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Calling all artists.


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Okay, due to my inability to draw, I was wondering if anyone that actually could would do me the favour of drawing an image I imagined. I would be most grateful if anyone could draw the Star Fox characters, in the role of the Team Fortress 2 classes. I would like to have the characters as these classes:

Fox - Soldier (though still being able to see his face)

Peppy - Heavy

Krystal - Medic

Falco - Sniper

Slippy - Scout

Wolf - Engineer

Leon - Spy

Panther - Pyro (Perhaps putting his white mark on the mask, while he holds that damnable rose)

Katt or Bill - Demoman (Preferrably Katt, for teh lulz).

I would like it done as to this character line-up.


With it saying Star Foxtress 2 instead (perhaps swap the TF2 logo with the SF logo).

This doesn't have to be hand-drawn either, a good shopping would be fine.

And I would do this myself if I had the ability to.

Also, ideally it would be useable as a spray in TF2 (not sure if that's possible, however).

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That would be an AWESOME thing to see!!!


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That would be an AWESOME thing to see!!!


I thought so too, hence why I want to see it.

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Nice idea Vydrach. Not sure if I agree with you on which would replace which, but it's a nice idea nonetheless.

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Heh, it took a little thought, and I have reasons for my choices.

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Can I come with my suggestion? Razz-2.gif


Engineer-Wolf(He'd probably fit better as the Soldier or the Demoman, but that would cause havoc with Fox.)


Heavy-Andross (When he was a normal ape scientist. Powerful build and a huge labcoat. Imagine Professor Triplex from Mickey Mouse.)






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I could see that, too, but the reason I went with my choices the way they are is:

1) The class group photo, the way my choices are, you have Star Wolf on the left, and Star Fox (plus a major ally) on the right.

2) Certain things about the characters, such as Leon just seeming as a blade aficionado to me. And originally I went with Panther as the Pyro just because the Pyro doesn't talk as a way to shut up Panther, but then I remembered that he made a remark about "burning love" or something along those lines. But I could see Panther as a spy, what with his "aristocratic manners." And Peppy has the largest... girth of the Star Fox team, which is why I chose him for Heavy. Besides, Peppy strikes me as being rather "gung ho" when he was younger.

That set-up has Star Wolf and Star Fox (plus the ally), rather than being the teams, and their nemesis/employer.

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I would happily do it but I probably wouldn't get it finished any time soon. I'm a perfectionist and I'm also busy trying to find a job. I do think this is an awesome idea though, wish I could do it for you. :D

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Awww, fair enough, Red.

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How long would I have to draw it? And shit, I don't have a scanner either.

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No no, if you're busy, do not attempt it. Just saying, "Awww, the search continues."

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Oh but I don't want to say I can't do it when I maybe can, I may just take a while. :(

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Well I don't know the sizing, but if you want to give it the old college try, have at it.

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OKay well, maybe look for someone to do it quickly for you and I'll do it at my own pace and just send it to you as a gift. :)

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Also good.

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Hey, I could give it a try! ;u; I´ll attempt to imitate TF2´s style at best, aha.

Sounds good, thanks.

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Hehe, that's ok. Also, there is no rush on this.

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