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WORST level in Star Fox 64


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Zoness is the worst just because of the search lights... and because of the exploding barrels that were floating in the water. Just couldn't take either the search lights or the barrels out quick enough.

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Yeah, Zoness is a pain and I hate it but the search lights I found rather easy to take out as long as you have fully upgraded lasers. The level I can't stand rather is Macbeth - shooting all the switchers to send the train crashing was far more difficult to me than the search lights on Zoness. Plus I'm really craptacular with a tank.

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Zoness is the worst just because of the search lights... and because of the exploding barrels that were floating in the water. Just couldn't take either the search lights or the barrels out quick enough.

>nova bomb

>problem solved

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>nova bomb

>problem solved

That's the only problem. I'm saving up all my bombs for the boss at the end of the level, so no. I can't use any bombs. :/

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The silver balls the boss shoots out of his cannons supply an overabundance of bombs when you destroy them with your lasers - you really DON'T need to save 'em.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zoness is the worst just because of the search lights... and because of the exploding barrels that were floating in the water. Just couldn't take either the search lights or the barrels out quick enough.

Practice makes perfect my dear...i dare say i'm the bestest at that now... :pimp::cool: :lol:

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  • 3 months later...

I don't hate any of the levels, even if they are too easy.But my least fave level is Venom when you destroy the Bolse outpost.I'm

still trying to get that bloody medal.Anyone know how many hits i need to get it?

Zoness is the worst just because of the search lights... and because of the exploding barrels that were floating in the water. Just couldn't take either the search lights or the barrels out quick enough.

Focus on the lights and stay a good distance away from the barrels.Trust me.

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Venom 1? I believe 150 Hits. I've learned to get used to that level, but I do my best to avoid it all together.

Zoness is 250 hits for a medal, and I've gotten pretty close to it, just need to try harder! Focusing on the searchlights is certainly the key to getting them down, but the other thing to remember is keep your eye out for things to shoot, and clusters to use bombs on. Wise bomb use is crucial on Zoness! Better, the boss can replenish your bomb supply for whichever level you end up going to. Macbeth is a more bomb-worthy level, and you'll probably get more hits there.

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Definitely Aquas, the horrible, sluggish controls of the Blue Marine, (I seriously don't understand why the hell everyone wants that piece of shit to make a comeback in the next SF game. >_< ) combined with the eye raping framerate makes it the most unenjoyable level in the game aside from Sector Z. Especially on Expert Mode. Not to mention the level is so friggin dark to the point where you can barely even see anything.

Did I forget to mention those damn exploding starfish?

Zoness is the worst just because of the search lights... and because of the exploding barrels that were floating in the water. Just couldn't take either the search lights or the barrels out quick enough.

I strongly disagree, Zoness was a great breath of fresh air after dealing with the abomination that was Aquas. I also love the level design, it reminds me of a mix of Titania and the water segment from Fortuna from the first game. As for the searchlights, they really aren't that hard to shoot down, plus I don't really understand why you would want to shoot them anyway since they take you to Sector Z, which is a much worse level than Macbeth IMO. You're much better off going to that level instead. (Unless you're trying to get all the medals in the game, but even then you could just take the warp in Sector X.)

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I think everyone wants the Blue Marine to come back because it wasn't really given its chance to do anything. I would rather see the Great Fox, myself (Peppy, why'd you have to blow it up?). I would assume by what you've written that you haven't played Star Fox 64 3D yet. While it's a remake, they did improve those problems, and the controls were tightened. Though I find while playing Aquas, the best way to get hits is fire so many torpedoes that seeing is no longer a problem because I'm constantly firing them.

Sector Z, its advantage is that your teammates, if you do well, take a good healing. On Macbeth, they don't which puts medal-scoring on Area 6 and Venom 2 non-existent (I can get medals on both).

Titania was never my favourite mainly because of why you end up there, and some aspects of its level design.

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gonna have to say Aquas. i know the darkness and slowness of everything from the torpedoes to the Blue Marine itself are relatively realistic considering it's a submarine, but if i wanted realism i wouldn't be playing a game about talking animal people who fly spaceships and fight a giant disembodied monkey brain. submarines just aren't very fun. the boss wasn't particularly entertaining either; just keep barrel rolling and spewing lasers and torpedoes at everything and then it dies. doesn't even have a schlocky pilot character to taunt you either.

Solar was kind of tedious too, since the only enemy you encounter are those flying fire bird bug whatever things, or rocks, and everything else is just different permutations of lava throwing themselves at you.

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Solar, other than bawling at its revamped looks on the 3DS was rather boring, I'd agree with you on that.

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i liked the idea of Solar, it's just the way it was executed it came out lacking. i think they saw that since the level is constantly sapping your shields, they didn't want to throw too much crazy stuff at you--but then they kind of went too far the other way on it.

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i liked the idea of Solar, it's just the way it was executed it came out lacking. i think they saw that since the level is constantly sapping your shields, they didn't want to throw too much crazy stuff at you--but then they kind of went too far the other way on it.

Personally, I thought Solar was okay. I myself find it to be more tolreable than Sector Z and Aquas. But like you said, it definitely could have been executed much better.

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Zoness is the worst just because of the search lights... and because of the exploding barrels that were floating in the water. Just couldn't take either the search lights or the barrels out quick enough.

This. So much this.

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  • 1 month later...

Sector Z. It's boring and Katt always steals your hitpoints by destroying the missle. And then... I have to restart to get that stupid medaille. ;p

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I have to say either Aquas or Zoness.

Aquas because it's too slow, and the whole submarine and darkness thing weren't so good overall. And of course, just that weirdness of boss at the end. No fighter taunts or anything besides your team, and the conversation starts looping after a minute or two...

Zoness because of meme. Destroy ALL the searchlights! Nope.

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Sector Z...

Having to protect your idiot team, the Great Fox from missiles and get the medal for the required kills at the same time ON EXPERT MODE was a royal pain.

Its even worse if you went to Zoness before and having Katt Monroe there too.

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Sector Z...

Having to protect your idiot team, the Great Fox from missiles and get the medal for the required kills at the same time ON EXPERT MODE was a royal pain.

Its even worse if you went to Zoness before and having Katt Monroe there too.

Agreed. I left Sector Z for last, but everytime I ended at 100 and somthing hits, because stupid Katt detroyed the missle and stole my last 10 hits -.-

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Did you guys never think to warp from Sector X to Sector Z, to avoid medal-stealing Katt?

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Did you guys never think to warp from Sector X to Sector Z, to avoid medal-stealing Katt?

Yup. But that took me longer then just go from Zoness to Sector Z. Shooting those hatches didnt always go too well xD

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Did you guys never think to warp from Sector X to Sector Z, to avoid medal-stealing Katt?

Yes I did.

It doesn't help too much though since your teammates still try and steal your hits from the missles too.

Plus you have to go and shoot those boxes floating around which can also be a pain.

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@ Patch

Your avatar just made me laugh so hard. I love it! :D


I agree on that. Mostly Slippy, deal with it, destoys the missle before me -.-

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