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SF643D and the canon


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Hopefully...I still wonder how this will affect the canon.

I mean, eXtra stuff is one thing. "Different" usually

means "changed" - which DOES affect the canon,

albeit in a small way.

For the future games I hope:

° That Peppy does NOT reties.

° Krystal remains in the series.

° Katt remains pink.

° Miyu and Fay to be back.

° Bill to be a dog, not a kangaroo-like

  (like in Command)

° Fox and Krystal to never have a ugly

  son called Marcus (UGH! :P + :x )

Dude chillax. XD

Remakes never change that much in the canon. They usually just change things like locations of items and shortcuts in different areas. And new VA's almost always come in. Then they tack on a bunch of ADDED (not changed or removed) features to hold old school fans over. Other than that, we don't have much to worry about. Krystal shouldn't even be in there so no  need to worry about her, and Katt probably will not change colors. And Bill.....uh.....he was a dog in Command dude. XD He just had brown fur. lol

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And Bill.....uh.....he was a dog in Command dude. XD He just had brown fur. lol

Bill was a dog, but looked like

a kangaroo in Command. O_o

Remakes never change that much in the canon. They usually just change things like locations of items and shortcuts in different areas. And new VA's almost always come in. Then they tack on a bunch of ADDED (not changed or removed) features to hold old school fans over. Other than that, we don't have much to worry about. Krystal shouldn't even be in there so no  need to worry about her, and Katt probably will not change colors.

Good to know that; adding stuff is allways C00L  :).

By the way, whad is a 'VA'?! :?

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Bill was a dog, but looked like

a kangaroo in Command. O_o

He never really looked like a Kangaroo to me, but hey different strokes. lol

Good to know that; adding stuff is allways C00L  :).

By the way, whad is a 'VA'?! :?

Voice Actor.

And with remade games with voice acting in the original, I never seen an instance where they didn't get new voice actors.

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a re-boot now might just make things worse i doubt they'd do that. it's just a remake like super mario bros Wii.

A reboot can only be good. It's like an enema, cleansing and refreshing.

As for Bill, he was grey in the N64, and brown in Command. I prefer him being grey, because it makes his name punny.

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A reboot can only be good. It's like an enema, cleansing and refreshing.

Not allways... There are times were

reboots freak up everything like...

Uh, rooten food. :oops: Not allways,

but I do not want a reboot.

As for Bill, he was grey in the N64, and brown in Command. I prefer him being grey, because it makes his name punny.

Yeah, I preffer his N64 version.

He was WAY C00LER then.

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Not allways... There are times were

reboots freak up everything like...

Uh, rooten food. :oops: Not allways,

but I do not want a reboot.Yeah, I preffer his N64 version.

He was WAY C00LER then.

Reboots only hurt a franchise when the franchise is still strong.

Starfox is anything but strong at the moment.

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Reboots only hurt a franchise when the franchise is still strong.

Starfox is anything but strong at the moment.

The remake is going to fix that,

I hope. :)

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Judging by most of Nintendo's past, portable releases for major series usually don't interfere with canon at all.  I'm pretty sure that they won't deviate from that, and this will just be a remake. :D

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Judging by most of Nintendo's past, portable releases for major series usually don't interfere with canon at all.  I'm pretty sure that they won't deviate from that, and this will just be a remake. :D

So, we have to start buying this

game like heck so Nintendo realises



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So, we have to start buying this

game like heck so Nintendo realises



Zelda and Metroid, obviously.

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I am too.

And probably have been one longer than you.

And I can tell you right now that it is a far cry from Nintendo's best franchise. It is not even on the top ten.

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I am too.

And probably have been one longer than you.

And I can tell you right now that it is a far cry from Nintendo's best franchise. It is not even on the top ten.

Well it is the best for me.

However, it is definetly not the

most popular or most sold, that is

something I know very well.

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Well it is the best for me.

However, it is definetly not the

most popular or most sold, that is

something I know very well.

When only 2 games are widely acknowledged as "good"(SNES and SF64), one of them considered a decent game but unfitting for the franchise(Adventures), another universally argued over the quality of(Assault), and another is universally HATED, that is not even close to "best" franchise. Over half the games in the series tip the scales towards "bad", and one of the universally loved games is technically a remake.

