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How did you get interested in StarFox?


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I said foxes in general, so I guess both.

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Have a copypaste.

Eh, my story is a weird one. Was familiar with the series as early as 95 or 96, playing the SNES game with a friend. Didn't know about the N64 one until 2001, when I got Smash Bros. Melee, where I was perplexingly drawn to Fox and Falco. I surfed the internets and became something of a retroactive fan, learning all about the SNES and N64 games without actually owning them and getting pumped for Adventures. I came to such websites like the Starfox Database, the Lylat Alliance, and a few others whose names escape me, during their waning days of popularity. You could call me a crux fan, one who came to know the old fandom as it entered its dying days and saw firsthand the birth of the new fandom. Although technically my generation is the newer fans, I consider myself loyal to the older games and its fandom.

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I was about 8 or 9 years old when I started reading in some 1992/93 issues of Electronic Gaming Monthly about a new "3d" game for the Super Nintendo coming out, called "Star Fox." Being that foxes were my favorite animal, the game piqued my interest. I didn't reserve a copy, but I bought it a few days after it came out, took it home and played it.. and pretty much was obsessed at that point.

One of my earlier memories involving animation was when I was 9, where I took a yellow post-it pad and made a little 'flipbook' animation of Fox McCloud singing the Genesis song "I Can't Dance," which took me forever to do, even as I was all into making flipbooks back then.

Throughout the next few years, (third grade, fourth, fifth, etc..) I'd been writing and drawing little Star Fox comics of my own design, mostly involving lots of Contra-style alien shooter-age. I got a lot done on them at the time, and not to mention several phonecalls home from my teachers, who were "concerned about your son's artistic escapades, drawing these little bird and fox people flying around in spaceships and very graphically shooting aliens with machine guns and blowing things up with bombs." Most of the time my mother would leave it on speakerphone, and she'd reply saying, "Yes, yes, thank you for bringing this to my attention; I'll talk to him about it," then hanging up, looking at me as we both laughed.

Then in either late seventh or early eighth grade, Star Fox 64 came out. I had already received the VHS tape from Nintendo Power for the game (which I still have), and I obviously reserved that game and got it when it was released. Loved it, as anyone should, and from time to time I helped moderate some nerdy Star Fox SNES/64 message boards on AOL (hrk hrk), posting a lot about ideas for a future game, wishing that they'd have Fox get out of his arwing and run around on foot with blasters and shooting aliens and stuff. Even at the time I hadn't gold medal'ed everything on SF64 and had no idea about the on-foot mode in multiplayer, so when I unlocked that, I almost freaked out.

September 23rd, 2002, I had reserved Star Fox Adventures and was excited about it, since it was actually a game where you got to walk around as Fox McCloud. I was working at Dominos Pizza, and got one of my friends to order a pizza way out near the edge of our district, even though he didn't want one. Instead of delivering it, I drove way out of town to the closest mall (no Gamestops at this time) and picked up my copy and gave the pizza to the guys behind the counter at Software Etc for free. I paid for the pizza out of pocket myself, when the night was over.

I never bought Assault until recently, and I still haven't bothered with Command, but I reckon I'll have to get one of those 3DS things when the game comes out.

Sorry for rambling.

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Sorry for rambling.

Don't apologize, that was AWESOME :D.

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Don't like to admit it, but tl;dr :lol:

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I was about 8 or 9 years old when I started reading in some 1992/93 issues of Electronic Gaming Monthly about a new "3d" game for the Super Nintendo coming out, called "Star Fox." Being that foxes were my favorite animal, the game piqued my interest. I didn't reserve a copy, but I bought it a few days after it came out, took it home and played it.. and pretty much was obsessed at that point.

One of my earlier memories involving animation was when I was 9, where I took a yellow post-it pad and made a little 'flipbook' animation of Fox McCloud singing the Genesis song "I Can't Dance," which took me forever to do, even as I was all into making flipbooks back then.

Throughout the next few years, (third grade, fourth, fifth, etc..) I'd been writing and drawing little Star Fox comics of my own design, mostly involving lots of Contra-style alien shooter-age. I got a lot done on them at the time, and not to mention several phonecalls home from my teachers, who were "concerned about your son's artistic escapades, drawing these little bird and fox people flying around in spaceships and very graphically shooting aliens with machine guns and blowing things up with bombs." Most of the time my mother would leave it on speakerphone, and she'd reply saying, "Yes, yes, thank you for bringing this to my attention; I'll talk to him about it," then hanging up, looking at me as we both laughed.

