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WORST level in Star Fox 64


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I absolutely HATE Solar.


Damage over time, only enemies that ram, barrel rolls are useless, and the boss at the end is almost as tough as Andross's first form.


In addition, if you're a perfectionist like myself, trying to get gold medal on expert is freaking hard! The enemies are so spread out that you have to plan your shots ahead.


As soon as a finished, I was down to one life. IT SUCKED.

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  • 5 months later...

In addition, if you're a perfectionist like myself, trying to get gold medal on expert is freaking hard!



Charge shot the plasma


Get free kills for some reason


Instant medal


Not hard o_____o

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  • 8 months later...

Personally, Katina. I love fighting alongside Bill and his friends, but it's difficult to go through without losing your wings in Expert mode. I hate it when that happens! 

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I absolutely HATE Solar.


Damage over time, only enemies that ram, barrel rolls are useless, and the boss at the end is almost as tough as Andross's first form.


In addition, if you're a perfectionist like myself, trying to get gold medal on expert is freaking hard! The enemies are so spread out that you have to plan your shots ahead.


As soon as a finished, I was down to one life. IT SUCKED.

Agree Solar was my least favorite of all the levels in SF64

Edit: looks at date


Edited by Who Knows
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  • 2 months later...

corneria: alight

meteo: gosh its so slow sometimes

sector y: big meh. i liked how you fought gundams though

fichina: super easy. too easy in fact.

katina: love bill. its a challenge in itself to not shoot any of cornerian ships

aquas: slow. annoying. dark. slow. bluemarine lacks charge shot and inf. torpedo's don't help much if you chose a target from far away.

solar: its alright. never died from it.

zoness: another personal fave of mine. a bit slippery though.

sector x: one of my favorites. so many enemys to hit.

titania: i personally pic this over machbeth simply because i like the color hue and the boss always freaked me out

machbeth: so many points you can get with this level

sector z: don't like it. its boring. but i do find it cool that failing this mission takes affect on the ending


area 6: everyones favorite due to feeling climactic. I'm not to crazy about it but its another on rail level so it gets a free pass

venom 1: on expert mode this level is a nightmare!! hardest level in the game. but on normal mode its a walk in the park. annoying boss though

venom 2: as a kid i was scared of this level due to wolf being suped up and those darn pillars but now i can handle them easily. this is the only time they're actually scary.

andross 1: pfft

andross 2: again as a kid i was scared of this boss due to constantly being chased by him and once you get stuck under him, you'll be violated. luckily i found a neat trick to end it under 10 seconds.

so yeah. i dislike aquas for being too slow, fichina for being too easy, bolse for slippy, and sector z for boringness,

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Aquas, because I CAN'T. SEE. SHIT.

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Hmm..probably Sector Y, because sometimes it is so difficult to hit the enemies!

Enemies above you, under you, behind you..how do you expect me to get them all?

Perhaps that's only me, but it is very,very annoying and frustrating.

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  • 2 months later...

I think of all of them Bolse was the worst. Not only was it a pain in the ass to CONSTANTLY have to save your teammates (particularly Slippy), but having to fight Star Wolf while this was happening made it the most agonizing experience ever. Titania was pretty bad simply because you have to save that good for nothing whiny bitch frog Slippy (in the Landmaster no less). Solar was rather silly, but the visuals were it's redeeming quality. Aquas and Meteo were slow and dull and then finally there's Sector Z which was completely pointless.

But no, DEFINITELY Bolse. 

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