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Custom StarFox Legos


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Hey all, this is my first post. Pretty pumped about the news of StarFox64 3ds. So I Thought I would share these lego minifigs I made about 8 years ago. Some of my favorite pieces I have ever done. Hope you enjoy the pics!







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Not bad at all, and welcome to Star Fox Online.


Just kidding, kind of.

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Thanks for the welcome guys! Yeah I made those out of the normal minifigs, superglue, kite string, markers white electrical tape and masking tape if anyone is curious that is. I used to have a group of friends in the 90's who were obsessed with legos and starfox, we spent most of our time creating starfox related things and stories and all that. Twas an adventure! haha wish I had a better camera, these look much better in person.

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Oh wow, I absolutely love these.

Makes me want to get out my Legos again.Ā  VeryHappy-2.gif

And welcome to the forums!Ā  It's nice to see creativity in new members.

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:welcome: to SF-O's forums, and amazing job on all of the figures and Arwing!

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Hi, and welcome to SF-O. Johnny.

As for the Lego figures, they are really good. Makes me want to break out my old collection of bricks again.Smile-2.gif

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JohnnySparks, your models are BRILLIANT!!!Ā  :D

Good sir, this is absolutely EPIC WIN! :D

You captured the Arwing excellently, and those figures are just awesome! :DĀ  :P :D

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Thanks for the welcomes and nice comments! haha Just so you know I would have made a slippy as well. But I did not have the materials at the time to do it. No bias here against the Slippy Toad. haha

As for how they were made. With these I wanted them to have a real fur and feather look to them. so my method was taking ordinary kite string and coloring it. For Example. Fox McCloud. I would color it all orange and leave some white

then I would start super gluing it to a blank lego head. and trim it from there with shears. When the string soaks up the super glue it hardens so you can shape it and stuff. As for the jackets. That is just folded over masking tape cut to fit them and comes right off if I wanted to. White electrical tape for the eyes cut to the shape then pupils added with a sharpie. At the end the head is then sealed again with where ever else it might need super glue. I did not do this for Falco though. so he would still look soft and feathery. probabaly took about 5 hours per figure including drying times. Glad you like the arwing as well. I have made many over the years and I have kept this one as my favorite design. Its kind of a hyrbid of all of them. But made mostly to resemble the in game ship in the original and 64 versions. Like I said previously I made these 8 years ago. But I have definitely been inspired again after I pulled them out. haha nothing wrong with building with some legos at any age!

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Thanks for the welcomes and nice comments! haha Just so you know I would have made a slippy as well. But I did not have the materials at the time to do it. No bias here against the Slippy Toad. haha

As for how they were made. With these I wanted them to have a real fur and feather look to them. so my method was taking ordinary kite string and coloring it. For Example. Fox McCloud. I would color it all orange and leave some white

then I would start super gluing it to a blank lego head. and trim it from there with shears. When the string soaks up the super glue it hardens so you can shape it and stuff. As for the jackets. That is just folded over masking tape cut to fit them and comes right off if I wanted to. White electrical tape for the eyes cut to the shape then pupils added with a sharpie. At the end the head is then sealed again with where ever else it might need super glue. I did not do this for Falco though. so he would still look soft and feathery. probabaly took about 5 hours per figure including drying times. Glad you like the arwing as well. I have made many over the years and I have kept this one as my favorite design. Its kind of a hyrbid of all of them. But made mostly to resemble the in game ship in the original and 64 versions. Like I said previously I made these 8 years ago. But I have definitely been inspired again after I pulled them out. haha nothing wrong with building with some legos at any age!

Innovative and resourceful.

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Innovative and resourceful.

Second that really. While doing permanent modifications to bricks, which is somewhat of a sacreliege for a brickster, I can't help but be very impressed by this. Smile-2.gif:yes:

Doubt you still have them after 8 years, but do you happen to have any images of higher quality, so we could take a closer look at them?

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Thanks all! It took a lot of years and different methods to get one that I felt worked. I have a lot of custom lego men I made from back then. I actually still have them. Those pictures were taken last night. Unfortunately my camera has a real hard time taking sharp pics of them because of their size for some reason. I kept them stored in a couple containers for the last 8 years, and just decided to break them out last night. If I come up with a good way to take some better pics, I will!

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Thanks all! It took a lot of years and different methods to get one that I felt worked. I have a lot of custom lego men I made from back then. I actually still have them. Those pictures were taken last night. Unfortunately my camera has a real hard time taking sharp pics of them because of their size for some reason. I kept them stored in a couple containers for the last 8 years, and just decided to break them out last night. If I come up with a good way to take some better pics, I will!

Great! No pressure, but I'll be looking foreward to having a closer look. VeryHappy-2.gif

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