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Star Fox for PC?


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Yep, it's true. If you have a conroller for a PC (I recommend an Xbox 360 controller) There's a website you can go to to download a program that let's you play Star Fox 64 (With some High Resolution I think :D) for your PC, it's really amazing and it has "Cheats" where you can set the game to have unlimited lives and Smart Bombs and junk, it's pretty amazing!!! The program is called "Project 64" And it's pretty epic. If you go here (REMOVED) and download it it should come with Star Fox 64 with it. But when you do download it (I recommend to your desktop lol) you should first configure the controls for it. You do that by opening up the folder you downloaded and click the "Project 64" file and it'll open up. Select options and go to configure controls. You should be able to handel it from there. And once you get all that taken care of, just click file, open rom, and go to the folder that you downloaded and click on a file that says something about roms and click the Star Fox 64 one. It should open up and (With high resolution) play SF64 :)

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That's an emulator site, we aren't aloud to post links to those because the legality of Emulators are questionable.

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Well that was new....okay never mind then lol

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Winners don't do Warez.

Yeah, what you describe is willful copyright infringement. Not allowed here.

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