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Starfox 64 3DS!

Asper Sarnoff

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Does anybody think it will have online multiplayer??? With More levels maybe? :) One can hope :)

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Look, Dermont. It's not going to happen. Too many people like 64.

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O-Kay, I do not understand why it is


Someone please explain that to me in a

way I understand.

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64 is VERY BEAST....thats why the made is 3333333333333333 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lol :)

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Anywaays... I hope they throw in SF 2 as a bonus feature! That would be awesome!

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SF2 would be epic as a bonus. For completing the game.

When you say "Completing the game" do you mean all the medals and expert mode yata yata yata?

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O-Kay, I do not understand why it is


Someone please explain that to me in a

way I understand.

I mean "what-the-HYPER

they mean when they say it is 3D?!".

It was ALLWAYS 3D, right?  :?

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Well....you have a point...i guess it's from the Nintendo 3DS's special effects of being 3D, like a 3D movie...but without the glasses! :)

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Actually, it could happen.  Remember Metroid Zero Mission on GBA?  It was a plot remake of the original Metroid.  And after you complete Zero Mission, it unlocks the original Metroid for you to play.

It would be awesome if Star Fox 64 3DS unlocks Star Fox SNES in a similar way. :3

*sigh*  I hate Star Fox 64...even after I completed it.

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PLEASE don't start that again! :) You're out numbered....EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND STARFOX 64 MORE than the original Star Fox.

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It would be awesome if Star Fox 64 3DS unlocks Star Fox SNES in a similar way. :3

That way both you and I would be happy,

I, because I love unlockables, and you,

because you see your SNES Star Fox again...

Do not you think so?  :wink:

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PLEASE don't start that again! :) You're out numbered....EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND STARFOX 64 MORE than the original Star Fox.

Start it again?  I haven't stopped it since 1997. :P I haven't ever forgiven Star Fox 64 for the crime of being Star Fox 64. :lol:

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*sigh*  I hate Star Fox 64...even after I completed it.

you just hit my bad person list. HATER!


I really hope they will allow free voice chat in multiplayer

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you just hit my bad person list. HATER!

Eh, though Star Fox 64 is certainly the most popular today, you will occasionally encounter some very old Star Fox fans who (if they're still around talking about Star Fox) didn't like it compared to Star Fox SNES. :3 I'm one of those dwindling few.

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Guest Julius Quasar

I've simply never been fond of Star Fox 64.  The original is my favorite, and remains my favorite.  I like its music, its scenery, its setting, its gibberish voices, its cuteness...  Like I said, I like a lot of the conceptual planets and characters introduced later (though Krystal must be erased from existence).

*puts Dermot in a pillory stockade and throws potatoes at him*

No!  Krystal stays!  Heretic!  Blasphemer! :P

But seriously, not cool, I like Krystal.  She should stay in the series.  Shame she wasn't in SF64.

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No sacking, Julius. We let people sign their own death warrents instead.

Dermont, if your so hating about SF64 and Krystal, you might as well just leave and say "screw Starfox" altogather.

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Alright. That's it. I've had it. Someone keep this guy from talking. He's skewing this thread off topic and it's causing me to react which is making things worse.

I'm still begging for multiplayer here!!

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Wait, what?  You're actually getting angry over this?  This is a very, very old dispute.  I was in the online fan community before SF64 came out.  I'm 30 years old, and I'm no less a Star Fox fan today than I was when I was 13.  You can't actually be complaining that there are very old fans with very old interests and opinions still around.  It should only be an issue if I were to tell you you can't like what you like, which is not what I'm doing.  This is a highly diverse fandom, and some of you weren't even born (or were very little) when the first Star Fox game came out. :3

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Guest Julius Quasar

I'm still begging for multiplayer here!!

Wait...you're saying SF64 for 3DS doesn't have that!?

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Actually, it's pretty on topic.  Nintendo keeps not rereleasing Star Fox SNES, and every additional nod to Star Fox 64 only rubs that in.  So I want it at least included as an unlockable, Metroid Zero Mission style. :3

Okay, look...I dislike SF64, and I dislike Krystal.  But I know very well I'm in the minority.  We're a diverse fandom, who have some fanbase breaks that have never quite been mended.  Still, we ought to work together. :3

Anyway, SF64 is very personal to me - I loved the first game, and I've grown to love Star Fox 2 as well.  But SF64...I don't like the game.  I like some of the planets, characters, etc., but the game...it's just never been Star Fox to me.  My idea of Star Fox was on the SNES in 1993. :3

As for Krystal, that's a more complex issue.  There are still a LOT of people who dislike Krystal, and she's actually fairly unpopular in Japan as well (where she's not nearly as popular as Fox, who is in turn not as popular as Falco, Slippy and Panther).  So on an international scale, it's maybe a bit of a draw between those who like and dislike her, but we're all still Star Fox fans. :3 You're just going to have to get used to that, the way I've gotten used to being around so many Krystal fans.

Tiberius, please don't take this so seriously.  I was quite honestly startled and surprised when you got angry.  You don't need to be angry about something like that.  There are just things about this fandom that run very old and very deep.  And with you being 16 years old, you weren't around to witness and understand them all.  So you keep liking what you like, and I'll keep liking what I like. :3 But please don't treat me like a fandom heretic.  Otherwise I'm surrounded by them.  There is no heresy here - just a lot of diversity.

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