I love Starfox to death, but lets not be naive about this.

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When only 2 games are widely acknowledged as "good"(SNES and SF64), one of them considered a decent game but unfitting for the franchise(Adventures), another universally argued over the quality of(Assault), and another is universally HATED, that is not even close to "best" franchise. Over half the games in the series tip the scales towards "bad", and one of the universally loved games is technically a remake.

I love Starfox to death, but lets not be naive about this.

That is what I meant.

I like everything about it, (exept

most of Command), but I can not

say it is 'the best franchise'... Uh...

More like the 'one I like the most'.

I enjoy some Mario game or Metroid

or Zelda, but to me there can only be

one best, which is Star Fox.

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Guest Julius Quasar

I wonder if there might be remakes for the other Star Fox Games on this 3DS...perhaps, the SNES original Star Fox? 

Or...Star Fox 2, "The game that never saw the light of day?" (according to the AVGN)?

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Will you two stop being such infants up there? Starfox is in no way the best series. But it is the series with potential to be the best, like Mario, Metroid, Kirby and Zelda. Just to make it so you're both wrong kthxbai.

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Mario and Zelda are the title winners of being the most famous Nintendo series, but Starfox isn't EXACTLY non-popular anymore. As a matter of fact Starfox seems to be climbing up in the ranks in the Nintendo Franchises. I was surprised to see Fox on the cover of Nintendo Monopoly, even more shocked to see them as property.

Probably because of the popularity of Smash Bros. I noticed more and more kids seem to know about Starfox. It's not exactly at the top yet, but I'd say it's on it's way there.

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Will you two stop being such infants up there? Starfox is in no way the best series. But it is the series with potential to be the best, like Mario, Metroid, Kirby and Zelda. Just to make it so you're both wrong kthxbai.


Grow up some. Starfox to even have potential to be the best would first have to become equal to the Nintendo "big guns". Which means it would have to pull itself out of the SHITHOLE its in now first.

Simple logic, people.

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Will you two stop being such infants up there? Starfox is in no way the best series. But it is the series with potential to be the best, like Mario, Metroid, Kirby and Zelda. Just to make it so you're both wrong kthxbai.

Hey, I already said what I think.

Sure, it is not 'THE BEST';

it is 'MY BEST' which is a different thing.

(Of course Most/all of Command excluded).

Thus, I can not be 'wrong' about that -

after all, I am the one who says which

franchise I like the most.

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Ok before I add my own comments I want to respond to some of the things I saw over the past 20 min I spent reading all 10 pages of this.  Firstly

And in SF64, you conviently find....

-the same base Bill as at, which is the same base that has the Saurcauer attacking

-the exact location of the remains of an Andross base just after it was destryoed

-happen to get to the Fichina base as the Venoms set up the bomb

-fly to the exact spot as Sarumarine on Zoness

-the exact canyon on Aquas as Baccoon

-the exact same supply train on MacBeth that was transporting MechBeth

-the secret entrance to Andross n Venom II, or in a case of inconvienence...

-the fake robot Andross on Venom I

So yeah.

Anyway, I don't really -care- that most Starfox fans are Krystal fans. I've been around enough of both for enough years to know that alot of them are idiots I could care less for. I don't give a damn that Krystal isn't in SF64 and ergo has little to no chance outside of easter eggs to be in the 3DS remake, and I don't give a damn that people will be butthurt over this fact, because its damn Starfox 64, and unless you're Dermot, that is damn well needed. It plays nice, feels nice, looks nice, and stands entirely on its own two feet even after 13 years.

Um...Bill asked for help, so of course that's the base they went to.

That base pretty much took up the entirety of Sector X.

Again, the base called for help as the assault began so...

Sarumarine went looking for them, considering that SF was attacking the base.  He was just trying to defend it.  And before you say how did they know where the base was...It's a freaking base of course they have intel on the enemy.  It's a war after all spies are everywhere

Yeah the Aquas one could be considered bs...Dont really have a reason for that one, but you have to get lucky at least once to win a war right.

