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WORST level in Star Fox 64


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I still think the part where you meet Star Wolf on Venom with their advance ships was a nightmare. I lost all 5 of my lives in only 4 minutes!

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I still think the part where you meet Star Wolf on Venom with their advance ships was a nightmare. I lost all 5 of my lives in only 4 minutes!

I understand if that was your first time but by now you should know how to beat it lol.

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I understand if that was your first time but by now you should know how to beat it lol.

Well........hehe......not really. :oops: I know how, I just can seem to pull it off.

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I still think the part where you meet Star Wolf on Venom with their advance ships was a nightmare. I lost all 5 of my lives in only 4 minutes!

Yeah. In Area 6 'of course' everybody has only a half health bar. So when Falco, Slippy, Peppy, Wolf, Pigma and Andrew are out.. Me and Leon are left. He does only follow my bag! So annoying! No U-turn, Loop of Barrel roll can hold it!  :leon:

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Well........hehe......not really. :hehe: I know how, I just can seem to pull it off.

Well then looks like team starwolf kick your butt lol

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Well then looks like team starwolf kick your butt lol

I know....I used to kicking peoples butts but it looks like the tables have turned!

This was my reaction after what happened:


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I don't like Solar because it has you constantly on the brink of death.

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I know....I used to kicking peoples butts but it looks like the tables have turned!

This was my reaction after what happened:



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Bolse was my least favorite. It seemed that no matter how careful i was, i would still get shot at with those giant blue lasers! it really annoyed me especially when you fight star wolf there.

Really? I only didn't like Aquas and Katina and Sector Z for the "impossible to get a medal" thing....but I pulled them off...on Normal :|

It's funny how you mention SW on Bolse. I remember this one time when the only SW member left was Pigma, and all my wingmates were still alive. So I had to go from saving them, to attacking a few of the weak spots on the core, to dealing with Pigma when he wasn't chasing Peppy. At one point, I bypass the core to try to finish off Pigma, (to make getting the medal easier) and I could have sworn Pigma got shot down by the blue lazer thing. Somewhat similar to watching SW run into a pole on Venom II, but completely unexpected.

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I like pretty much all of the levels in SF64, but I think my least favorite ones are either Bolse, or Sector Z.

Sector Z didn't seem to have enough enemy ships flying around to shoot at to make it alot of "fun," not to mention it's kinda hard to see in the level, and it's kinda annoying when your wingmen get the credit for shooting down the Copperhead missles. (Especially when you're trying to get the medal.)

I admit, flying around the Great Fox ship (wich is normally obscured off-screen) was kinda cool though.

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  • 1 month later...


Sector Z isn't boirng, its hair-pulling annoying.

Especially when trying to get a medal.  You're going for the last ten points you need by shooting a missile, but one of your wing mates helps you shoot at it. If the wing mate delivers the killing blow, NO PUNTOS FOR U.  You practically need the missiles to get a medal on Sector Z.  I sent all my wing mates to the docking bay the second time I tried getting a medal there. lol

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Well, it's not the worst level, but, LOOOOOONG time ago, when my skills were a lot bad, I had some problems with Sector Y the first two times. :facepalm:

I know that it sounds almost impossible and really stupid, but the first time I played it ( come on, I wasn't that good at that time... ) I missed the 100 points because Peppy ( or Falco, I don't remember ) killed one of the bosses. No, seriously, he did it. How? I damaged one of the two "shogun" robots a lot, but without killing it. It was basically reduced at an One HP Boss. While I was about to go back and finally shoot the boss to kill it, Peppy ( or Falco ) anticipated me. I facepalmed.

The second time? Same thing. I facepalmed hitting my face really hard.

How was the score when I finished that mission? 97 the first time, almost 90 the second time.

Nope, today I don't have problems with that level.

And for some strange reasons... I really like Solar.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Which Andross?

Probably Venom I Andross, given you literally just shoot him in the face and he dies.

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I don't like Solar because it has you constantly on the brink of death.

You gotta shoot dem rocks, sony.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  On 12/10/2010 at 4:46 PM, Fire Yoshi said:


For me, that was the hardest level to achieve a medal on.

I think i agree. The boss is very annoying with a Landmaster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  On 12/7/2010 at 11:50 PM, Dragzilla66 said:


Gah! I'd recognize that screen anywhere!

My least favorite stage would still be Aquas, as I can't see very well anyway, and then the oyster boss always takes me forever to beat.

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Oh CRAP,I screwed up BIG TIME...I posted in the wrong topic,in the wrong forum...

*Depeche Mode Wrong*

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  • 2 weeks later...

AQUAS, though it is decent.

But every other level in the entire game is freakin' amazing. :P

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The missin where a random Cornerian Base has a bomb in it and guess who are you going to cal to ruin/annoy the crap out of your day? *Epic Drum roll*

"Look-out, it's StarWolf...!"

I just couldn't really keep them off of the team's tails and shoot down StarWolf at the same time; that, and i wasnt good at the game back then....

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