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WORST level in Star Fox 64


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After watching some playthroughs again, I have to say that Solar is probably my least favourite. I mean, where the other levels are always changing with different terrain and enemies, Solar pretty much amounts to "lava wave...another lava wave...some birds...some rocks...more lava...more rocks..."

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@ Drasnia. Id have to disagree with you. At Solar there is the possibility of Bill Grey being with you ( who I think makes a level more fun)

My least fav is sector X. Yeah I know you can have Bill, but that is only if you kill the mothership and switch the course to sector X. The warp thing for sector Z is too hard, there is creepy music, you have to rescue Slippy... etc.

Mostly though it seems like kind of a creepy depressing level, like flying through a Soviet space station that went rogue... But that is just me.

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  On 11/4/2011 at 3:05 AM, TCPeppyTc said:

@ Drasnia. Id have to disagree with you. At Solar there is the possibility of Bill Grey being with you ( who I think makes a level more fun)

My least fav is sector X. Yeah I know you can have Bill, but that is only if you kill the mothership and switch the course to sector X. The warp thing for sector Z is too hard, there is creepy music, you have to rescue Slippy... etc.

Mostly though it seems like kind of a creepy depressing level, like flying through a Soviet space station that went rogue... But that is just me.

Bill makes the level fun because he plays it for you.

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...Solar doesn't suck because despite its repetative nature and unchanging environment, Bill is in it, yet your least favourite level is the tense, constantly-changing, dangerous and spooky one, that also has Bill in it?

wat :V;

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I like them all but if I had to choose one it would probably be either Macbeth or Aquas.

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@ Drasny. It doesnt have Bill in it if the base gets blown up, if I remember correctly. I suppose I can validate your dislike with Solar though.... To each their own...

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  On 11/4/2011 at 2:09 PM, TCPeppyTc said:

@ Drasny. It doesnt have Bill in it if the base gets blown up, if I remember correctly. I suppose I can validate your dislike with Solar though.... To each their own...

Bill isn't in Solar either if that happens :/ I can agree with to each their own but your reasoning there was kind of...bad.

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@ Drasnia.

I meant the Katina base, not the Fortuna base. You cannot go to Solar if base in Katina is blown up. I guess I just dont mind the Solar level, and think Bill makes it more fun. Im curious, though, do you have an opinion on Sector X? have you ever done the "warp part of it?

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Sector X is actually one of my favourite levels, for the atmosphere and different ways you can play it (warp route, with Bill).

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I never liked solal. ( Did I spell that right?)

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  On 9/21/2011 at 7:34 PM, Furygun81 said:

<WARNING: Ultimate Star Fox nerdiness coming up> Umm in the 3DS port the text that introduces the boss is:

'Fusion Reactor

Bolse Core'

And when Star Wolf appear they aren't introduced as the

'Ultra Performance All-Range Fighter


like they are on Fichina (or 'Wolfen II' on Venom II) but I guess Star Wolf isn't the boss because of the possibility of them being shot down on Fichina. Also, the core can be considered the boss because those blue lasers fill the entire screen and do a helluva lot of damage.

My absolute worst level had to be Solar. Thankfully you stopped taking damage when you reached 1% hp but at that point anything you touch can kill you. Seriously, that's annoying, to get all that way and to be killed by coming into contact with the massive lava waves by ONE FREAKING PIXEL!

hence why I put in De facto. They might not be the official boss, but still.
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  On 9/21/2011 at 7:34 PM, Furygun81 said:

My absolute worst level had to be Solar. Thankfully you stopped taking damage when you reached 1% hp but at that point anything you touch can kill you. Seriously, that's annoying, to get all that way and to be killed by coming into contact with the massive lava waves by ONE FREAKING PIXEL!

That shouldn't happen. There are both silver rings and silver stars about every two seconds. Also, somewhere in this thread it says Solar is a star with lava on it. I've always questioned whether or not Solar actually is a star. I guess it is. Could it in fact be some kind of planet made up of a lava-like substance that has the same effect as a star?

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^ Solar is supposed to be a star, albeit a small and cold one. I'm not sure if it's canon, but a prominent theory seems to be that Lylat is actually a binary system, and there's a much larger star nearby that provides the bulk of the light (that is never visited, of course).

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Prince Elite, i approve of your sig and avi in every respect.

back on subject, yeah Solar is a star, and I could alaborate further on as to evidence, but a particular sombody beat me to the punch so ill elaborate on my hatred for aquas...

