wii and SF64 for Virtual Console, and then get Star Fox Wii.

I'll probably get a 3DS and SF64 for it, later...if I'm gonna have a portable game, I want it to be SF64.  :yes:

:fox::falco::peppy::slippy::bill: :sf64katt:

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I too see Adventures as a mistake...  Well, technically, I see Star Fox 64 as a mistake too, though I came to like the new planets and characters it introduced.

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How is 64 a mistake? It sold better than the original.

Adventures primary fail was that it jumped Star Fox from a shoot em up sci-fi game to a completely screwed up rpg game. It wasn't Star Fox. It was Adventures in Furry Land.

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How is 64 a mistake? It sold better than the original.

Adventures primary fail was that it jumped Star Fox from a shoot em up sci-fi game to a completely screwed up rpg game. It wasn't Star Fox. It was Adventures in Furry Land.

I couldn't agree with you more.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Adventures primary fail was that it jumped Star Fox from a shoot em up sci-fi game to a completely screwed up rpg game. It wasn't Star Fox. It was Adventures in Furry Land.

Great point! :yes:

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It (SF 64) sold better than the original because everyone in Europe LOVED it...unlike the original.

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Point made. Now go see this funny video as a treat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lscEOe7W6Q8&NR=1

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^^^well that.....was interesting... O_o

wait, didnt you used to be an admin on this site, Tiberius?

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I could have sworn when I first created an account on this site that next to your name, I saw some special message inside of:

( ~ ~) marks saying something about admin or some high position....

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This is starting to go off topic.....I know!



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I would have to say you are... Super Right! The game looks amazing, and the control stick must make it even more awesome. I hope they do eventually make anouther for a non-handheld system, but this does show the franchise is still alive and has a chance to keep living. :D

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I would have to say you are... Super Right! The game looks amazing, and the control stick must make it even more awesome. I hope they do eventually make anouther for a non-handheld system, but this does show the franchise is still alive and has a chance to keep living. :D

Amen brother! :)

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I've simply never been fond of Star Fox 64.  The original is my favorite, and remains my favorite.  I like its music, its scenery, its setting, its gibberish voices, its cuteness...  Like I said, I like a lot of the conceptual planets and characters introduced later (though Krystal must be erased from existence).

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Dermont, I am going to say this now that you are never getting your wish. Too much of a majority against it.

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I've simply never been fond of Star Fox 64.  The original is my favorite, and remains my favorite.  I like its music, its scenery, its setting, its gibberish voices, its cuteness...  Like I said, I like a lot of the conceptual planets and characters introduced later (though Krystal must be erased from existence).

NOO! Not Krystal! She's too awesome to be erased from existence! How could you even say that! :evil: Shun the non believer!

Posted from my iPod. This thing fails at forum boards :oops:

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