They didn't know Mechbeth was on the train...And they really didn't care.  That's not why they attacked that supply train

Andross's base was something they knew from long before considering it was also the lab he used to work in...It wasn't so much the secret entrance as the only one.

Also I agree about the Krystal thing.  I like her but I could deal with or without her.  Definately without for SF64-3DS

Pigma is a character that holds a crux to Fox and Peppy's relationship. He's the bastard who left James to die, Fox's father and Peppy's BFF. So yeah, the fact Assault basically IGNORED THIS ENTIRELY is balmy. As for Andrew, he was never confirmed or denied "dead" in Assault, and I doubt many people really beleived he died. Pigma on the other hand is confirmed as dead in Assault, and even if he wasn't HE IS A MUTATED FACE ON A METAL ABOMINATION IN SPACE.

Yeah I have to agree that the whole Pigma thing was kinda busted.  I mean I can see why he and andrew got kicked off starwolf, but Pigma's end could have been done better.  I don't mind the fact that they used the old cliche of trying to control something to get stronger and having it consume you, but it could have been done better.  I don't think his past was ignored so much as it was assumed that everyone already knew the relationship.  Not justifying it though. They shouldn't have killed him off or made him a ghost in command.

The arguement of the Arwing doesn't even make sense, because if anything a big bad space battleship packs MORE of a punch (see: Area 6 in SF64). And yea, the Aparoid that desrtoyed the fleet IS THE SAME KIND. It is visually IDENTICLE.

I don't get all this defense for Assault but hate for Command. Command at least had more respect for the mythology of the series (throwing in references to the older games, giving little details about Andross), and both were god-awful controlling poorly written failures.

Um I am going to quote my old friend Julius Quasar in saying "It's the pilot, not the vessel that counts..."  That said, An arwing is better suited to fighting an aparoid than a battle ship would be because of the speed of an aparoid.  It would be able to avoid the turrets of a battle ship and most battleship main cannons have to lock on before being able to fire accurately.  Oh and one more thing visually Identical is not the same as being physically identical.

As for the defense for Assault.  I have to say that it's because although it did have the on-foot missions and horrible landmaster controls, The Arwing missions were so reminiscent of the old SF64 days most people give it a free pass(myself included sometimes).  I actually liked the story of Assault and didn't think it messed with too much other than not giving pigma and andrew a bigger role and for making Star Wolf softer(seems to be a continuing trend in starfox games).

Hopefully...I still wonder how this will affect the canon.

I mean, eXtra stuff is one thing. "Different" usually

means "changed" - which DOES affect the canon,

albeit in a small way.

For the future games I hope:

° That Peppy does NOT reties.

° Krystal remains in the series.

° Katt remains pink.

° Miyu and Fay to be back.

° Bill to be a dog, not a kangaroo-like

  (like in Command)

° Fox and Krystal to never have a ugly

  son called Marcus (UGH! :P + :x )

I agree with you on just about every one of your suggestions except for the Marcus thing (I don't care either way on him).

Peppy's retirement was really just an excuse to give his spot to Krystal.  I think Krystal should stay now that she's fully involved although I was skeptical at first.

I Want Fara back more than anyone.  Oh and Pink Katt rules.  I don't understand her redesign at all.

*sighs* now that that's over with....

I really don't think that they will mess with the canon that much.  What I would really like to see is more backstory into Wolf and Fox's relationship.  I mean I know that they've been rivals for a long time, but they never really say whether it's just b/c they are aces on different sides or if it goes deeper.  I hope they don't redesign Bill or Katt to fit with the new style.  The old style of their characters fit much better in my opinion.  I would like to see a StarWolf side-story and I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet.  I think there is a lot of room to play with there, and Wolf is one of the deeper characters in my opinion.  I'd like to see how they got such notoriety.  The graphical update looks good as far as I'm concerned so far.  They could actually use this remake to their advantage to fill in some plot-holes.  For example, they could have Fara make an appearance and end up dead or missing as motivation for Fox pushing Krystal away in Command(I mean he really didn't have a solid motivation before).  I hope they expand the multiplayer too, it was one of my favorite things about SF64, until everyone got so good that it just became people doing constant somersaults and hoping to get a few shots in.  Which brings me to my next point, fix the starwolf A.I. in the dogfights.  Doing the somersault trick shouldn't be as effective as it is.  Make it more of an actual dogfight.  In fact, add another difficulty on top of expert mode.  Something for the purists.  I mean even expert mode got easy after a while.  I want to be thoroughly worked in this remake.  Not just fake difficulty enhancers like your wings break easier, make enemies dodge, make me have to aim my deflections back at enemies.  Make my teammates actually do work this time around instead of just being cannon fodder.  Then again this is Nintendo we are talking about so I can't expect it to be too hard u.u. 