Okay, I understand the inclusion of the landmaster, primarily because it still felt like an arwing, albeit with a shittier gun to aim with. Yet, why are people overlooking the blue marine? Personally i felt it was WORSE than any of the levels. It was slow, enemies came out of fuckin' nowhere while you were pounding down on some random fish thing, the final boss was piss easy.

The blue marine was just about as slow and clunky as the SFAs arwing. The lasers generally didnt have much use because alot of enemies down there needed to be hit with a torpedo to die. Not to mention the goddamn cursor was content with aiming for a pillar while you have 60,000 killer fish with lasers shooting out of their eyes bearing down on you which made the level even more frustrating imo.

So after that we get to the boss... its a giant clam that can apparently move backwards with an eye in its mouth (what?). K so no biggie, torpedo down the barnacles on top, then aim the IMPOSSIBILITY CURSOR on the damn tendon things (which take forever to kill because theres normally 50 other fucking particles the cursor would rather be snuggling with). THEN after they're dead you just spam the barrel roll, laser and torpedo while staying in the center of the screen and boom. Boss dead. Mission over (thank god)

So as you can see Aquas is my least favorite mission... so when i inevitably get around to doing a letsplay where comments decide which planet I go to, I'll likely have everyone steering me in the direction of THE WORST STARFOX LEVEL EVER.

*pant* begi-- Begin tearing apart my rant..

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  On 11/8/2011 at 3:06 PM, scourgeclaw said:

i felt it was WORSE than any of the levels. It was slow, enemies came out of fuckin' nowhere while you were pounding down on some random fish thing

The blue marine was just about as slow and clunky as the SFAs arwing. The lasers generally didnt have much use because alot of enemies down there needed to be hit with a torpedo to die. Not to mention the goddamn cursor was content with aiming for a pillar while you have 60,000 killer fish with lasers shooting out of their eyes bearing down on you which made the level even more frustrating imo.

So after that we get to the boss... its a giant clam that can apparently move backwards with an eye in its mouth (what?). K so no biggie, torpedo down the barnacles on top, then aim the IMPOSSIBILITY CURSOR on the damn tendon things (which take forever to kill because theres normally 50 other fucking particles the cursor would rather be snuggling with). THEN after they're dead you just spam the barrel roll, laser and torpedo while staying in the center of the screen and boom. Boss dead. Mission over (thank god)


Welp, maybe if you didn't suck so much, none of this would be a problem!

NOPE, I AM OF COURSE KIDDING. Aquas does have the potential to be frustrating.

I must say I do find myself skipping it if playing using an emulator. My main gripe with it is certainly that it's less intense than some of the other missions, but I wouldn't say it's actually a bad level. Rather, it could easily be said that it offers a beneficial difference in pacing, adding variety to the game and making it more well rounded as a result.

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Corneria. Not a bad level, it's just that you have to play it as the first level every playthrough. Maybe if they had a choice of starting on either Level 1A or Level 1B, and you had to unlock 1B by completing the game once, then maybe it wouldn't be so repetitive. The fact that I've played this level 30927498 times means that now I can literally play it with my eyes closed (although it is possible, I lost both my wings and got 26 points)

  On 11/8/2011 at 3:37 AM, EchoFox said:

somewhere in this thread it says Solar is a star with lava on it. I've always questioned whether or not Solar actually is a star. I guess it is. Could it in fact be some kind of planet made up of a lava-like substance that has the same effect as a star?

According to the Star Fox 64 player's guide, it's an M Class Star. Lylatian scientists are saying that it's a planet that never cooled from it's genesis state. Nobody knows why, but certain theories are that Andross has been poisoning it, although this is unlikely, and that it won't cool because it's in the Sector X-Y-Z triangle.

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Hot damn. I need a copy of that player's guide.

On Aquas: Everyone seems to hate it, but...I always thought it was a really pretty and cool atmospheric level ._.

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  On 11/9/2011 at 10:59 PM, Drasiana said:

Hot damn. I need a copy of that player's guide.

On Aquas: Everyone seems to hate it, but...I always thought it was a really pretty and cool atmospheric level ._.

Atmospheric, yes

Pain in the ass, YES

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I actually never found it that difficult :V Titania was always the death level for me (though I love it)

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Aquas isn't hard, it's just got horrible sluggish pacing and forces you to spam B to see a fucking anything.

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