Then in either late seventh or early eighth grade, Star Fox 64 came out. I had already received the VHS tape from Nintendo Power for the game (which I still have), and I obviously reserved that game and got it when it was released. Loved it, as anyone should, and from time to time I helped moderate some nerdy Star Fox SNES/64 message boards on AOL (hrk hrk), posting a lot about ideas for a future game, wishing that they'd have Fox get out of his arwing and run around on foot with blasters and shooting aliens and stuff. Even at the time I hadn't gold medal'ed everything on SF64 and had no idea about the on-foot mode in multiplayer, so when I unlocked that, I almost freaked out.

September 23rd, 2002, I had reserved Star Fox Adventures and was excited about it, since it was actually a game where you got to walk around as Fox McCloud. I was working at Dominos Pizza, and got one of my friends to order a pizza way out near the edge of our district, even though he didn't want one. Instead of delivering it, I drove way out of town to the closest mall (no Gamestops at this time) and picked up my copy and gave the pizza to the guys behind the counter at Software Etc for free. I paid for the pizza out of pocket myself, when the night was over.

I never bought Assault until recently, and I still haven't bothered with Command, but I reckon I'll have to get one of those 3DS things when the game comes out.

Sorry for rambling.

I approve of this wall of text. Thanks for sharing :D

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I got into it by my sister gave me a Nintendo 64 for my 6th birthday, and she said I could get one game, and I chose the Starfox game since I didn't know much about any of the other games, and I loved it ever since. Like, best birthday, EVER! lol :D

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it was after i graduated form high school. My friend and i were looking for games for the 64, since that is all i had at the time. Well....he said that StarFox64 was a good game, so we played it, and i have loved it ever since.

:fox: Sorry to jet, but I'm in a hurry

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OK, here comes A long story O_o

on SSBB I aways played Wolf. a friend asked me: what;s yer favorite Demo. I didn't play one yet but I sad: Lylat Wars (srry, I'm A dutchy :D) I went home and I wanted to try it out. in the 1ste second I trought: Wowz, this is so great! I always were an big Mario fan.. but from that moment it were: StarFox, Starfox, StarFox. I searched everywhere for every StarFox game. I have also an american StarFox Command. (I think thats not so special for you guys xD) Now I'm looking for all American and Japanese StarFox game, especialy boxed!

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The idea of space animals flying around in ships and fighting a giant monkey just caught my imagination. Excellent stories, good character development.

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I got interest in Star Fox when I saw one of my friends playing Assault.

Weeks after I bought Command

And the rest was history. Now I'm a star Fox fan

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This is embarrasing... :|

Well, I was looking for some good games to ask for christmas for my Nintendo DS, and Starfox Command sounded pretty good, so I went ahead and got a used copy. It was great fun, and the story was the best of any game I'd played so far. Also, as soon as I started up the game, Krystal caught my eye immediately, although I also instantly thought how incredibly stupid the pink suit looked on her.

So, I played it through once, then tried out the online multiplayer, which was alright, but not perfect. Then I played through it again, making different decisions and changing the storyline.

Starfox Command was my favorite DS game for a while, then I found Pokemon Pearl and was instantly sucked into that for the next 50 hours that my DS was on. Then I just kinda played whatever I had, and I beat Starfox Command.

Then I got a PSP, and played that for a while.

Enter 2010.

This is where my fandom really started. I was going through my DS games to see which ones I could give to my brother for my birthday, and came across Command. I put it in my DS, remembering how much fun I had (And yes, that blue vixen) and had a blast. So I decided to go online and find a fan site, see how cheap I could buy a copy of some other SF game. I found Starfox Online and saw how awesome the other games looked. So, that's pretty much when I became a fan!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's how I got interested Star Fox...

My friend went over to her cousins house and played Brawl there and she said it was an awesome game. So I forget when but I bought it like a year or two ago. Since I love dogs I played as Fox first and then saw unlockable characters online and then I saw Wolf. I was like I have to unlock him! So after a couple weeks I unlocked every character but fell in love with the Star Fox ones.

At First, I thought the Star Fox team was Fox, Falco and Wolf but then I found some info about the series and stuff and I was like hey, this is seems like cool game :) Then, I got a used game of Command since you can't buy it new anymore (don't worry I don't play it anymore :wink:) and like a few months ago I got a Wii classic controller just to play the 3 minute demo of SF64 on brawl over and over again.

Well, that's my Star Fox story  :wolf:

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If I did tell you guys we would all have to go through one of those crummy flashbacks and nobody likes those things.

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neat  :D but have you played assult or adventrus

nope. I'm trying to see if gamestop has a used one of assault because I've seen videos and it looks really cool

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