In any case, I am thoroughly looking forward to this game and the 3DS.  I think that they will stay true to the original SF64, although I hope they do us one better and give more backstory.  Don't add anything new, just give us the details you left out.

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Um...Bill asked for help, so of course that's the base they went to.

That base pretty much took up the entirety of Sector X.

Again, the base called for help as the assault began so...

Sarumarine went looking for them, considering that SF was attacking the base.  He was just trying to defend it.  And before you say how did they know where the base was...It's a freaking base of course they have intel on the enemy.  It's a war after all spies are everywhere

Yeah the Aquas one could be considered bs...Dont really have a reason for that one, but you have to get lucky at least once to win a war right.

They didn't know Mechbeth was on the train...And they really didn't care.  That's not why they attacked that supply train

Andross's base was something they knew from long before considering it was also the lab he used to work in...It wasn't so much the secret entrance as the only one.

Actually, no he didn't. Pepper goes KATINA IS BATTLING THE ENEMY WILL YOU HELP THEM OUT, and you convienently find Bill there.

I was referring to Sector X. You find it JUST after it was destroyed. All you get for a breifing is REPORTS INDICATE ANDROSS IS WORKING ON SOME SECRET WEAPON.

That still doesn't change the fact of ALL THE BASES ON ZONESS you found the one with Sarumarine entirely by chance.

And findinf MechBeth, is therefore a contrived coincidence. You JUST HAPPEN to find the EXACT train that happend to be carrying an all new secret weaon.

It was the secret entrance, considering you can make a wrong turn and go to the robot.

So yeah, SF64 is full of contrived coincedences.

Um I am going to quote my old friend Julius Quasar in saying "It's the pilot, not the vessel that counts..."  That said, An arwing is better suited to fighting an aparoid than a battle ship would be because of the speed of an aparoid.  It would be able to avoid the turrets of a battle ship and most battleship main cannons have to lock on before being able to fire accurately.  Oh and one more thing visually Identical is not the same as being physically identical.

It was the same damn Aparoid, as far as our knowledge goes. The stupid dopey butterfly thing. And speed? The thing STANDS IN ONE SPOT and shoots ring lasers. Really, shitty, ring lasers. And occasionally does the rock thing, which you can't do in space anyway.

As for the defense for Assault.  I have to say that it's because although it did have the on-foot missions and horrible landmaster controls, The Arwing missions were so reminiscent of the old SF64 days most people give it a free pass(myself included sometimes).  I actually liked the story of Assault and didn't think it messed with too much other than not giving pigma and andrew a bigger role and for making Star Wolf softer(seems to be a continuing trend in starfox games).

No, the Arwing missions were not reminescent of SF64. Fortuna was kinda Area 6 like, if Area 6 had an easy mode. The Asteroid Belt... ok, it was a good level. But that was it. All the other Arwing missions were shallow and poorly made, and the clunky controls made me wish how much I'd RATHER be playing SF64, not reminding me of it. Even if the Arwing missions were all decent, giving an entire game a free pass over what makes only ONE THIRD of the gameplay is bollocks.

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Guest FoXXX

It's a remake, it's the same but it has different garfics, basically.

You never know, they might make changes before the final product.

Anyway, I'm hoping that SF643D makes SFC non-canon. I'd feel so much better :o

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Hey Robert, Brother man.....not that what you guys are talking about aren't interesting, but you two are sort of going OT.

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I actually got back on topic if you read the second half of my post :P

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